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Warrior Cats a New World : WILDCLAN [RP]

Posted 1 day ago


The two toms were at it again. As soon as they figured out they had claws, the two kits wouldn't sheath them. Yet, this time it actually panicked the queen. She had head a small squeal just as she woke up, and saw that Silverkit's tail was bleeding quite badly. "Blazingkit! You are staying in your own nest until you learn to behave!" Shadowheart snapped at her son, before taking the two toms and putting them into separate nests.


Posted 1 day ago
silver kit

the kit huffed glaring at his brother and grooming his tail.

rushing wave

the she cat was sitting in the clearing grooming herself getting ready for a quick hunt.

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 1 day ago
Forest'kit looked at her brother with concern 'sliver'kit your tail!" she squealed as she saw the blood the she-kit nuzzled her brother and glared at blazing kit from across the den
Raven-skys🌈 🏳️‍🌈

Posted 1 day ago

Wildstar shook out her pelt as she walked out of her den into the clearing. "Hello Rushing wave!" She mewed as she approached the silver she-cat.

Posted 1 day ago
silver kit he huffed again and groomed his tail a bit more and pinned his ears at his brother.

rushing wave-warrior-she/her-lesbian

Rushing wave glanced up "hello wild star" she purred "how did you sleep?" she asked her voice smooth and calm

(me resisting the urge to have her flirt with basically every she cat XD)

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 1 day ago
forset'kit frowned "hang on!" she said with determination and crept out of the den to find the medicine cat a cawing bird startled her and she ran into wild'stars paws
Raven-skys🌈 🏳️‍🌈

Posted 1 day ago
"I slept well thank you, how about you?"Wildstar asked grooming one ginger paw. Her tail flicking casually.

(i know its so hard)

Posted 1 day ago


The black bengal returned the glare. His brother wouldn't let go yesterday, so why should he have? Every cat knew that if they did something to the tom, he would do it back! Blazingkit curled up in his lone nest, his anger roaring like a giant fire. Was mother asleep? Perhaps the two toms could have round two?


Posted 1 day ago
forset'kit ducked under a clump of underbrush hoping not to be seen so she could make it to the den with out her mother stoping her
Raven-skys🌈 🏳️‍🌈

Posted 1 day ago
rushing wave-warrior-she/her-lesbian

"i slept well" she replied and gave her a small smile "any chance your free to go on a quick hunt?" she asked she wasnt even trying to do anything it was just a habit.

silver kit

his tail finally stopped bleeding and he glanced at their mother to see if he could get payback.

(had to)

Ghost of the lost wolf

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