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Warrior Cats a New World: Outside the Clans [RP]

Posted 3 days ago
(uh oh)

Rueben - Kittypet - Tom; He/Him

Searching for a while, he couldn't see anything or anyone that could have caused the sound.
Deciding to get brave, he exited his home, his tail was puffed out and eyes dilated.
"Hello?" He meowed out at what felt like nothing, "Anybody there... That's hopefully not dangerous?"

kat | crunchy leaves

Posted 3 days ago (edited)
Lilith Rogue - SheCat - She/Her -

"You are hesitant. Wise choice. However hesitance grants you death in the ring of battle." A silky, sly voice came from the branches. Her eyes gleaming like two beads.

LemonTree |Spookiest zest

Posted 3 days ago
Rueben - Kittypet - Tom; He/Him

Rueben's eyes met the she-cat's, his tail was fluffed out more and his back hair rising.
"What do you mean?" He asked, he was most certainly not expecting a response like that.

kat | crunchy leaves

Posted 3 days ago
Lilith Rogue - SheCat - She/Her -

"You show your emotions. You would give away yourself to your opponent before you even made the first attack. This will not do- no no." The leaves rustled as she shook her head, which now was peeking out from the branches.

"You are no fighter." She glared.

LemonTree |Spookiest zest

Posted 3 days ago
(rueben getting bullied for simply being a kittypet:)

Rueben - Kittypet - Tom; He/Him

Rueben was getting slightly irritated, but he calmed himself down, his tail returning to its normal size and his back hair relaxing, his eyes remained dilated and his ears were starting to go down.
"Yes. I'm aware that I'm not a fighter." He spat.
"I've had loners and rouges come and go, each telling me in their own way that I'm just a weakling, and they're right, I am not the fighting type and I don't plan to be anytime soon."
His eyes narrowed.
"If that is what you're trying to tell me, then leave. I would much rather stay in comfort than to risk fleas."

kat | crunchy leaves

Posted 3 days ago
Lilith Rogue - SheCat - She/Her -

She narrowed her eyes

"You are quick to temper. Each step you take you walk on a set of thorns." She mewed

In a quick leap of agility, she was off the tree. Standing in front of the other cat.

She was nearly as big as DarkTail, however still slightly smaller. She didn't appear strong- but more nimble and swift.

"You need help" Her tail flicked.

LemonTree |Spookiest zest

Posted 3 days ago
Rueben - Kittypet - Tom; He/Him

"I don't need help." He hissed.
"I've set my life ahead of me, and I will pursue it however I please."

kat | crunchy leaves

Posted 3 days ago (edited)
Lilith Rogue - SheCat - She/Her -

"You are not seeing the truth. You stay out here in your paradise without seeing the dangers of the world." She spat
"The hawks and falcons take your talons, and the cats of the dark reap your heart. You need help. I assume you don't know a spiders eyes about fighting, and it'll come in handy with rogues- or worse." 

Her face remained blank, each word she said was as if it was placed in a puzzle-

LemonTree |Spookiest zest

Posted 3 days ago
Rueben - Kittypet - Tom; He/Him

The idea of fighting back was tempting, to defend himself for once, but the call of living the lazy life was getting stronger, his eyes stared deeping into the she-cat's.
"I will admit that it is quite tempting to be able to defend myself, but I've lived as a kittypet for many moons, and I just cannot leave it all behind." he responded.
"You can hiss and spit and growl at me all you want because I won't fight, but I want to enjoy my life to the fullest."

(might need to go to bed soon so either you rush to finch or something or we continue it in the morning)

kat | crunchy leaves

Posted 3 days ago
Lilith Rogue - SheCat - She/Her -

"I'm assuming you go out of your territory, sometimes. And even then- others may come into yours. If you don't do anything about- someone might set up shop and stay here with you." She blinked.

"And you don't want that. Especially if they're younger." A hint of malice ran in her voice.

LemonTree |Spookiest zest

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