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Earn up to 1000 SC with your fish!

Earn up to 1000 SC with your fish!
Posted 2024-08-26 01:30:34 (edited)
Last Update:
17th Jan, 2025 19:25 WD Time

To Begin With Everything
    Hi everyone! I have a fishing minigame project related to delicate meat weight at HERE.
    Considered that working on myself is quite slow, I decided to set up a reward for whoever can help me fill the chart and narrow the ranges.
    Read the Explanation if you don't quite understand how the charts work; Read 'What about the Rewards' part before you leave your records. Please understand that unverified records will NOT recieve my rewards.
    I have every single record of my data, they are either from myself, RWG guide, or Grouse guide. I'm planning to update all of them as screenshot at some time. I promise. :D
    Pay attention to the update info on top. If thread chart isn't updated, I would inform you of the latest data in my reply.

    In short, you get delicate meat by submitting a fish in fishing minigame. And there's an exact number which decides you get the piece of meat or not. This is why the fishing delicate meat chart and this thread is born.

    So, by submitting a fish, you either get a delicate meat, or not.
    For a certain fish, the max weight submitted without obtaining a DM, and the minimum weight submitted with DM forms a range.
    By submitting fish within this range, it narrows, until the two sides' difference is 0.01. By then, when you submit a higher or equal weight than the minimum weight submitted with DM, you get delicate meat. If smaller, you don't. Thus the delicate meat weight of this fish is nailed.

Where's your data?
Current Data Direction:
Common, Regular
Uncommon, Rare, Legendary

What about the rewards?
[[ 1. Rule ]]
    Please only submit data of fish which weight lies between 'Max Without DM' & 'Min With DM', and not equal to any side.
    If you'd like to submit a fish, follow these two steps:
(1) copy this, type your data, then post a new comment in this thread following the format below:
Fish Name:
With Delicate Meat? :

*Please write yes or no in the last question.
*Post a new comment each time you submit data. I would not search through old comments for new data.
(2) Attach a screenshot of the user log that records your fish caught, in order to verify it. Please mind, data submitted without screenshots would not earn rewards.
The screenshot should contain these info:
• Full log content
• Log time
Search your fish log

[[ 2. Rewards ]]
(1) If you submit data of a fish with x > 2, you get a reward of 200 SC;
(2) If you submit data of a fish with 1 < x ≤ 2, you get a reward of 300 SC;
(3) If you submit data of a fish with 0.5 < x ≤ 1, you get a reward of 400 SC;
(4) If you submit data of a fish with 0.1 < x ≤ 0.5, you get a reward of 700 SC;
(5) If you submit data of a fish with x ≤ 0.1, you get a reward of 1000 SC.

Posted 2024-08-26 01:38:30 (edited)

[[- Data Chart -]]

Common, Regular

Use Ctrl+F or search feature of your
browser to find the fish you want.

Text with delete line means this fish's
delicate meat weight has been found.

Fish NameMax Without DMMin With DMDifference
Alaska Blackfish0 lb 4.87 oz0 lb 5.01 oz0.14
Arctic Cisco1 lb 15.95 oz2 lb 0.36 oz0.41
Arctic Lamprey0 lb 3.46 oz0 lb 3.84 oz0.38
Arroyo Chub0 lb 15.97 oz1 lb 0 oz0.03
Brook Stickleback0 lb 0.19 oz0 lb 0.2 oz0.01
Creek Chub0 lb 5.97 oz0 lb 6.02 oz0.05
Fallfish1 lb 7.88 oz1 lb 8.01 oz0.13
Firemouth Cichlid0 lb 1.99 oz0 lb 2.04 oz0.05
Flame Chub0 lb 2.48 oz0 lb 2.5 oz0.02
Four-eyed Fish0 lb 11.96 oz0 lb 12.11 oz0.15
Green Sunfish0 lb 15.99 oz1 lb 0 oz0.01
Least Cisco0 lb 4.89 oz0 lb 5.03 oz0.14
Logperch0 lb 0.24 oz0 lb 0.25 oz0.01
Longear Sunfish0 lb 15.97 oz1 lb 0.4 oz0.43
Mummichog0 lb 0.24 oz0 lb 0.25 oz0.01
Northern Hogsucker0 lb 11.98 oz0 lb 12.02 oz0.04
Northern Redbelly Dace0 lb 15.94 oz1 lb 0.06 oz0.12
Northern Studfish0 lb 15.67 oz1 lb 0.07 oz0.4
Northern Sunfish0 lb 15.9 oz1 lb 0.07 oz0.17
Orangespotted Sunfish0 lb 15.96 oz1 lb 0.02 oz0.06
Red Shiner0 lb 4.99 oz0 lb 5.01 oz0.02
Redeye Bass2 lb 7.77 oz2 lb 8.02 oz0.25
Redspotted Sunfish0 lb 15.94 oz1 lb 0.09 oz0.15
Rio Grande Cichlid0 lb 15.99 oz1 lb 0.14 oz0.15
River Carpsucker3 lb 7.71 oz3 lb 8.02 oz0.31
River Chub2 lb 5.75 oz2 lb 9.12 oz3.37
River Goby0 lb 15.78 oz1 lb 0.2 oz0.42
Rusty Crayfish0 lb 15.85 oz1 lb 0.09 oz0.24
Sailfin Molly0 lb 0.14 oz0 lb 0.15 oz0.01
Silver Lamprey0 lb 1.99 oz0 lb 2.01 oz0.02
Speckled Dace0 lb 1.99 oz0 lb 2 oz0.01
Swamp Darter0 lb 1.49 oz0 lb 1.5 oz0.01
Tadpole Madtom0 lb 0.24 oz0 lb 0.25 oz0.01
Threadfin Shad0 lb 15.99 oz1 lb 0.03 oz0.04
Three-Spined Stickleback0 lb 0.34 oz0 lb 0.35 oz0.01
Wimple Piranha0 lb 1.48 oz0 lb 1.5 oz0.02
Fish NameMax Without DMMin With DMDifference
Alewife0 lb 1.95 oz0 lb 2 oz0.05
Arctic Grayling3 lb 15.77 oz4 lb 0 oz0.23
Arctic Whitefish9 lb 8.1 oz10 lb 0.9 oz8.8
Bluegill2 lb 3.88 oz2 lb 4.81 oz0.93
Brook Trout3 lb 7.78 oz3 lb 8.39 oz0.61
Coastal Cutthroat Trout2 lb 7.81 oz2 lb 8.8 oz0.99
Common Shiner0 lb 3.48 oz0 lb 3.51 oz0.03
Desert Sucker1 lb 15.97 oz2 lb 0.03 oz0.06
Flathead Mullet4 lb 15.87 oz5 lb 0.65 oz0.78
Flier0 lb 11.96 oz0 lb 12 oz0.04
Freshwater Drum9 lb 12.7 oz10 lb 0.45 oz3.75
Golden Redhorse2 lb 7.56 oz2 lb 8.09 oz0.53
Goldeye1 lb 7.97 oz1 lb 8.64 oz0.67
Jaguar Cichlid1 lb 7.75 oz1 lb 8 oz0.25
Lake Whitefish4 lb 15.63 oz5 lb 1.58 oz1.95
Mountain Sucker0 lb 15.96 oz1 lb 0.08 oz0.12
Mud Shad1 lb 11.56 oz1 lb 12.12 oz0.56
Peamouth1 lb 7.76 oz1 lb 8.38 oz0.62
Perch2 lb 15.91 oz3 lb 0.3 oz0.39
Quillback1 lb 15.27 oz2 lb 0.16 oz0.89
Redbreast Sunfish1 lb 3.63 oz1 lb 4.26 oz0.63
Redear Sunfish0 lb 7.48 oz0 lb 7.5 oz0.02
Round Whitefish1 lb 7.18 oz1 lb 8.01 oz0.83
Sacramento Blackfish2 lb 7.95 oz2 lb 8.08 oz0.13
Sauger0 lb 15.93 oz1 lb 0.01 oz0.08
Shad3 lb 15.85 oz4 lb 0.03 oz0.18
Shoal Bass3 lb 15.01 oz4 lb 0.08 oz1.07
Shorthead Redhorse1 lb 7.96 oz1 lb 8.01 oz0.05
Signal Crayfish0 lb 15.97 oz1 lb 0.12 oz0.15
Smallmouth Bass5 lb 13.77 oz6 lb 0.45 oz2.68
Spotted Gar2 lb 15.07 oz3 lb 0.04 oz0.97
Spotted Shovelnose Catfish1 lb 7.89 oz1 lb 9.36 oz1.47
Warmouth1 lb 3.92 oz1 lb 4.16 oz0.24
White Crappie2 lb 5.88 oz2 lb 9.19 oz3.31
Yaqui Sucker4 lb 14.41 oz4 lb 15.66 oz1.25
Yellow Bass6 lb 7.57 oz6 lb 8.14 oz0.57

Posted 2024-08-27 01:32:19 (edited)

Uncommon, Rare, Legendary

Use Ctrl+F or search feature of your
browser to find the fish you want.

Text with delete line means this fish's
delicate meat weight has been found.

Fish NameMax Without DMMin With DMDifference
Bering Cisco0 lb 11.53 oz0 lb 12.45 oz0.92
Bigmouth Buffalo24 lb 6.77 oz25 lb 0.3 oz9.53
Black Buffalo14 lb 14.86 oz15 lb 0.53 oz1.67
Blue Catfish24 lb 14.57 oz25 lb 2.78 oz4.21
Blue Sucker3 lb 7.78 oz3 lb 8.14 oz0.36
Bonytail Chub1 lb 3.97 oz1 lb 4.08 oz0.11
Bowfin9 lb 14.09 oz10 lb 2.73 oz4.64
Brown Bullhead3 lb 11.19 oz4 lb 3.05 oz7.86
Bull Trout15 lb 8 oz16 lb 0.94 oz8.94
Carp15 lb 7.24 oz15 lb 11.25 oz4.01
Chain Pickerel2 lb 7.81 oz2 lb 8.18 oz0.37
Chum Salmon10 lb 14.7 oz11 lb 1.43 oz2.73
Colorado River Cutthroat Trout4 lb 15.51 oz5 lb 0.17 oz0.66
Flathead Catfish24 lb 11.2 oz25 lb 1.39 oz6.19
Flatwhiskered Catfish5 lb 7.02 oz5 lb 8.37 oz1.35
Lake Trout19 lb 10.43 oz20 lb 1.72 oz7.29
Largemouth Bass11 lb 4.61 oz13 lb 0.83 oz28.22
Longnose Sucker3 lb 6.1 oz3 lb 8.48 oz2.38
Mayan Sea Catfish7 lb 7.83 oz7 lb 9.03 oz1.2
Mexican Golden Trout1 lb 13.35 oz2 lb 0.23 oz2.88
Mountain Whitefish3 lb 0.81 oz3 lb 0.9 oz0.09
Nelma24 lb 11.36 oz25 lb 0.36 oz5
Pink Salmon7 lb 7.35 oz7 lb 8.05 oz0.7
Rio Grande Cutthroat Trout3 lb 15.77 oz4 lb 0.43 oz0.66
Rock Bass1 lb 7.09 oz1 lb 8.47 oz1.38
Roundtail Chub1 lb 7.96 oz1 lb 8.28 oz0.32
Shortnose Gar1 lb 4.84 oz1 lb 8.91 oz4.07
Silver Redhorse2 lb 7.43 oz2 lb 8.11 oz0.68
Smallmouth Buffalo9 lb 13.67 oz10 lb 2.16 oz4.49
Sockeye Salmon7 lb 7.86 oz7 lb 8.64 oz0.78
Spotted Bass5 lb 5.6 oz5 lb 8.51 oz2.91
Suwannee Bass1 lb 15.99 oz2 lb 0.14 oz0.15
Twohorn Sculpin6 lb 7.44 oz6 lb 8.26 oz0.82
Walleye11 lb 9.02 oz12 lb 8.54 oz15.52
White Bass2 lb 14.67 oz3 lb 0.84 oz2.17
Yellow Bullhead1 lb 15.59 oz2 lb 1.16 oz1.57
Fish NameMax Without DMMin With DMDifference
American Eel8 lb 3.37 oz8 lb 8.52 oz5.15
Apache Trout2 lb 10.58 oz3 lb 3.89 oz9.31
Arctic Char9 lb 14.06 oz10 lb 0.84 oz2.78
Athabasca Rainbow Trout1 lb 7.95 oz1 lb 8.56 oz0.61
Atlantic Salmon14 lb 1.66 oz15 lb 2.07 oz16.41
Big Sandy Crayfish0 lb 15.79 oz1 lb 0.72 oz0.93
Bighead Carp20 lb 5.96 oz25 lb 3.48 oz77.52
Black Bullhead1 lb 7.97 oz1 lb 11.27 oz3.3
Black Carp24 lb 0.67 oz25 lb 1.73 oz17.06
Blind Swamp Eel7 lb 5.37 oz7 lb 9.41 oz4.04
Broad Whitefish17 lb 3.6 oz18 lb 12.94 oz25.34
Burbot10 lb 13.44 oz13 lb 3.81 oz38.37
Cavefish0 lb 2.45 oz0 lb 2.81 oz0.36
Channel Catfish24 lb 12.1 oz25 lb 6.58 oz10.48
Florida Gar4 lb 15.5 oz5 lb 0 oz0.5
Gila Trout0 lb 7.99 oz0 lb 8.07 oz0.08
Grass Pickerel0 lb 15.31 oz1 lb 0.93 oz1.62
Kokanee Salmon2 lb 10.35 oz3 lb 1.31 oz6.96
Mudpuppy0 lb 7.63 oz0 lb 8.06 oz0.43
Muskellunge27 lb 9.08 oz30 lb 7.62 oz46.54
Northern Cavefish0 lb 3.95 oz0 lb 4.18 oz0.23
Northern Pikeminnow3 lb 6.81 oz3 lb 8.43 oz1.62
Northern Snakehead8 lb 2.81 oz9 lb 2.35 oz15.54
Painted Turtle0 lb 7.95 oz0 lb 8 oz0.05
Pirapitinga23 lb 13.71 oz26 lb 1.88 oz36.17
Rainbow Darter0 lb 0.17 oz0 lb 0.23 oz0.06
Razorback Sucker6 lb 7.79 oz6 lb 8.32 oz0.53
Redfin Pickerel1 lb 7.29 oz1 lb 8.16 oz0.87
Redtail Catfish23 lb 2.82 oz24 lb 3.74 oz16.92
Sacramento Pikeminnow4 lb 9.52 oz5 lb 0.35 oz6.83
Sea-Run Brook Trout4 lb 14.96 oz5 lb 0.92 oz1.96
Tropical Gar3 lb 7.89 oz3 lb 8.06 oz0.17
Westslope Cutthroat Trout1 lb 7.93 oz1 lb 8.14 oz0.21
White Bullhead4 lb 13.86 oz5 lb 0.14 oz2.28
Yaqui Catfish1 lb 7.9 oz1 lb 8.01 oz0.11
Yellowstone Cutthroat Trout0 lb 15.96 oz1 lb 0.54 oz0.58
Fish NameMax Without DMMin With DMDifference
Alligator Gar23 lb 15.06 oz26 lb 2.44 oz35.38
Alligator Snapping Turtle33 lb 2.74 oz35 lb 2.62 oz31.88
Atlantic Sturgeon10 lb 4.85 oz32 lb 3.94 oz351.09
Axolotl0 lb 3.67 oz0 lb 4.05 oz0.38
Baby Alligator28 lb 12.2 oz37 lb 8.6 oz140.4
Baby Crocodile31 lb 5.21 oz36 lb 10.39 oz85.18
Black Spot Piranha1 lb 9.74 oz2 lb 10.17 oz16.43
Bog Turtle0 lb 1.72 oz0 lb 2.09 oz0.37
Bull Shark25 lb 1.63 oz38 lb 6.73 oz213.1
Bullfrog0 lb 15.05 oz1 lb 1.58 oz2.53
California Newt0 lb 0.19 oz0 lb 0.22 oz0.03
Chinook Salmon22 lb 15.01 oz25 lb 4.82 oz37.81
Coho Salmon9 lb 11.22 oz15 lb 4.39 oz89.17
Colorado Pikeminnow30 lb 7.33 oz59 lb 5.94 oz462.61
Common Snapping Turtle24 lb 14.75 oz25 lb 4.85 oz6.1
Grass Carp33 lb 9.34 oz34 lb 8.94 oz15.6
Green Sturgeon33 lb 6.63 oz38 lb 8.06 oz81.43
Greenland Shark32 lb 13.65 oz36 lb 2.7 oz53.05
Gulf Sturgeon32 lb 1.6 oz37 lb 15.84 oz94.24
Hellbender2 lb 4.66 oz2 lb 12.15 oz7.49
Lake Sturgeon32 lb 13.69 oz34 lb 1.56 oz19.87
Longnose Gar27 lb 4.13 oz29 lb 7.05 oz34.92
Northern Pike28 lb 15.99 oz30 lb 7.28 oz23.29
Northern Red-Bellied Cooter3 lb 5.32 oz4 lb 1.6 oz12.28
Paddlefish23 lb 1.72 oz25 lb 9.31 oz39.59
Pallid Sturgeon31 lb 7.28 oz37 lb 9.47 oz98.19
Red King Crab3 lb 2.25 oz3 lb 4.36 oz2.11
Rough-Skinned Newt0 lb 0.19 oz0 lb 0.2 oz0.01
Seal Pup32 lb 10.42 oz47 lb 12.47 oz242.05
Shovelnose Sturgeon4 lb 13.64 oz5 lb 9.1 oz11.46
Spotted Turtle0 lb 9.78 oz0 lb 14.58 oz4.8
Tambaqui34 lb 9.45 oz37 lb 0.17 oz38.72
Tiger Muskie14 lb 7.13 oz15 lb 10.4 oz19.27
Western Pond Turtle1 lb 2.32 oz1 lb 6.37 oz4.05
White Sturgeon34 lb 10.04 oz37 lb 3.5 oz41.46
Wood Turtle1 lb 2.59 oz1 lb 5.95 oz3.36

Posted 2024-08-27 04:05:13 (edited)
Verified List
# / Name / id / Fish name / weight / DM
#1 katastrophic #12334 Painted Turtle 7.95 oz N
#2 katastrophic #12334 Mud Shad 1 lb 11.56 oz N
#3 katastrophic #12334 Mud Shad 1 lb 12.12 Y
#4 katastrophic #12334 Longear Sunfish 15.97 oz N
#5 Lilac #71212 Colorado River Cutthroat Trout 4 lb 15.51 oz N
#6 Lilac #71212 Shorthead Redhorse 1 lb 7.96 oz N
#7 Lilac #71212 Mountain Whitefish 3 lb 0.81 oz Y

Posted 2024-08-27 04:05:29
reserved for further use

Posted 2024-08-27 04:05:36
reserved for further use

Posted 2024-08-27 04:05:47
reserved for further use

Posted 2024-08-27 04:05:52
reserved for further use

Posted 2024-08-28 13:52:43
i hope i'm doing this right! i apologize if it's incorrect - this would be a max without DM

Fish Name: Painted Turtle
Weight: 7.95 oz
With Delicate Meat?: no

current max listed: 7.86 oz


Posted 2024-08-28 13:59:29
You got it right!
According to the chart, Painted Turtle's current difference is 0.14, so the reward goes 500sc.
Thank you for your data!

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