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Wolf rp^^

Posted 2024-09-10 11:54:27
Star just rolled her eyes. "Sure." She said before limping off. Not 20 minuted later she passed out while trying to take down a deer.

Song of the Darkness

Posted 2024-09-10 11:57:46
Shadow had a bad feeling about leaving her by herself, so he followed her watching her in the shadows when she passed out he killed the deer she tried to take down and he drug it towards her and he retreated back into the bushes, he stayed there watching over her, He had scared off multiple males and injured more


Posted 2024-09-10 12:01:28
Star came to a few minutes later, shaking as she felt disoriented. She saw the deer near her and frowned, confused. She remembered not catching it. "What happened.."

Song of the Darkness

Posted 2024-09-10 12:09:53
Shadow stepped out of the bushes and towards her "I told you, you need help, not even 20 minutes after you left you passed out"


Posted 2024-09-10 12:11:53
Star huffed and put her head on her healed paw. "Well, I'm fine anyway."

Song of the Darkness

Posted 2024-09-10 12:14:03
"You don't seem as fine as you claim to be" he said, as he picked up the deer "Im taking you back to your pack you are clearly in state to carry this" he said but it was a bit muffled


Posted 2024-09-10 12:14:39
Star rolled her eyes but stood, and started limping to camp.

Song of the Darkness

Posted 2024-09-10 12:22:32
He followed behind her stopping right outside the border and dropping the deer "Tell your pack to come get this, this is as far as I'll go"


Posted 2024-09-10 15:32:51
Star have a short nod. Swaying slightly on her paws. "I.. Thanks.." She said, looking away before limping off to camp.

Song of the Darkness

Posted 2024-09-10 15:37:06
Shadow looked around before he took his leave walking the other way, disappearing into the forest


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