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Giving 6 GC + Guarana To People! (Read 1st Page!)

Giving 6 GC + Guarana To People! (Read 1st Page!)
Posted 2024-08-29 09:33:52 (edited)
I will randomly give GC to four people!
I will roll four times.

1st Place will get 1 Guarana.
2nd Place will get 3GC.
3rd Place will get 2GC.
4th Place will get 1GC.

I have nothing much else to offer since I really don't have anything.

Have so far read every prompt- your wolves, stories, and lore are so beautiful! :))

Prompts: (You just need to answer one!)
- How is your day going?
] Am okay.
- What's your favorite NBW?
] Permafrost! Giveaways claim, they are my favorite so far. That or Redwood, who's my first NBW.
- Share some pack lore!
] I don't have any just yet.
- How did you join WD?
] Lioden: I still main it, but I'd thought I'd give WD a try again. Both. Both are good.
- What are your plans for your next Stud/Leader/Both?
] I'm following a self-imposed challenge (basically hardmode but more difficult in terms of goals), my leader will most likely be a decendant of my first leader. I might name them Ekko, because my pride in LD is Arcane themed.

The Giveaway will end....

] -1 for my comment and a -1 for a page 5 comment.
] 10 Comments per page. (9 for the first page)
] Side account + Main = One entry
] I would give a bonus ticket to people who join a group... but I don't have the materials for that. At all.
] I might turn this into a general Giveaway thread!
] I plan to try and read every single prompt in my freetime! :)

Posted 2024-08-29 09:39:08
Hi! My day is going well! I'm working on a massive pack project and a roleplay-focused project that requires getting input from others so lots of projects as well as irl work. How's your day going? I don't have pack lore to dump yet :)
432302 - Event RO Only

Posted 2024-08-29 09:42:38
My day is going well! Currently grinding event quests for shop items lol

Posted 2024-08-29 09:44:26
Hi! My day is going good! Pretty slow. My pack started with a wolf named Cheeto'Flame, I made his backstory wonky lol. He recently died and now I have my girl Moon'Flower running my pack.

Posted 2024-08-29 09:47:02
Hi My day has been great! My pack is currently getting used to its their scenery, moved from the taiga to the rainforest and hunting has gotten easier! My wolves are currently dealing with shadow wolves that can mimic voices and bodies


Posted 2024-08-29 09:47:06
I'm good, I have football practice today and a cute guy asked me for my number, so that was nice. I like my first NBW because he was a T3 and I was just so excited when I found him. I did sell him, so I don't know where he is now. Here's some lore I wrote for my favorite wolf:

Dorian Jr. was born to Dorian Sr. and Lichen. His mother loved him, but he never saw much of his father, who was always off with that scum traveler, Rhodochrosite. He was bitter about this, but he made sure that everyone else in the pack. He was charming, sweet, pleasant, and likable. He talked to the older wolves, listening attentively to their stories and laughing with them. He played with the adols, and being the strong pup he was, he was able to keep up with them. He played with the other pups, teasing them and giggling with them. He hung out with the adults, making them laugh and being silly. The whole pack loved him. He hoped that maybe, just maybe, if he made everyone else love him, them his father would finally notice him. He had his father's dashing looks and charm, aswell as his headstrong stubbornness.

Dorian was bitter. His father had pups with Rhodochrosite. They had all his attention, leaving no room for him to be proud of Dorian. He detested the pups that Rhodochrosite and his father had. As he watched his father coo over his half siblings, he thought bitterly that should be me. He decided that he would just have to try twice as hard, charm everyone even more, throw all his effort into training, outshine everyone. He knew he could do it.

Once Dorian was aloud to start training, he immediately went to Eiro, one of the oldest and most skilled hunters in the pack,  and charmed him into giving him a hunting lesson. Eiro agreed, and brought along two other pups, Freedom and Anthony. Dorian put so much effort into that first lesson. He did amazing, managing to catch a few small mice and squirrels. He was extremely proud that his first lesson went well.

His half brother, Rhodochrosite's son, Butterfly took to following Dorian around and calling him 'Junior'. This annoyed Dorian, but he tolerated it. That damn pup never stop talking. He had wild ideas and big dreams, and loved telling Dorian about it.

Dorian excelled in his training, working harder then any of the other pups. He won over the approval of his father's real mate, the Alpha herself, Twister. She said that he rivaled her own heir, and that with time, she would see if he could become the future king. His mother was terribly proud of him, and he was very proud of himself too. He walked with a new confidence, mimicking the tail-high, nose up, grinning way that Twister walked. It was a risky move, to act so important and confident, but the other pups seemed to accept him as the one in charge of them. His father started to notice him a little more. He congratulated him on successful training or play fights with the other pups, and he even had a few short conversations with his father

Butterfly stopped following Dorian around once he befriended the son of Queen Twister, Hurricane. He was thankful for this, so he could focus on his training.

As he got older, Dorian was aloud to start apprenticing. He was fast, so he decided to apprentice under the Chasers of the best hunting party in the pack. He did well, and continued to gain respect from others as the pack grew. When a new adol joined the pack, he made sure to assert his dominance. All of them submitted to him, all but one, a big brute of a male named Tex. Tex came from a huge pack, where everyone had to fight to get their share of food and other resources. When Dorian went for his ear, Tex immediately rammed him with his shoulder, driving him into a tree. Dorian staggered to his paws, his ribs aching from where the hit the tree. He flashed his teeth at Tex before disappearing into his den where he lived with his mother. His mother gave him a light lick on the side and told him that if he wanted to keep his reputation that he should march out there and bite back. He nodded, squared his shoulders, and strutted out of the cave, his eyes scanning for Tex.

Posted 2024-08-29 10:20:03
HELLO! My day been….chaotic lol, my favorite NBW? Might be my bbg, I love her so much since she's the first T3 chased that I've gotten :3
I don't have any pack lore since I can't write anything, my brain isn't very good at thinking lol :D
._.Unknown._r (They/them)

Posted 2024-08-29 10:20:32
hi! my day is going good, my favorite nbw has to be the first chased I found which was a t3.


Posted 2024-08-29 10:20:55 (edited)
Hi! My day has been going good <3
hm... fav NBW? This pretty boi:

has been with me for a long time.

Here's some lore i wrote:

Two-face isn't exactly a soul, but also not exactly a spirit, something in between. When Two-Face, originally named Mountain, ascended to the judgmental plane, Starpack and the Dark Forest looked over his life to see where his afterlife would be. Mountain had done lots of good, he gave up food for pups and elders, he searched the elders for ticks even though he was a warrior, he even rescued his least favorite packmate, Sky from the clutches of a two-leg. But Mountain had also done bad. He had eaten prey before delivering to his pack, and he had ignored the alpha's orders, both of which were against the warrior code. Starclan and the Dark Forest agreed (which they rarely do) that Mountain had done equal good and bad in his life.
"We will send you back to the world..." the two figures said. Their voices combined were every deceased cat's mixed together.
"... But you will bare a mark to the judgmental plane..." they continued, "... A reminder that you have done bad." they finished.
Mountain felt a searing heat on his body, it was on his face, his body, his tail. When the pain subsided, Mountain looked down to see his beautiful pelt now covered with patches of black. The most peculiar marking of all was on his face, where the blackness covered half of his face.
"You will now be known as Two-Face..." The voice said, "... and we will now send you back to your world below to live another life..."
The ground beneath Two-Face disappeared and he plummeted to the ground. Two-Face hit the ground with a sickening thump and pain shot up one of his legs. The world swayed around him, and them went black.
Two-Face woke up in a cozy nest, with a very colorful wolf looking down on him.
"You okay?" the voice asked, full of gentleness. "You took quite a fall there... my name is Sunset, Sunset over the Ocean Waves." Sunset said.
"Nice t-to meet you, S-Sunset." Two-Face croaked. "My name is T-Two-Face."
Then Two-Face closed his eyes, not able to bare the world spinning around him.
"Whoa there, let me get you something for the headache."
Sunset went into a shadowed part of the den, taking out an herb of some sort.
"Feverfew." he said, simply, "Now eat it."
Sunset obeyed and ate the herb. Soon, his head stopped spinning.
"Thank you." Two-Face said. "What pack am I in?" he questioned.
"You're in the Night of No Stars pack, make yourself at home."
Two-Face did just that. He met new wolves, hunted with them. He made small talk with his new pack, learning where to get the plumpest rabbits or find the juiciest berries. The only time he ever remembers about his past life is in dreams... ones he disregards... for now.


Posted 2024-08-29 10:23:03
Hello! I'm doing relatively well. Not the best though, could be better. One of our chickens needs to be put down unfortunately, she's paralyzed or something, and in a lot of pain. She isn't getting any better so we're planning on letting her go today.
My current favorite NBW is this bluechrist wolf I found a couple days ago! Very lucky find, glad to have her.
I don't really have any concrete lore for my pack yet, But I'm sure that will change, I have plenty of ideas!

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