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Warrior Cats a New World: MOONCLAN [RP]

Posted 6 days ago
MoonWalker Deputy - He/Him

"Hmph, well I guess you're in luck then- FerretWhisper, CrispLeaf, you may go on a hunting patrol together. I expect good results." He glared at the two, before giving them a shooing gesture with his tail.

LemonTree |Spookiest zest

Posted 6 days ago
Crispleaf | he/him | warrior

Crispleaf turned to Ferretwhisper, mewing, "Alright, ready to head out?"

Posted 6 days ago
Ferretwhisper | she/her | warrior

Ferretwhisper turns to face Crispleaf. "Ready," she whispers.


Posted 6 days ago

He nods. "I'll do my best we will hunt for our loyal friends." He said he nods to his hunting partners. "Let's go." He took off and disappears out of the camp entrance.

Sorry for the late reply. Was busy.

Shapeshifter the goldwing

Posted 6 days ago
Crispleaf | he/him | warrior

Flicking his large, fluffy tail, Crispleaf set out towards the crevice in the rock that served at the entrance to their camp, looking behind him to see if Ferretwhisper was following.

Posted 6 days ago
MoonWalker Deputy - He/Him - Location: Clearing

Walker yawned, padding towards a small puddle made by the nightly rain.  He bent down and began lapping up the sweet freshwater. It didn't taste as good as water from the nearby stream, but it would do.

LemonTree |Spookiest zest

Posted 6 days ago
Ferretwhisper | she/her | warrior

Ferretwhisper trails behind Crispleaf, taking in the surroundings. As she walks behind, she notices some faded pawprints that don't look like they belong to a cat. "Hey, Crispleaf?" Ferretwhisper mews. "These pawprints don't look like a cat's own. Do you know what animal these belong to? I can't even pick up a steady scent."


Posted 6 days ago
Moonstar - Leader - Female - She/her - Location: Herb gathering - Tags: Shadebelly

Moonstars gaze lit up at the thought of Echostar. She quickly lowered her eyes, making sure that Shadebelly didn't see her rather... dramatic response to the comment. ''I'm sure shes fine with it.'' Moonstar spoke coolly, but her heart was beating faster every second, threatening to explode. ''In fact, I do need to discuss with Echostar.'' Realizing her mistake, she quickly added ''about borders and such of course. After you then.'' She flicked her tail to the side, awaiting Shadebellys directions on where to start searching first.

Sunshine - Warrior - Female - She/her - Location: Clearing - Tags: Open/alone

Sunshine bounded forward up from her nest, her eyes lit from happyness. She pranced out of the warriors den, grabbing a quick thrush from the prey pile before heading off to look for the others. There was Moonwalker. She trotted over to him, bumping his nose in a friendly way. ''Goodmorning Moony!'' she purred.

👻S͛p͛o͛o͛k͛y͛ R͛a͛i͛n͛y͛

Posted 6 days ago
MoonWalker Deputy - He/Him - Location: Clearing

He gave a low growl, his head pulling back from their face. "Goodmorning, SunShine. Stayed up late I see? Or do you have another excuse for being late from morning patrols." He grumbled, turning his head away- his blind eye facing the cat.

LemonTree |Spookiest zest

Posted 6 days ago
Sunshine - Warrior - Female - She/her - Location: Clearing - Tags: Moonwalker

''Well thats a fun story!'' She plopped herself down next to him. ''You see, last night I heard this.... NOISE, and I had to go see what it was. Turns out that an eagle was trying to steal a poor defenseless fox kit, so I had to save it. The mother fox thought I was the one trying to-'' she continued rambling on. ''And thats why I was tired and had to sleep in!'' She blinked flirtatiously towards him, her tail nudging him.

👻S͛p͛o͛o͛k͛y͛ R͛a͛i͛n͛y͛

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