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To Follow Hades [Group rp | open]

To Follow Hades [Group rp | open]
Posted 2024-09-01 12:33:16 (edited)
This is the rp thread for To Follow Hades group rp.

To Follow Hades is about the prey and the predators befriending each other, and living together in peace and harmony. However, is everything always so peaceful? There sure are those who don't take it too kindly that the enemies spend time with each other and even seem to enjoy it. Will the land ever be truly peaceful place for everyone to live, or will it eventually turn out to be too small for the peace to fall upon the vast plateaus? That and all other mysteries shall be discovered and answered upon the upcoming pages.

Whether you'd like to play a prey animal or perhaps a predator, feel free to join in and choose your side. Or perhaps your character will try to remain unbiased while trying to find their own path.

If you'd like to join in, please head here to post your character sheet. This thread is for roleplay replies only.


Posted 2024-09-03 11:07:53
'Those who wonder are not always lost', is a saying Sorethus tells himself more often than not, hoping that one day such saying will finally come true, or rather, he will understand if he was truly lost. The fox-like wolf was often seen as an oman linked with Death and nor does it help that he always kept silent and in the shadows; with each step he stalked through the forest, the sun looming over the lush land he had recently discovered and found himself weary. The scents were a mingle of familiarity and the unknown, he learnt to embrace what he not know given he had wondered the Earth ever since he was chased from his own pack barely at one year of age.

However, the scars kept with him after all those years; there were nights such memories plagued his mind to keep him from the slumber the craved, that made him feel it was necessary to leave once more. But with each land he discovered he was met with unsavory individuals before he can feel at peace once more. Sorethus wasn't entirely sure what he wanted in life and relayed solely upon his senses as he explored the forest, pushing away his thoughts in the process. He soon came upon a cluster of wild flowers that gave a sickeningly sweet scent that made his long muzzle wrinkle, not from disgust but from his lack of familiarity with the scent. Yet it will help him learn of his new surroundings, a soft breeze blew though the silent forest, giving him a sense of comfort and inhaled the scents it had brought forth, his canid mind seeking the explore whilst his rational part of his mind warned to be cautious; he wasn't sure of the dangers he may find after all.


Posted 2024-09-03 11:18:36
Isle was relaxing in a patch of grass debating on what she wanted to hunt because rabbits are fast but catchable but with less meat while deer are harder to catch but more meat.I could just catch 2 rabbits but that would likely take more time than a deer she thought and pondered that for a bit longer before standing up and stretching.Part of her wanted to just skip eating today and go explore the area but she knew she would just be to hungry to focus anyway.

Deciding on deer she lifted her muzzle to the air and checked for any scent of deer and not finding any decided to keep moving until she could find some.Keeping her ears pricked she started off at a smooth trot through the trees

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2024-09-03 12:16:20 (edited)
A coal black doe glanced at the sky where the bright yellow sun was shining high. She swallowed before continuing on her way at an ope field. The black doe's ears flicked nervously and she kept looking around with her large wide eyes almost like she was nervous. And there truly was a reason why the young Fallow Deer would feel that way; she was out in the open. The deer, like any other prey animal, preferred safer and more shadowed areas guarded by trees and bushes, if nothing else. She, however, was far from the safety of the forest walking on an open field instead.

Yötuuli, that was the young deer's name, was searching for anything suitable to eat. She had traveled a long way during the past three days and was exhausted. She wanted nothing more than just find something edible and then find a good safe spot to rest, but sadly it seemed that the life wasn't going to treat her that kindly. The black small hooves left barely any sounds nor prints behind as she focused on placing one slender hoof after the other occasionally sniffing the sprouts on the fields hoping to find some delicious cobs to eat. Perhaps even wheat, if she was really lucky. However, it seemed that the field that was being managed by humans couldn't satisfy the young doe's hunger as there wasn't even tiniest cob to be found. Sadly, Yötuuli had no idea that was expected as the field had been threshed not too long ago and there wouldn't be even a single cob until the next year.

Deciding that she shouldn't waste time on a fruitless search, Yötuuli decided to leave the fruitless field behind as she made her way towards the thicker forest that was rather far away from her. If she couldn't find any chestnuts or other delicious things, at least she could find shade from both the burning sun as well as the strange feeling that she was followed by something or someone. Getting closer and closer to her destination, the doe stopped in the middle of the path just looking ahead of her. There was a beautiful flower field almost like... it had been waiting for her. The beautiful scent of the multiple flowers was nearly overwhelming, but at the same time it was both mouthwatering and... safe. The scent of the flowers seemed to calm her down, it was almost like she truly belonged to where those flowers were.

Getting more enthusiastic than before, Yötuuli continued on, but this time her steps were more energetic, almost bouncing. Soon enough the steps started to become faster and faster until she was trotting towards the flower field already imagining how delicious her meal would taste like. However, suddenly her joy ended like a bucket full of cold water would have been poured on her. She stopped dead on her tracks staring directly in front of her with wide black eyes full of horror. While she had been so happy and enthusiastic of finally finding what she had been looking for, she hadn't noticed that she had ran right on to death blocking her road.

Taking a cautious step back, Yötuuli pinned her ears keeping her alarmed and frightened gaze on the predator. They didn't look like one she was used to seeing around, but still her instincts told her that even though the appearance of the predator was strange, it still was very much thinking of her as a suitable steak. Yötuuli swallowed taking an another cautious step back, she didn't want to end up being anyone's dinner. She was too young to be eaten and probably wasn't even very tasty! Though... what if the wolves preferred more brown colored deer? At least she had never heard of a black deer being eaten, not that she knew many anyway. However, perhaps the black deer just wasn't as tasty as the brown one? Yötuuli could only hope that would be the right assumption.


Posted 2024-09-03 13:25:20
Sorethus' long ears twitched as the breeze came through, then detected the scent of another wolf but based on the scent they were some distance away. He wasn't very keen on interacting with others given his species was naturally timid and shy around others they never met before and due to his appearance had encountered those who enjoyed mocking him. He was often seen as a large fox with deer-like legs rather, or for one those who find it humorous, an offspring of a deer and wolf. Sorethus' kind wasn't commonly seen and knew the mocking names were merely others trying to figure out what he is, and honestly he wasn't too sure either but never paid much mind to it.

His thoughts were interrupted by the other scent that came but took his time glancing over, he soon came face to face with a deer, a doe at hat, and tilted his head. If it wasn't for the sun's rays that crept through the trees overhead to reveal the shimmer of amber in his eyes, one may have thought him lacking any, his pelt had feint traces red due to the light pacing the way to what would have been. It wasn't often for the Maned Wolf to be so close to a deer, he knew than as naturally timid creatures that move with such grace and ran at speeds that makes any predator give them a run of their lives. Sorethus heard of wolves feasting upon deer but his kind favors: rodents, birds and even vegetables with fruits, another reason he had been mocked by other wolves; he wasn't like anything they had even seen before. Still, he doesn't blame for prey animals to run away so soon, it was in their nature much him wishing to pounce upon rodents.

The Maned Wolf's stoic gaze scanned the doe closely only to realize a small but important detail; she was entirely black and found himself tilting his head ever so slightly, 'Never have seen a deer with a pelt similar to mine…perhaps she suffers the same as I or is a breed I not seen before?', it would have been a lie if he were to claim that he wasn't at least somewhat intrigued.
"I must admit…"
He suddenly spoke up, his voice low and gravely, but came in a slightly hushed tone.
"…I've never seen someone of your kind with a pelt similar to mine..are you perhaps…the only one of your herd with such coloration?"
Sorethus spoke simply but curiously, his gaze locked upon the doe's. He was known to lack a filter when it came to his words but learnt it was best to be blunt in order to prevent any misinformation or have his words question, such bluntness made him seen as standoffish at times but he could care less at this age, or situation, part of him expecting the deer to leave the moment she could like the rest.

With a quick sniff the Maned Wolf caught whiff of the flowers once more, they were so sickeningly sweet but found himself lowering his head to take a bite out the cluster, curious if the flower was as sweet as his beloved sugarcanes.


Posted 2024-09-05 12:19:06
The young deer looked at the strange wolf with fearful eyes. Her instincts were telling her to run as fast as she could, yet for some reason her hooves didn't seem to listen those simple orders. She heard the wolf talking to her, but was too scared to reply. He hadn't charged or lunged at her so far, but that didn't mean that it wouldn't happen anytime soon. Weren't predators just like that? Unpredictable and always changing their plans while trying to figure out even more ways to torment their poor prey.

"Herd... Yötuuli hasn't been in one for a long time..." the young doe said her voice being barely a whisper. She was terrified but she  still didn't run away. The black doe tried her best to avoid the wolf's gaze, but still observed him closely. His scent spoke of danger and power, but she couldn't understand why he wasn't using that strength against her. Didn't predator usually act like that? Observing the deer and just waiting for the suitable moment to attack. He, however, seemed oddly... calm. Was it calmness before storm or was it a new kind of trap that's purpose was to wait for the moment when she wouldn't be at guard anymore and then attack her during her weakest moment? Or perhaps he wanted to find her weakness and use that against her?

However, when she saw the wolf lowering his head and starting to eat the flower, her mouth fell open as she stared at him with wide eyes. Never in her life had she seen a wolf eating grass just like her...

"You... you are eating same as me?" Yötuuli whispered taking one tiny step closer as her curiosity took over. She wanted to sniff the wolf to see, if he even was a wolf. Perhaps he was just some very mysterious kind of deer, after all she knew only those who lived in her former herd, she had no idea if there actually were rather hairy deer that resembled wolves.

As Yötuuli was taking an another soft and cautious step closer to the mysterious stranger, her keen sense of smell caught a scent of another wolf. The scent seemed to belong to female this time and it seemed that the other wolf wasn't too far away from the field. She quickly glanced at the other wolf. What if they were pack mates? Had he really just bought time to keep her on the spot before the other wolf would appear so they could finish her off together? Yötuuli quickly put her raised hoof down and took few steps backwards her ears pinned as she sniffed the air again glancing around her every now and then as if looking for the source of the new and alarming scent.


Posted 2024-09-05 12:58:44
Isle stalked a rabbit that she had found before she could find a deer and prepared to lunge ears forward excited to get her first kill of the day.Finally as the rabbit lowered its head she lunged forward and almost got the rabbit before it took off and she gave chase gaining on it.She spotted a burrow that it was likely aiming for and sped up even more leaping forward and catching it snapping its neck for a quick death before putting it down "thank you and I'm sorry I have to eat you" she said softly she didn't particularly like the killing part of hunting the chase was fun and even the stalking was fun but she can't just eat berries all the time she'd get sick.

Soon she had finished the rabbit and went to a stream to clean her muzzle and get a drink.As she got to the stream she lowered her head and cleaned her muzzle before drinking her fill and then lifting her head.Maybe she could find something to simply chase or perhaps just explore.Then she stretched and started walking as the wind changed direction.

As she walked she caught the scent of deer and wolf and slowed debating if she wanted to check it out hmm I am downwind so I could check it out undetected she thought deciding to see what was going on likely just a hunt but she didn't smell blood yet.So she moved a bit more quietly and finally found them a coal black doe and a possibly male black wolf.She stayed in the bushes hidden scent and sight wise and simply watched not wanting to make herself know just yet.

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2024-09-05 16:49:44
The doe's fear was as rather evident to him, and nor does Sorethus blame her in the slightest. Wolves would have pounced on the opportunity for prey of her size given it was easier than hunting smaller mammals, he often stalked plumb rodents, taking the time to learn of their behaviors and determine how vast their numbers before making the kill. In his mind it was best to take a moment to learn of the behaviors of his food to save himself from needing kill so many when can find one prey that will fill his stomach far longer. He considered him fortunate for being able to eat greens as well.

Whilst eating the flower his ears twitched as he listened to the deer, not making any sudden movements, half his focus on the flower he just discovered and the rest of the deer. When she moved closer and expressed her surprise the Maned Wolf kept a stoic expression, his long ears moving to show he was weary of his surroundings, his nostrils flaring as he inhaled the new scents, he can small another wolf nearby and grunted, it wasn't a surprise of course but he not had a conversation with another soul in ages, it would be a shame to allow a stray wolf to hunt a creature in which he shared common grounds with. Sorethus gathered from the doe's words she was alone, deer often felt safe in herds and so he assumed she removed from hers, perhaps the same reason for him, and the way she spoke was that of a timid creature as expected of her kind but she was far braver than others he met; so few of her kind willing to even be in the same area as a predator.

With a grunt Sorethus lifted his head, he demes the flower wasn't sweet enough to his liking and gave a gesture with he head she may feed as much she wished without the need to share as he stepped back from the cluster, his gaze fixated upon her.
"Well Yötuuli…"
His voice came in a low drawl, allowing his muzzle to face the direction of the wolf he picked up the scent of.
"My name is Sorethus, I am without a pack as well, and based on the scent I am certain you can detect as…"
He slowly gazed back to the deer.
"…I suggest you come closer to me, not want you to be killed by this newcomer….and yes I eat anything but your kind…"
He grunted then glanced towards the bush where the scent was strongest, subtly warning Yötuuli where the wolf may be.
"I favor birds..small mammals and a variety of greens…."
Sorethus continued only for his mane to slowly raise, he wasn't sure if the wolf lurking nearby was a threat to him, at least with deer he knew they not attack wolves or other predators given they have the will to live. There was a sense of unease knowing they were being watched at that very moment and Instinctually hunched over as he moved closer to the deer, wanting to make it known he refuses to let her die without a fight. 'Damnit….I have been alone for so long….even if this doe runs from me….I can't just let the only one to even breath the same air as I without feeling repulsed just….die'


Posted 2024-09-05 17:11:28 (edited)
Isle watched this all curiously she hadn't learned of a friend ship between a wolf and deer before.they don't seem hostile though the wolf could attack another just for being in it's territory that is if this is their territory she pondered this for awhile choosing to remain hidden.

Then the wolf called the deer closer and she figured they had smelled her though it was unlikely they knew where she was she decided to show herself.Slowly she stepped out of the brush and tilted her head at them studying them."hm a deer and a wolf as friends that's odd but also cute" she said mildly amused part of her told her to be careful the wolf could be a threat she wasn't very worried about the doe though.

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2024-09-06 08:37:05
It certainly was odd to hear one's name said by someone else, especially since that didn't happen too often with her. His words brought many questions to her mind, but there were only so few answers. Should she trust or should she be cautious? What if it was a trick to just lure her into the trap and eat her when she wasn't on guard? Yötuuli's ears flicked and she lifted her front hoof almost like taking a step, but then placed it down again unsure whether or not she should proceed.

However, when the other wolf emerged from the bushes, Yötuuli almost jumped as she quickly leaped to Sorethus' side her legs trembling with fear as she pressed herself closer to him. It wasn't a rational thing to do. A deer would never blindly trust a predator, but she wasn't thinking rationally. All she wanted was to survive to see tomorrow and if it meant that she should trust a wolf that looked like a deer hybrid or trust one that was pure predator, the choice wasn't that difficult to make.

Yötuuli's ears were pinned back as she wished to hide into Sorethus' fur, but sadly the fur length wouldn't allow her to do that.

"I-I.... I'm not tasty. Black deer taste horrible, really burnt aftertaste..." Yötuuli said her voice trembling as she tried her best to convince the other wolf not to eat her.


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