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Warrior Cats a New World: Outside the Clans [RP]

Posted 5 days ago
Rueben - Kittypet - Tom; He/Him

Rueben's eyes widened with curiosity.
"I've always wondered what a mouse would taste like..." He said, lifting his paw slightly and trying to unsheathe his claws.
"... Unfortunately, I think my twolegs have cut and trimmed my claws for the time being..." He frowned, licking his raised paw and rubbing it on his snout.
"But yes, I would like to try a mouse."

kat | crunchy leaves

Posted 5 days ago

Sunflower purred in approval
"Mice aren't hard to catch on the farm- they're nice, plump, and slow. I'll bring you one next time!"


Posted 5 days ago
Rueben - Kittypet - Tom; He/Him

Rueben smiled at the act of generosity that Sunflower was doing.
"Thank you, Sunflower, you're very generous to bring me a kill when I can't do it myself." He meowed, his tail flicking lazily.

kat | crunchy leaves

Posted 5 days ago
(Get ready to meet DarkTail)

LemonTree |Spookiest zest

Posted 5 days ago
(erm he/she better not mess with my baby boy rueben)

kat | crunchy leaves

Posted 5 days ago
(She's a bitch, but she's not THAT bitch. Just a sort of "Ok, keep yourself in line." Bitch. She's ✨ sassy ✨ )

LemonTree |Spookiest zest

Posted 5 days ago
(mmm i can live with that πŸ‘)

kat | crunchy leaves

Posted 4 days ago (edited)
Character name: DarkTail
Gender & pronouns: Shecat, any pronouns.
Orientation: Bisexual (male preference)
Rank: Rogue
Personality: Cold and demeaning, softens up when you get to know her better. Often seen as cruel or ruthless. Tends to be the cat that tells others to check themselves before they check someone else. Very sarcastic, and tends to be physical when it comes to arguments. She lives in a small burrow, just big enough to fit her and maybe three other cats. She gets flustered quite easily.
Relationships: N/A
Appearance: IMG-0403
An odd colored tabby, her face is black however closer to her torso is white. Her tail is pitch black as well. Polydactyl on her hind paws. Rather tall and bulky, normally stands much taller than the average cat. Part of this is her fur, but most of it is her raw power. Scars on her stomach and hind quarters.
IMAGE GOTTEN FROM: link (Felidaze cat creator)

LemonTree |Spookiest zest

Posted 4 days ago (edited)
(me because im also about to intro a new kitty, also she so pretty)

kat | crunchy leaves

Posted 4 days ago
DarkTail - Rogue - Shecat - She/Her

Dark yawned, the perfect time for her to hunt was at night, when the moonlight hit the grass just right that she was able to semi-blend in near the waters. However she seemed to have woken a tad bit too early for her schedule- she'd rather not waste a potential meal though.

She slunk out of her burrow, shaking her pelt to get rid of excess dirt as she climbed. Once she reached the top she quickly- while averting her eyes from the sun- ran towards a tree. Trying to get a good lookout for prey and predators.

LemonTree |Spookiest zest

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