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Warrior Cats a New World: MOONCLAN [RP]

Posted 6 days ago
"I'll  get her." He said limping out of the cave and almost ran into her.

Shapeshifter the goldwing

Posted 6 days ago
Venus fire started grooming fiery willows fur cleaning off the dry blood and anything else before tracking down the cobweb and putting it on the wounds feeling hella proud of herself.When she finally finished she sat down and tilted her head."well its not perfect but its the best a warrior can do" she chuckled

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 6 days ago

"Don't even try," I scoffed, stepping into the den wit a bundle of raspberry leaves. "What happened?"

(Sory guys, I had to go to school)

Posted 6 days ago
feisty'willow purred "I appreciate it " she yawned and stretched out her front paws "I am well enough to wait for shade'belly I suppose"
Raven-skys🌈 🏳️‍🌈

Posted 6 days ago

Sniffing Firstywillow's wounds, I scoffed, peeling off the cobwebs. "You don't apply cobwebs first. You just wasted them. Grab a ball of moss from the back of the den."

Posted 6 days ago (edited)
Venus fire ducked her head "I'm not a med cat so how would I know" she said sounding a bit defeated "I can go get some more" she said curling the tip of her tail feeling useless all over again.She turned and padded over grabbing some moss and walking back to him.

(ha feel the sadness Venus)

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 6 days ago (edited)

Grabbing the ball of moss from Venusfire, I pressed it against Fiestywillows bleeding wounds. "Since you feel like taking my job today venusfire, you can help. Get some marigold and cobwebs. And if you feel like stealing my job again, use moss before applying cobwebs. Moss soaks up the blood easier and you don't have to waste a bunch of cobwebs."

Posted 6 days ago
feisty'willow chuckled weakly at the healer's attitude and  winced when shade'belly checked her wounds "well at least she knows something thank starclan she did not give me death berries instead" she-cat shivered

her eyes softened when she looked at venus "Hey go easy on her!" feisty'willow lightly growled in shade'bellys direction
Raven-skys🌈 🏳️‍🌈

Posted 6 days ago
Venus fire-warrior-she/her-location:forest-tags:shade belly,feisty willow

the she cat nodded "ok,I will" she said quietly and went off to get the marigold and some more cobwebs returning after a moment.She gave him them and stepped back staying out of the way.She started grooming the bite on her shoulder which she had been ignoring until now and decided to wait until the other she was treated before she got him to tend to her bite.

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 6 days ago

"Do you even know what marigold looks like?" I asked, eithout waiting for her answer I padded over to the herb store, grabbing what I needed before padding back over to fiestywillow. Chewing the marigold into a pulp, I liked it into every wound before laying cobwebs thickly, sprinkling a few cattail burrs on to keep it in place. "There. Now, what happened?"

(Shadebelly gets snippy and mean when it comes to her job, but she's really sweet and kind if you get to know her)

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