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Warrior Cats a New World : WILDCLAN [RP]

Posted 2 days ago
New Day Everybody!

Posted 2 days ago


The queen was sleeping peacefully. That was until Blazingkit decided to jump on her. The queen let out a shark yelp, but not loud enough to wake anyone outside of the den. What did the tom want now? "Yes..?" Shadowheart grumbled, standing up to shake the scraps of moss out of her nest. With her son's answer, the black bengal shook her head. "Forestkit, come here..." Once her fluffy daughter had come close enough, the queen calmed down the shaking she-cat, then directed her back to the kits' nest.


"Forestkit had a nightmare but didn't wanna wake you, so I did!" The small tom replied, clearly proud. But, at his mother's reply, his head drooped. Was it not the right thing to do? "Sorry, mom..." Blazingkit apologised, heading back for his nest. It was warm, and cosy, but with his sister out of the pile, it seemed empty. She was the one with the most fluff, after all.


Posted 2 days ago
(big one to make up for yesterday sorry about that Chloe)

||Oak' branch||He/Him||Deputy||

Despite the squirrel's frantic squeaks signaling impending danger, Oak remained undeterred, focused on the target. With nimble agility, the squirrel scrambled up a towering tree, its claws a symphony of urgency against the rough bark. Oak's pursuit intensified, and his instincts guided his every move towards the final showdown.

In a daring surge, Oak lunged towards the squirrel, finding its fur in a gripping moment of contact. The squirrel's pained squeak echoed in the dense foliage, a sharp reminder of the harsh reality of the natural world. With a decisive bite, Oak achieved his hard-earned victory, the taste of triumph mingling with the earthy scents of the forest.

However, in the chaotic aftermath, Oak's precarious balance betrayed him. His back legs scrambled on the slick branch, a futile attempt to regain stability before the ominous snap echoed through the forest, sending him tumbling to the forest floor, his prize still firmly clutched in his mouth.

Posted 2 days ago
(Hey don't worry about it!, are they hunting together?)

Posted 2 days ago
(if you want them to be)

Posted 2 days ago
Wildstar- leader- She-her
(sorry had to do something)

Wildstar trotted into the camp clearing and made her way to the nursery deciding to visit Shadowheart and check on her. Poking her head inside the den she let her eyes adjust to the darkness. "Hey Shadowheart, how are you? Do you need me to get you some food?" She asked her voice soft and a purr rumbled through her as she gazed down at the kits.

Posted 2 days ago


The she-cat was just drifting back into sleep when her leader came in. "Oh, only if it isn't to much troub- Silverkit! Let go of your brother's tail!" The queen was ready to rush in and stop the playfight, that was getting quite dangerous. If Silverkit didn't stop clawing Blazingkit's tail, the energetic ball of fluff would end up in the medicine cat's den. Shadowheart sighed slightly, turning back to look at Wildstar. A worried smile arose on her muzzle.


Posted 2 days ago
SunStream Nonbinary - They/Them - Warrior

SunStream, waking up earlier than his sister- such as everyday- padded towards her nest. This time he had a trick up his fur though. He place a large earthworm in the middle of her fur- and…

LightStep SheCat - She/Her - Warrior

"SNAKE!" She yelped, jumping up and shaking her fur vigorously. Before realizing it was just a large worm that she had been scared of.

"Sun! How could you!"

LemonTree ^The best zest^

Posted 2 days ago

"Of course it isnt!" When Wildstar saw Shadowhearts worried smile she licked the queens ears affectionately. "They'll be great warriors one day, I know it." She backed out of the den and headed to the fresh-kill pile.

Posted 1 day ago
Sweetclaw rose out of the Warriors Den for a Dusk Border patrol.


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