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Xander's (free) lore shop! {OPEN.}

Xander's (free) lore shop! {OPEN.}
Posted 2024-09-11 22:44:50 (edited)
Ello! ello! My name is Xander/Arkaane
I'm trying to become an author, and I just generally like to write.
Heres some lore I've written!

I will write anything except for anything sexual. I am not intrested in writing dirty scenes! Thanks!

Xander (Yes I named myself after one of my ocs don't judge me.)
TW: Abuse and death
Xander didn't really have a good mother figure which is why he doesn't like mothers. Xander's mother wouldn't feed him for days, so he grew used to not eating things and is a fussy eater too. He rarely eats even though he's an incredibly good chef. Xander also didn't have a father while growing up, so he made it his goal to be a good father to those who needed it and deserved it. Xander is also Gay and was often a bit pressured by his mother to not like guys. (Legit impossible for him.) He ran away at 17 and lived on the streets, he learned how to steal due to his mentor, Kelo who eventually died in front of his eyes after being killed for stealing, kidnapping, breaking into people's houses, and killing a few people. When Xander was 18 he started renting houses and started "adopting" (kidnapping) abused children. He would usually end up in jail for a few weeks before being taken out because they were abused, and he saved them. One day while in jail, his mother found out and yelled at him, hit him, etc. Through the bars. For a result after Xander got out of jail he killed his mother deeply regretting it later, but it was already done. He was never found for murdering his mother though. Xander fidgets a lot and likes to pace when bored, tired, or angry.

TW: Abuse and death..again- (erm..?)
Mocoso was abused their whole life, being home-schooled and never seeing the light of day. Their parents didn't care about it and one day the beating took a far turn, and they killed Mocoso

Warrior cat clan ig
BoulderClan was founded by a cat named Penelope. He was a tomcat living in the forest. He was a loner, so Penelope often ignored fellow cats. That was until one fateful day, when a forest fire began after dry lightning had struck the earth. Though Penelope had lived most of his days in solitary, he still knew how to take charge. He ran around, saving many of the cats. He instructed others what to do to keep the fire from spreading further. Because of this, the cats looked up to him. They praised him. Mothers thanked him for saving their kits, others looked at him in awe, seeing a hero in front of them. With the forest destroyed and with no more prey, these cats had to walk for a long time. Eventually, they found a new forest, but some cats mentioned that there was no nearby water, so they kept going... And going... And going... They soon found where the forest turned into grasslands. But they wanted to keep going. Penelope didn't find much hope in his cats. They thought they would never find the perfect home. They kept going until they found a large pond formed by a river overtime. The cats took a break and drank the water to keep going. They followed the river, where it led into a canyon. They entered it, finding a big waterfall, where the river began. After some investigating, the cats found a cave behind the waterfall. They entered and promised each other to keep the others safe. They knew prey was around, seeing fish in the river and various birds resting near the water. Thats when a large mass of mist spread into the area. All the cats stood up and seemed to be on guard. Nine ghostly cats with no pupils walked up, hovering. Penelope gasped as they saw one of the cats, recognizing them as his brother, who had died long ago. His memory was fuzzy of him but knew who it was at once.

"We all know what bravery you have shown ever since you knew how to take charge. You've finally seen why you need friends by your side. This is why we would like to name you Rapidstar, due to the rapid pace of you keeping everyone safe and in check." His brother, Tiger, spoke.

"I... I don't understand..." Rapidstar took a step forward.

"You will start a Clan. This group of cats will strive to keep each other safe. As Leader, you must earn your nine lives." Tiger dipped his head, as did the other eight ghostly cats.

One cat by the name of Brush gave Rapidstar a life for having fun.

Another named Leaf gave him a life for strength.

Then Blackpaw, seeming to be at a younger age, gave him a life for bravery.

Then Red came along, giving him a life for never giving up.

Up next was Squirrelwhisker, giving him a life for confidence.

A cat named Bit gave him a life for acceptance.

Then a small kit waddled up to him. Rapidstar bent down. The kit was named Rustlekit, and they gave him a life for cooperation.

Then a cat named Mudtail gave him a life for kindness.

Finally, Tiger approached him. "I wish you luck on your new exciting journey." He leaned closer and gave him a life for leadership.

Tiger backed up while smiling. Rapidstar ran up to him. "Tell mom I miss her." He whispered to Tiger, before he faded away with the others. The other cats looked happy, excited, nervous, and confused. As Rapidstar explained to them what had just happened, BoulderClan was formed, due to the many boulders that surrounded the nearby area.

BoulderClan is led by the brave and powerful cat, Rapidstar.

Another warrior cat clan inspired thingy
Aqua clan is a clan full of cats who love swimming, the clan was formed by a Shark Clan Cat named Aqua-Leap (deceased)

Aqua leap was tired of the shark clan rules and orders where they lived etc. So, he formed his own clan, Aqua clan in a river which was blue tinged with green. Aqua fell in love with a cat named Fishlegs,(Deceased) a cat also from Shark-clan. Together they formed the clan having kits and allowing rogues to join them.

Another clan (last one I swear.)
Crow clan doesn't believe in star-clan either and instead believes in Father Crow.

Father crow was a pitch-black cat with crow wings. Father crow is believed to pass down wings to every leader, every leader of Crow Clan has had wings. If father crow deems the leader as unworthy or evil, the cat will turn into a crow and will never return.

Splotch lore! aka this girly :D link
Splotch is a trans wolf, who was originally bullied from her past pack. One day she ran away and found the midnight crescents. She was welcomed in, and Alyss taught her everything she knows. Splotch one day while training got hurt and had visited the herbalist's den meeting Black badger. The two had gotten along well and started talking to each-other. Eventually falling in love with each-other. Most wolves believe that she is most likely going to be the next alpha.
Splotch is Romantic. Whether joking or actual flirting is quite hard to percieve. However she has flirted to a few others but mostly Black Badger. She jokingly flirts with her friends, Percy and Freedom.
Splotch however has hard time understanding boundaries often crossing them. She tries her best not to but sometimes she cant help it.

If you would like to see some other writing stuff, I have a link-tree acc in my bio, Wattpad is the best place to look for all that.
Quick note: I do write lore for anything! As long as you tell me some info its good!

Order form
Name of oc/wolf:
Link to oc/wolf:
certain things that need to be added?:

If you do use my lore please credit me. Thats all I ask!

Waiting List:
1. Kai
2. Jash

Posted 2024-09-21 23:31:03 (edited)
Name | Obsidian
Link |
Additional Info | She was a Pupsitter, gave birth to three-ish babies, No pups died under her watch.

(Also, Possibly my OC Saege? I imagine her as a twin to Rowan Whitethorn from The Throne of Glass series. I can provide personality and extra info in a moment)
- 丂卂乇Ꮆ乇 -

Posted 2024-09-22 08:13:46
Name of oc/wolf: Morgrim
Link to oc/wolf:
certain things that need to be added?: Morgrim is the leader of the Dark Ones, wolves who are undead demons, with eyes red as blood and their fur black as night. Were they from another pack? Who knows. The Dark ones are vicious and ruthless, bigger and stronger. They have invaded the Sylvian (light wolves) pack and took over their territory, killing or keeping them prisoner. Currently the only Sylvian wolf alive is Winter/Rei:
Extra: could it be long-ish?
🕯️🩸Jashinist follower🩸

Posted 2024-09-24 00:10:18
@Kai alrigt I can get working on that rigt away ^^
@Jashnist, ofc I'll start working on yours as Soon as I finish Kai's!

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