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|| The Bounty Hunters || Warrior cats rouge group RP ||

|| The Bounty Hunters || Warrior cats rouge group RP ||
Posted 2024-09-24 10:21:26 (edited)
|| Some info about the group ||
|| The Bounty Hunters are a group of rouges that kill for prizes. They have a unique currency around the alleyways they live in. Doubloons. Yep, doubloons. They are shiny, golden coins with a pawprint in the middle. Shops of all kind accept them, so why not make some doubloons the best way they can? Killing. The group's Scriber make bounties of cats who don't follow the mutual rules, and the Bounty Hunters kill them, bring their body back, and gain the reward. Simple! ||

Leader: Reaper
Scriber: Amber
--Scriber's Trainee: Thief
Bounty Hunters: Blade

|| Territory ||
|| The Bounty Hunters live in an abandoned barn, quite close to the alleyways. Giant wheat fields filled with rats and mice thrive behind the base camp, providing a nice resting and hunting area. The alleyways are a system of abandoned allies that rouges, kittypets and loners alike sell or buy items. Each alleyway has a different shop. Some sell prey, while others sell accessories. You can find anything there! ||

|| Links ||
OOC (Out Of Character)
CS (Character Sheets)
The Shopkeepers and Travelling Merchants

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-09-24 10:50:25
I'm joining as a bounty hunter! I'll make my character when I get home later
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 2024-09-24 11:49:07


The she-cat was laying on her crate, clearly bored. The scriber had yet to make any new bounties, should she go to the shops? The group did run a prey store, after all. It would need to be stocked up before running hours. Her second-in-command would take care of things in the base camp, but should she?

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-09-25 09:53:12

"Morning Blade," I meowed gruffly, trotting past the black shecat as I blinked tiredly, whiskers twitching from the cold ground against my bare pads.
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 2024-09-25 10:49:17

Blade turned to see Clyde and nodded to him. "Morning." She replied and sat down to wash her face.

Posted 2024-09-25 10:51:03


The tom was hiding behind a pile of flour bags. As soon as Blade walked past, he pounced. "Got you!" The fluffy black trainee meowed once she toppled over. It was clear this was another of his coping games.

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-09-25 10:55:54

Blade gave surprised squeak as she tumbled and instinctively unsheathed her claws before jumping up onto her paws. "What the hell was that for!" Blade growled glaring at Thief and baring her teeth. Anger radiated off her pelt.

Posted 2024-09-25 10:58:27


"Loosen up a bit..." The tom muttered, turning away. He only joked and played around to distract himself from the pain of the past. A dog had shredded the eye he covered with excess fur, yet not many knew about it. A lot were curious, yes, but only Reaper and Amber knew. Yet.

DarkHeart | Lights Off

Posted 2024-09-25 11:07:20
Blade snorted and went back to grooming herself, trying to smooth down the ruffled clumps fro her tumble.

Posted 2024-09-25 12:01:56 (edited)

Sprawled out on my pile of ragged blankets, I sighed, not really wanting to get up but duty calls. "Where is that trainee," I grumbled, forcing myself to my paws and padding out of my little corner of the barn. "Thief!"
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

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