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Posted 2024-08-27 00:54:33
Ulke steeled himself as the three of you entered the active battlefield. Us was sent to claw the boar, taking it down easily, Ulke took the imp to the right, hitting it with a northern swing of his staff.

As the fight continued between the champion and the mind flayer, the squid one demanded they take the helm as well, keeping the demon occupied while the small group dashed and fought their way there.

But who got there first?

Posted 2024-08-27 01:04:39
Seeing an opportunity, Caesy stows her sword and prepares to dash towards the helm. She dodges the claws of one of the remaining imps as she draws nearer. When she was close enough, she reaches forward to grab hold of the transponder's alien like appendages and she pulls the together, giving it a firm tug to get it going. It was done... the ship was making it's way to an odd sort of portal out of Avernus.

But before she could so much as breathe a sigh of relief, the ship lurched downwards. They might not be in Avernus anymore but the ship was too damaged to remain airborne. Gravity was no friend of there's right now. As she felt herself staring to fall, Caesy reaches forward to grab whatever structure was closest to her.


Posted 2024-08-27 01:22:54
Ulke remained defensive until the transponder was plucked and when the plummet began he was easily distracted and slow to grasp for anything, sliding forward on the floor as the angle increased before yelling in fear and grasping fruitless for the grooves of the floor or the edge of a heavy table in panic before everyone was thrown from the helm toward the ground below

Posted 2024-08-27 01:32:39 (edited)
The sound of rushing water greets Caesy's bleary mind as she comes to on the ravaged beach amidst the wreckage of the nautiloid. They had crashed despite any efforts to avoid such an outcome. She had been half expecting her memories to return to her... but alas nothing. Perhaps her mind was ruined beyond repair. She sits up slowly, her mismatched gaze adjusting to the bright sunlight after the dim surrounds in the nautiloid. Bringing a hand up to her temple, she rubs it absent-mindedly in a fruitless attempt to ease the throbbing headache that had been plaguing her since she first came to on that ship. It seemed that was no better now than it had been earlier. Though she couldn't exactly say that surprised her. A crash landing was probably hardly conducive to getting rid of a migraine.

Where she was she hadn't a clue. Though she knew that despite surviving the crash, she was still far from being out of the woods yet. The looming threat of ceremorphosis did well to crush the relief that finding she had survived might have otherwise brought. The other elf she had met on the ship... had he survived? She didn't even know his name, but his was the only friendly face she could remember at the moment. Anyone she might have known prior to this predicament she found herself in was lost to her. Though nobody appeared to be looking for her... so maybe she hadn't had anybody. Her ears pin back slightly at the thought. Forcing herself shakily to her feet, she looks around the beach. The state of the crash site didn't give her high hopes. That much was for certain.


Posted 2024-08-28 14:30:56
Ulke stirred unbeknownst to Caesy just a touch down the beach. With a hum, a furrowed brow, and a flutter of eyelids he sat up slowly, rubbing his head and glancing around slowly. As he took it in, the events of the night came to him and he cautiously got to his feet. Noting the wreckage and the corpses and the water, he paused. Water! He couldn't help but smile to himself at the memory of a good humored exchange and move to it to wash his hands and face of the residue slime and swat for a moment.

After that he stood and glanced to the corpses, noting that none of them had looked like the woman that helped him. Mostly they looked like fisherman or typical civilians, he wanted to find her if he could. She could have gotten hurt or died from this crash and he had saved some magic just in case of this outcome.

Caught between not wanting to draw attention to himself and trying to find her, Ulke decided to raise his voice, not to a full shout but enough to grab the attention of someone on the sand perhaps as he decided to walk the beach carefully. "My lady? Can you hear me? Are you hurt?"

He figured if he walked the beach a couple times, and didn't hear a reply or see her he would move on, but he did hope.

Posted 2024-08-28 14:58:40
All things considered... she wasn't in the worst condition Caesy muses as she straightens up to her full height. As far as crash landings went, things could have gone considerably worse than they had. That did little to offer any reassurance at the moment though. She leans forward slightly to pick up her longsword from the sand. It was undamaged somehow she notes as she slips it into the scabbard on her back. She wasn't sure what to make of any of this. Though she supposed the shock of it all would wear off eventually. No broken bones at least, though until the shock wore off she couldn't be certain of other injuries. None of the dried blood seemed to be her own from what she could tell. A moment later the sound of a voice draws her from her reveries.

Her ears twitch slightly as she turns her head as she attempts to pinpoint where the voice was coming from. Perhaps her companion from the ship had survived as well, the voice sounded familiar. And given that she could remember nothing prior to the ship, she doubted it could be anyone else. She could only hope that it wasn't simply her mind playing tricks on her. Taking a step in the direction the voice seemed to be coming from, she raises one arm to shield her eyes from the glare of the morning sun. It certainly wasn't helping the migraine currently plaguing her.

"Not as far as I can tell. Where are you?" She calls out, taking another step forward. She was feeling less shaky than she had initially when she had stood up. Hopefully that meant the shock of it all was wearing off.


Posted 2024-08-28 15:14:04 (edited)
He walked for a time, his body sore but him mind distracted. Please, please be okay... he thought, before mercy struck and he heard her voice. Turning his head toward the sound he peeked around rubble and rock until he spotted her, then approached with much relief to see her at least standing.

"I am here." a gentle smile before he cleared his throat and ever the optimist offered, "Well... its not a river, but I think it could do the job if need be."

Giving her just a visual once over, determined that, like him, she hadn't been hurt too badly and thus glanced to her face once more. He realized that the immediate peril had passed for this brief moment and took the opportunity to clunkily introduce himself.

"Uh, my name is Ulke, and I am pleased to have survived with you." his eyes were so earnest and his smile invited reply, but did not demand it.

Posted 2024-08-28 15:35:40 (edited)
A dry chuckle escapes Caesy's lips at his comment, the conversation from last night being one of the few memories she actually had access to. "It's certainly no hot bath, but I think it'll do for now. As long as it can get rid of this slime then that's good enough for me." She says, glancing at the water. She wasn't sure where they were... but at least they were off the ship.

Leaning forward slightly, she cups some water in her hands and brings them up to splash her face. In addition to the dried blood, it would wash away what little make-up she wore as well. But she couldn't find it in herself to care about that. She just wanted to feel a little fresher, to maybe clear her head a little bit too. The water was cold, but it was a relief none the less.

She straightens up again a moment later, turning slightly to face her companion again. She felt better, if only just a bit now. That was something at least. In spite of herself, the ghost of a smile flickers across her features. "Caesy... it's certainly a relief to see a friendly face after all that" she says.

Gods above...she could barely remember her own name. If that even was her name... it could very well just be the first random name that sprung to mind for all she knew. But with no recollection of the past, she didn't know what else to do than assume it must be her name. She felt completely out of sorts. But that was probably the least of her problems right now when their little passengers could get hungry at any point.


Posted 2024-08-28 16:21:47
Ulke beamed as he received at least a calling name and nodded, repeating it to confirm before glancing to the wreckage and humming in thought...

The immediate peril had passed but the underlying malign intruder to their minds still needed to be dealt with. As a cleric to his Dancing Lady, he had healed many wounds and ills but this... This seemed beyond his reach in skill.

Finally he settled with, "...We need a healer and to find out where we are," a look to Caesy to hear her thoughts on it as he adds "or at the very least the amount of time we have before we become squidheads..."

Posted 2024-08-28 16:34:45
"It hasn't happened yet... though I haven't the faintest clue how long we were on that blasted ship. But maybe that means we have a fighting chance." Caesy says, surveying the beach around them. She didn't much relish the idea of becoming an illithid. She might have precious little of whoever she was prior to this whole mess... she didn't want to lose that too in the process of becoming one of them.

"I suppose first things first... we should get away from this wreckage. The noise of the crash is bound to have attracted unwanted attention." She says. Maybe they would be lucky and they'd be nearby a settlement of sorts where they could seek out a healer. Though even if they could find one, she wasn't naive enough to believe a cure was guaranteed. Few were probably experienced with such an affliction.

"Is your tadpole messing with your head by any chance?" She asks after a moment of silence following her last statement. She didn't think memory loss was a symptom of ceremorphosis. But she was far from an expert on the subject, so maybe it was. Part of her hoped that was all it was.


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