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LF: Experimental Cryptid Commission

LF: Experimental Cryptid Commission
Posted 2024-09-25 21:17:06
This commission I am looking for is a bit... different, which is why I have decided I'd be better off casting a wide net like this rather than contacting any artists directly, but I hope someone out there will love this idea just as much as I do nonetheless.

I would like a drawing of a cryptid creature, but the catch is: all you'll have to work with is a somewhat detailed, but overall vague description I wrote up.
But don't worry about not matching what I had in mind while writing it exactly: That's the point!
I love how "real" cryptids are always a bit if a game of telephone between what people saw/think they saw, which is then interpreted into illustrations made by people who weren't eye-witnesses themself, and how much those interpretations can differ from each other and the actual thing people saw (if that is every figured out).
No need to worry about matching the description perfectly or visualizing everything it mentions either, just draw what you think this being could look like
(If you'd prefer, I could also provide a bullet point list of the traits mentioned in the text, no need to worry about showing all that way either though)

I don't have a set price or form of commission in mind, even a sketchy partial rendition would interest me. I'm much more interested in seeing what you come up with than details like clean lines or shading, but of course I'm not against them either.

I can offer you WD currency , items such or crafting materials, trophies, applicators, decor, breeding items (anything you might want, I probably have it, just ask), possibly art of my own (though I am still recovering from some medical issues that kept me from being able to draw for a while) or, possibly if I really like your examples, even $/€ (very tentatively though, so please don't be disappointed if I have to turn you down due to that.

The description of the creature:
We received reports of multiple sightings of a likely medium sized, quadrupedal creature, which couldn't be identified as of yet. Witnesses describe it as having glowing eyes with which it stares right through people, and while reports of its size vary some have noted it appears like it should be larger than it actually is.
It has relatively short, but not stubby, legs with large paws and large, long claws. Its shoulders are broad, possibly due to a rather large ribcage, and contrasted by its comparatively narrow hips. Its backbone seems to be rather flexible and curved, and it has a fluffy but slightly crooked tail with a light tip.
While it is often described as having one somewhat floppy ear, descriptions of the other vary between standing upright, golding as well or being partially missing, yet others report it as having no visible ears whatsoever. The more detailed reports mention instances of the ears disappearing into the creature's pelt at will, but still disagree on the shape and nature of the second ear.
It seems to possess a fluffy neck that strangely seems to lack signs of any mass underneath, as if one could look right through if they fully parted this mane of sorts. Its muzzle is long and slender  containing sharp teeth and a long, floppy tongue according to some. It almost always has a  single drop of watery drool hanging from its chin, but the vague trail left by them pale in comparison to the trail of shed fur it leaves anywhere it goes.
Some sightings report that while it seems to have a disdain for rain and other kinds of water, its pelt repels water similar to the plumage of waterfowl.
It seems capable of conjuring bones, mostly ribs, out of seemingly nowhere, and while usually content with staring silently it is capable of many strange sounds, some of which have been compared to various known creatures while others seem to match no known beings at all.
While there have been no reports of definitive hostile behavior as of yet, it is still advised to be cautious. Any and all sightings should be reported.
(Not written by AI, I just thought going about a commission like this might be fun)


Posted 2024-09-28 15:09:03
I'd love to have a couple go's at this! Would that be ok? I want to make multiple sketches and let me know what you think?

Don't worry too much about payment, as this is experimental. Just look through my wishlist and pay what you think of my art is of value.


Posted 2024-10-02 00:39:03
Sorry for the late reply, sometheing came up irl and I couldn't roll for a bit ^^'
That sounds perfect! I should have plenty of stuff on there :3
Feel free to dm me


Posted 2024-10-02 00:41:58
hmm i would love to also try my hand at this, but I'm not fully sure if i can do it lol so I'll probs make some sketches first as well

Athena Lights On

Posted 2024-10-02 00:49:52
Sounds great ^^


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