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To Follow Hades [Group rp | open]

Posted 2024-09-09 10:14:37
As they tread through the forest Sorethus faintly heard the commotion behind them, and one detail had struck him, 'A hyena? Don't think I ever seen one before…', he thought to himself before all went silent. It wasn't until he heard the doe had he spoken.
"…not the slightest idea"
He spoke bluntly and honestly; he never was one to lie nor saw his lack knowing as weakness or making him less of a man, but rather being able to admit to such things as strength in itself. He met those whose pride enveloped their rational thinking, his brother was a victim to this and it led to the scars that now adorned Sorethus' being.
"I had just discovered this land, since I am not in a pack, or should I say was chased from it…."
His voice trailed off towards the end but continued.
"..I am left to wonder"

The Maned Wolf lowered his muzzle to sniff the ground, taking in as much of the new scents possible; to learn of the new environment but more importantly where he may find food. His peak frame allowed him to maneuver through the forest with ease and to do so silently, he slowly picked up the pace as his long legs allowed him to cover gear distances.
"….are there any vegetable or fruit patches? Sugar cane…perhaps?"
Sorethus spoke up once more as he sniffed a tree, his muzzle wrinkled upon the scent and stepped back, his ears rotating and head tilted upwards much like a fox scanning their surroundings, he was weary and cautious, more so than most wolves but it wasn't out of fear, but rather coded in his blood.


Posted 2024-09-12 11:15:24
"Oh... So there is two of us wandering all alone under the vast sun..." Yötuuli said glancing at Sorethus as he spoke. She knew very well how it was when a herd didn't want one anymore. However, she had to admit that she had no idea what "pack" meant.

"Is pack the same as herd? Like your family?" she asked curiously feeling that with Sorethus she could ask even the most stupidest questions. She could only hope that he wouldn't mind. Should she share bits of her own story? The wolf had been so open with her, it would only be polite to return the courtesy, yet Yötuuli found herself hesitating. What if he didn't really want to hear anything about her? How many were out there who actually wanted to learn more about their meals? After pondering it carefully, she decided to take the risk.

"My herd left me behind..." the raven black doe whispered, the fact clearly still hurt her. It all had happened overnight, on the final night with her herd, she had gone to sleep with them, just like she always did. However, when she had woken up in the morning, her entire herd was vanished. It almost was like the earth had swallowed them. She had tried to run after them and calling them, but haven't had much success. When she had eventually been able to reach them again and reunite with them, she was closed outside of the herd and had even received threats from antlers to keep her away. An entire day had went like that. She had relentlessly followed them, yet every time she had been met by antlers and had been poked and pushed away. It had taken time, but in the end Yötuuli had had no choice but to give up and allow her herd to continue on without her. Since then she had been wandering alone trying her best to survive even though both predators and humans seemed to target her. Yö couldn't understand why it was like that. In her mind, she had done nothing that would provoke them or make them chase her. Little did the doe know that it all was because of that very rare pelt.

Yötuuli watched curiously as the wolf walked with his nose on the ground. She tilted her head, but then lowered her own head too sniffing the ground. She tried her best to copy his movements, but it felt so odd not to walk her head held high. Sniffing one lone little weed caused the doe to sneeze as the dust got into her nose, which in turn made her to lift her head up quickly. Perhaps she should leave the sniffing to those who seemed pros at it.

"Vegetable or fruit patches? I know some of both," the doe said as her ears perked when he mentioned sugar canes. What a good fortune it was that she had stumbled upon them on the other day by accident.

"I actually found a patch of sugar canes on the other day. Come! Let's go to find them before others will eat them all," she said enthusiastically before running off with her black tail held up high. As the hold her tail that way, one would notice that her pelt actually wasn't truly pitch black, but more like very dark espresso brown. Yötuuli's trot seemed almost airy, kind of like she would dance instead of just running as she kept lifting her legs high easily covering a great amount of distance with little energy. It was evident that the doe was rather agile and light, just like a proper prey should, at least if they wanted to avoid getting eaten that is.


Posted 2024-09-13 10:41:16
Sorethus glanced over when the question was asked and gave a firm nod, in a nutshell there wasn't much different other than what animals were within one or the other, he never understood why the words were considered vastly different when both held similar forms of hierarchy, being there was an alpha of sorts to protect the rest. His kind however does not form packs and are solitary animals, they tend to only be seen together for mating purposes or when the offspring is far too young to be left on their own; Sorethus however was chased off by his brother far too young which led him to using similar terminology as other canids in the attempt to be understood rather than explain what he was or why his kind doesn't gather in a pack like others.
"Yes, both are essentially the same…however my kinda is more solitary and we don't form pack…but since I have wondered for most of my life I learnt it's easier to mimic what others say"
His ear twitched as he explained. Upon the reason for the doe being alone he gave a stifled grunt.
"I was chased off by my brother"
His words came simply without a shred emotion.

The Maned Wolf remembered the event like it was yesterday even if it was a little hazy due to how young he was, pups will stay with their parents around a year, but aren't ones to leave immediately. In his case however; his brother had been fueled with the idea Sorethus was a threat and strived to kept him away, no matter the cost. The scars adorning the darkened wolf's pelt, serves as the brutal reminder of that day, when his own family strived to remove him from their lineage. He still finds himself struggling to sleep due to the nightmares no matter how many years went by, he can still feel his brother's teeth biting down into his young flesh and try to end his life. Luckily his pelt managed to grow over most wounds but Sorethus knew if it was shorter it would have been a gruesome sight. Still, he chose to keep the event to himself and try his damnest to move forward in his life.

Once the promise of sugar cane fell upon his ears; the Maned Wolf was  quick to follow the deer. His kind is known for being far faster than other canids, however, they who nearly as grand in endurance, they hunt prey in only short bursts of speed but relayed upon their intellect when it came to hunting. He was quick to pick up speed to run only a short distance from Yötuuli, keeping a short distance to ensure he had time to maneuver alongside her.


Posted 2024-09-21 12:43:32
Yötuuli's ears flicked a little as she listened the surroundings for any suspicious sounds before she glanced towards her side seeing that Sorethus was following her. The sight made her happy, it was almost like she had expected the other to let her run off. She led him towards the south where an old fallen log was blocking their path. The deer jumped over it with one graceful leap before she continued on high trot following the invisible map that her mind had painted for her. They were approaching from a different direction than what she had used when she had found the patch of sugar canes. However, it seemed that even if that was the case, her sense of direction wasn't failing her.

On their way to the secret garden of Eden, they would pass a small waterfall that connected with a tiny pond and small stream carrying the fresh and cold water from the mountains. Smelling the scent of water, Yötuuli slowed down until she was walking slowly. She then stopped completely and turned around lowering her tail.

"Do you want to have some water first?" she asked hoping that Sorethus was still following her. Perhaps it would be a good idea to fill their bellies with fresh water first before eating some of the treats. She didn't remember that there would be a source of water nearby. However, even though Yötuuli wasn't aware of it, that didn't mean there wasn't a source of water. After all, the patch of sugar canes was located on an isolated farm where the farmer was growing food for his animals too. There would be even more treats available, but the young black deer hadn't discovered all of them yet.


Posted 2024-09-24 10:37:20
Sorethus followed the doe silently, thanks to his long legs he leapt over the fallen log as well, landing with ease as he continued following Yötuuli. He couldn't remember following another creature without then running form him, when it came to his mother he had to learn the means of survival from distance then apply them without any form of aide. It was rather difficult hunting at a younger age given his body wasn't fully developed and some techniques, such as capturing rabbits or other small prey, were best taught paws on than seeing only glimpse of it from a distance. Sadly, if he were to venture too close towards his mother when she taught his brother he was often left behind or even lashed at; in Sorethus' age he learnt to accept there are some things that never change such as the behavior of others. Some learn in due time to treat others with kindness but one can never change their true nature, the Maned Wolf had to relay upon himself for years and if one were to leave his side than he won't even try to bring them back.

The Maned Wolf slowed to a halt alongside the doe, his gaze stoic as his ear twitch upon the other's words as he glanced towards the water source then shook his head. However, before he could say anything the sound of twigs snapping upon a nearby echoed through the area, Sorethus jerked his head upwards only for his mane to raise up upon his shoulders and gave a small growl of surprise when a bundle of grey fur suddenly dropped from the tree and landed upon his back, causing it to arch from the sudden form. The Maned Wolf grunted and turned his head to face whatever landed upon him, sniffing it intensely, only to feel tiny hands latching upon his neck followed by hiding its face into his pelt. Sorethus couldn't help but cock a brow at the creature, it seemed to have a fluffy gray pelt and reminded him of a bear cub, yet the ears are rather large to be one. It wasn't until he heard the heavy yet steady breaths had he realized it was fast asleep, it's body trying to curl into a tight ball with a deathly grip upon him.

With a soft exhale he chose to ignore the creature and faced the doe once more, his gaze shifting back to stoic.
"….I not need a drink as of yet"
He chose to pretend the bundle of fur wasn't latched onto him and continue with their day.


Posted 2024-10-05 11:34:16
Hearing the sudden sound of twigs snapping and seeing how Sorethus had tensed made Yötuuli pull her head up as she stood there almost like a frozen statue. Her larger ears flickered as she listened for any other sounds while the toes of the front hooves were spread a little so that she could feel the vibrations of the ground in case a danger was approaching them. However, no matter how still and quiet she was being, she couldn't sense anything. How could there be such sounds yet nothing was seen? Just as the thought had formed in her mind, something suddenly dropped from the tree causing fear rush through Yötuuli's veins.  Unable to prevent her instincts taking over, Yötuuli bolted from the spot running few meters before she managed to stop herself from escaping and turned around to see, if the danger from the above was chasing after her.

However, whatever she had been thinking it was, she most certainly hadn't been prepared to see a tiny gray creature on Sorethus back clutching onto him like he would be its lifeline. Cautiously and with uncertainty, Yötuuli approached the two stopping when she was almost next to Sorethus. She extended her neck sniffing the creature while her ears were slightly pinned back almost like she was trying to determine whether or not it was truly safe. It didn't smell like danger and it seemed that the creature was already fast asleep so it was very unlikely that it would attack her anytime soon. The realization made Yötuuli's ears perk as she smiled softly at the sight.

"To think that such an adorable creature scared me so," the black doe almost whispered as if not wanting to disturb the sleeping animal. She then turned her gaze to Sorethus.

"I'm going to have a little sip," she said before walking to the stream she had spotted. Yö stepped half way into the water shivering a little when the cool water touched her black ankles, but even then she didn't step back. Instead the female lowered her head down to drink some of the cool fresh water. Even though there were many water sources available, Yötuuli had never truly felt that safe when drinking. After all, it was one moment when she would be defenseless and her senses wouldn't be fully focused on keeping her safe. She truly should have considered Sorethus as a danger and run away, but instead of running she found herself drinking in his presence trusting that she would be safe with him.

It didn't take for too long for the doe to having drank enough and she lifted her head up again licking her muzzle. The fallow deer walked out of the water and back to Sorethus side.

"I have drank enough, for now at least," she said looking at him with gentle and curious eyes. "Shall we continue towards our destination? We are really close to the patch," she said her voice having traces of excitement in it.


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