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To Follow Hades [Group rp | open]

Posted 2024-09-06 08:44:42
isle watched them for a few moments before replying "honestly I just ate and deer isn't usually my first choice anyway" she said and sat down to be a bit less threatening "though I'm really curious of why a deer and a wolf are standing side by side" she said her tail flicked and she studied the two quietly.well then a solid black deer is unusual on its own but with a maned wolf? that's even more new she thought waiting for a reply

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2024-09-06 09:09:34
Depending on conditions wolves can easily smell over a mile away, so when the newcomer entered from the bush Sorethus was already facing them, his maned was fully raised upon his shoulders at the possible threat but kept his composure, he not wish to allow his past to overtake any rational thinking, not everyone was the same after. He felt the doe press into him but kept his attention solely upon the canid as he sniffed the air, registering her scent then gave a grunt upon Yötuuli'a words, 'I don't think one's appearance affects how they taste…we are flesh and bones, walking bags of meat…' he grumbled mentally as his left ear twitched then raised a brow. It not make any sense why for a wolf to not choose deer over other prey animals, in fact, their favorite food were large ungulates, hoofed animals, so naturally when he heard the female claim deer wasn't a first choice it was odd. Unless she prefers other creature in that category but he learnt to never be picky of his food choice.

Sorethus did however, notice she was alone but remained weary, he not know this individual and knew better than to trust a stranger.
"Deer isn't a first choice? How…intriguing…"
His last words were laced with sarcasm as his eyes slowly rolled but chose to move forward in the conversation.
"And if you must know I just met this doe"
Was all he chose to say, not wishing to share any form of information unless necessary nor speak longer than he wished to, in the end he chose to keep silent and watch the other with a calculated gaze. His mane still raised but kept his composure.


Posted 2024-09-06 09:33:07
isle looked at him for a moment possibly trying to judge just how dangerous he was."yes I prefer smaller prey as I don't like having to stay with a kill until I finish it" she said with a yawn "what's intriguing is that you are a flower though not that I would judge that" she said and her ear flicked from curiosity "hm and yet they seem to trust you enough to hide behind you" she commented this encounter was already becoming boring and possibly hostile so she kept her distance.

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2024-09-06 16:19:02
Adeobi huffed as she trotted through the forest, her paw steps making a steady rhythm along the earthen ground. She'd never explored this area before. She must've wandered farther than usual. That wasn't an issue. The young hyena felt like she needed to be away from her clan. It had been a frustrating few days with her sister's constant challenges of dominance. Adeobi's fur bristled at the mere thought of her annoying littermate. When would she learn that she'd never beat her, that Adeobi would never let her win?

As she stewed in her anger, an intriguing scent caught her nose. The hyena stopped in her tracks and lifted her muzzle to analyze the scents. At first, a sweet, almost floral smell caught her attention. Then, the deeper scents of other animals wafted through her nose. She couldn't stop the grin on her muzzle. "Wolves and...a deer! That ought to be good," she threw her head back as she let out a deep laugh. That was definitely an interesting combination. More interesting than wandering aimlessly through the woods cursing her nuisance of family members.

Adeobi set off at a quick pace towards the party. Using her nose to guide her, she thought of all the fun she could have. If she was lucky, the hyena could catch the wolves before they finished the deer off. Stealing a kill was always satisfying. Although she was confused about the lack of blood in the air, she didn't think too much into it. With a raised tail of excitement, Adeobi closed in on the clearing with loud paw steps. Her eyes took in the scene of what looked like two wolves fighting over the same deer. Good thing she was here to show them who's boss. Without a second thought, the large frame of the spotted female bounded into the open field with a large, toothy grin.

Posted 2024-09-07 12:11:28
Yötuuli glanced both at Sorethus as well as the other wolf. So she wasn't going to be eaten? How strange, but she had to admit that she truly was really relieved to hear such great news. The doe really, really didn't fancy the idea of becoming anyone's meal, not now or even later. Meanwhile the deer-like wolf seemed safe enough to be around and even made her feel so safe that she dared to search comfort from him, Yötuuli didn't know yet what to think of this other predator. All her instincts were telling her to run as fast as she could, but still there was something keeping her from doing what both her body and mind wanted. The thin black ears stayed pinned against her neck as she took a tiny step back trying her best to appear almost invisible. Oh how she wished that the shadows would be there to help her to blend in, but sadly, it still was rather many hours before the sun would be ready to settle down for the night.

However, when Yötuuli heard the other wolf call the odd wolf a flower, the tilted her head meanwhile a question could be clearly see in her eyes. It was evident that the black doe didn't understand what the other might have been referring to, but she was also too scared and tense to dare to ask any questions on the matter. Hearing the lady wolf mention how close she was to the wolf, Yötuuli stepped back trying to add some distance between her and the other wolf, almost like fearing that she had broken some unknown rule of the nature. It felt so... vulnerable to be away from someone and even though he was only a wolf, his presence was somewhat... calming.

Yötuuli didn't understand those kinds of feelings. Her kind was supposed to only feel those towards their own herd, she had no idea why Sorethus was triggering those kinds of feelings in her? Was it because she missed her herd so much that she really was desperate to have one, even if a predator would be a part of it? Her mother sure would have turned in her grave, if she knew about what her daughter was up to. She had been very strict, especially with her pitch black fawn.

"D-Do you eat grass too?" Yötuuli finally dared to whisper rising up one of her front hooves as if she would be a pointer dog while her ears flickered to show how nervous she was. She knew that she shouldn't speak to the danger, but the words had just came out before she had had even time to register what exactly she had been saying. Quickly Yötuuli glanced towards Sorethus, almost like silently asking, whether her thoughtless words had been welcomed or a grave mistake that she would regret, perhaps for the rest of her life.


Posted 2024-09-07 12:57:37
"….the hell you mean by flower?"
Sorethus asked bluntly with a disinterested gaze, he heard far worse but for one to be so disrespectful as to called the other a flower was rather odd and insulting, even more so when the female wolf chose to act she was not interested, yet she chose make her statements known? For Sorethus it was a waste of time for everyone if the wolf chose to remain if she was truly uninterested, it reminded him of a wanna be rebel trying to be what they are not but no matter, he wasn't interested in wasting his time or breath with this stranger, at least with the deer she could hold a conversation without being rude or stating the obvious.

The Maned Wolf's attention then went towards the foe's question, it was honestly a relief to be asked such an innocent question and he gave a small shrug.
"At times….when my stomach is sour…"
He gave a soft grunt then peered to the female wolf once more, he saw no reason to be near the female given showed no form of wishing to continue the conversation and rolled his eyes, before she could speak he merely turned the other way and placed towards the doe.
"You may follow if you wish….not want another predator to find you now do we?"
Sorethus never was the best with others given he lacked the opportunity to practice any form of social skills but for him it seemed best to keep the deer close by, he not trusted the area he had just discovered and it wasn't often he met a deer to converse with. However, he picked up yet another scent he not recognized and tilted his head as his long ears fully raised. 'Never picked up such scent before…', he grunted to himself but soon shook his head and walked deeper into the forest, leaving the wolf to her own devices. 'Perhaps if it was a predator I picked up the scent of….the two may fight the other', he mused silently in his mind as he walked off.


Posted 2024-09-07 15:57:12
Isle looked mildly confused as all she had stated was he had eaten a flower which was simply odd not an insult.When the large dog like animal 3 things when off in her mind 1 danger 2 escape 3 what on earth is that? And with that she gazed at the female a bit confused before remembering they were likely a threat and stepping back "who are you? And also what are you? Not sure I've ever seen anyone that looks like you" she asked ready to dart into the trees should they be a threat

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2024-09-08 22:14:23
She couldn't help but puff her chest up in pride at the canine's trepidation. It was good that others could see her power, to see her as a threat. It definitely felt good after the last rough days she's been having. Adeobi tilted her head back in a laugh at the questions. After her moment of amusement, she answered, "Isn't it obvious?" The hyena stretched, making sure to show off rippling muscles. "I'm Adeobi, one of the best hyenas around!"

The hyena stepped closer to the wolf. "And who might you be?"

Posted 2024-09-09 04:19:15
Isle looked both amused and confused "well for 1 I've never met nor seen a hyena and 2 I've never even heard of you" she commented sitting down "I'm isle the very much normal wolf" she replied shaking a leaf out of her pelt

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2024-09-09 05:50:41
Yötuuli's ears flickered at the sudden invitation from the wolf. Would it be okay to follow? She didn't want to be left alone in this strange forest, especially with two predators lurking around, well actually three, but by now it seemed that the third one wasn't that dangerous, at least not yet. However, as the strange scent was getting closer and closer, Yötuuli found her hooves starting to pick up speed, as she hurried after Sorethus. If she was going to get eaten anyway, she at least wanted to be able to decide who would get the honor to eat such a rare treat.

The fallow deer followed Sorethus deeper into the forest walking slightly behind him. She could feel some animals giving her odd looks, but decided not to pay them any attention. They hardly knew that the wolf she had found ate grass just like her and preferred not to eat deer, or at least she didn't seem to be on the menu.

"Where are we going?" Yötuuli asked softly after they had traveled for a good while. She was curious where the maned wolf would be leading her, but also it felt nice to walk in the woods with someone who would be capable of protecting her. She still hadn't forgotten how he had been worried that she might get eaten by the strange predator. Why did he care, if she would get eaten or not? The unanswered question plagued Yötuuli's mind, but she didn't dare to voice it. What if he had just forgotten to eat her and if she would bring it up, he would then remember and she would end up becoming a meal after all? No, it was better not to say such things and just follow the other, wherever it might be where they would end up.


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