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The Eternal Chase character sheets

The Eternal Chase character sheets
Posted 2024-09-30 13:32:59
This topic has the character sheets for The Eternal Chase rp found in here.


Posted 2024-09-30 13:36:51
| | Saege Character Sheet | |

      | Name |    Saege Whitethorn
    - First Name Meaning | Wise one, Herb, Prophet
    - Last Name Meaning | White fair, comely

      | Gender & Romantic Preferences |    Female
    - Pronouns | She/her.
    - Romantic Preferences |  Demi-Pan, (040% Male - 030% Female - 030% Other)

      | Profession |    Bounty Hunter
    - A person who pursues a criminal or fugitive for whom a reward is offered.

      | Profession "Nickname" & Reasoning |    The Bleeding Flower
    - She will get in close to her target, Getting to know them personally. That is the flower part, The Bleeding part is the fact she will turn on them as soon as she has enough information.

      | Typical Preferred Weapon |
    - Ranged |  Bow, Typically Scoped.
    - Close-Range |  Shashka  |  "The shashka or shasqua is a kind of North Caucasian sabre; a single-edged, single-handed, and guardless backsword. The comparatively subtle curve of a shashka blade puts the weapon midway between a typically curved sabre and a straight sword, effective for both cutting and thrusting."

      | Typical Clothing, During her job and Outside of it |
    - Work |  " Her pants, also black; like her shirt, had multiple different buckles and loops on it; one would think they were simply there just for show. The shirt she wore more-or-less hugged her chest decently tight. She had a black jacket ontop of her shoulders, and multiple pockets decorating the outside and inside. "
    - Regular | " Decently short shorts, a black and red flower- and butterfly-themed jacket draped over her shoulders, and red, circle sunglasses resting on the tip of her nose. "

      | Appearance |
Saege's appearance is similar to that of her brother, Rowan. Her hair is long, around lower-back length, The color of it a confusing color, seemingly white, yet having somewhat of a metallic and bright shine to it when light is shone on it. Her eyes are a dark green, think a foresty- green, or maybe a jungle-ish green. Her skin is fair, very few blemishes on it, and slightly tanned; showing she gets out a lot. If you were to see beneath her jacket, You'd be able to see the multiple scars she's collected over her few years of bounty hunting.

      | Personality |
Saege is calm, cold, and collected on the outside, to others. She is also overprotective of those she genuinely cares about. To those she is hunting, she is at first just the normal coldness of someone who doesn't trust people. She is the type of person to try to get to know her target to understand why whoever hired her wanted them dead. Typically she understands why. As soon as she thinks she has enough of their trust, she will immediately turn, using what she knows about the person to either manipulate or destroy them mentally.
- 丂卂乇Ꮆ乇 -

Posted 2024-09-30 14:36:18
Name: Dudley Ciarán Deamhan
Age: 26

Eyes: Sharp green eyes that dazzle like emeralds which seems to have a lighter hue the closer they are to the irises.

Hair: Orange, medium with front covering his eyes and messy, uneven in length with back being longer and has natural red streaks. His face is always scruffy due to the lack of shaving.

Body Type:  Short, broad shoulders and bit of a lean build as expected yet he does muscle hidden by his coat
Description: A very complex being layered in mystery with his past being shrouded by the shadows he seems to emerge from. He is incredibly intelligent with a love for reading and learning new things, yet so few know of his love for baking, the special spot he has for the weak from the one he calls brother suffering from voices in his head. He may be the sort to hide and rarely speaks, but he hates watching as the weaker are beaten and slaughtered. Yet he too has a dark side, he is a heavy drinker and violent one at that, he can be known as the "Mad Hatter" for those rare moments when he finally snaps, he is perhaps the most terrifying being ever known to man. So few know his real name, at least that are human and still living, certain entities, the sane ones, know better then to call him by name for he will hunt and make one feel something beyond hell….he always wears his coat with patches covering it and a top hat with rabbit ears with a rabbit's foot necklace. One may not realize it but the golden bands layering his ears have the Celtic Knot of Luck carved into them. He is also a greedy individual who loves money, he feels that if one is unable to make money off their investments it's worthless and doesn't like to wait when money is involved.

What others fail to realize however, is Dudley lives a lonely life and has devoted much his time to one individual: Lord Chaos, the one he calls brother. He kept much hidden from the other given he fears the truth will do more harm than good: for one Dudley is a vampire that specializes in blood magic and is currently searching for what remains of his family, he tends to fight in an underground arena to blow off steam, has a sweet tooth and lost nearly all hope of romance in his isolated life. Such life led to him being known as "Shamrock" and never his birth name, he finds solace in other means that doesn't involve others and is first in line to get this hands dirty.

Below is made by ShroudFang, ones above drawn by me


Posted 2024-10-01 10:49:38
Name: Otonari Ryunosuke "Ryu"
Gender: Male
Age: 23 years old
Profession: Criminal reporter student
Nationality: Japanese
Languages: Japanese & English

Appearance: Ryu isn't very tall man, actually he is only 172cm (5'8'') tall. He is rather slim and doesn't have heavy bones, yet the muscle he has gained from running and working out evens him out a little. Due to that he doesn't look "too petite" for a guy, however, what comes to clothes size Ryu always wears S sized ones. He has tan skin, but not too tanned and brown, it has more like slight honey colored hue to it. The man's face is slightly rounded and framed by his long ebony black hair. Ryu hasn't ever been very keen about cutting his hair, even though he used to have much shorter hair while still attending to the comprehensive school and high school. However, once he enrolled into university, he has let his hair grow as long as it wants.

Ryu usually wears his long hair on a low messy ponytail. His bangs tend to usually freely hang over his face complimenting his metal framed glasses that he sometimes wears. The glasses' frames are very deep midnight blue almost making them seem like black, but if the light hits them in the correct angle, one can see a light metallic hue in them. The Japanese student tends to wear loose and comfortable clothes. However, even though not being too huge fashionista (at least he wouldn't admit, even if forced), he tends to have a good taste what comes to clothing and accessories following his own personal style.

The young man's most typical attire consist loose pants, a form fitting top or T-shirt and covering that would be a collared shirt that is left unbuttoned. Sometimes he wears a loose scarf around his neck, not necessary to protect himself against the cold, but also when he feels like it. Almost always Ryu also wears thin black straps or other similar accessories around his wrists and sometimes even a small barely noticeable necklace. Other typical part of his attire is a dark grey bag that he wears over his right shoulder where he carries all the items he might need during the day. He prefers to wear sneakers and has various styles of them.

Personality: Ryu is definitely an introvert and he doesn't really have interest in socializing, mostly that is due to the fact that his English isn't perfect, however, he wasn't that talkative person even in his motherland. Some classify the young man as a nerd and that is somewhat true. He is rather adept using the computer and knows some coding, it's difficult to say what his true level might be, since he tends to be too humble to brag about his skills. However, usually you can find him reading or researching something, if you don't happen to catch him playing cello or the electronic keyboard. While he enjoys peace and quiet, he also loves music and listens quite a bit of it during his free time. He has always finding that sounds comfort him and bring him the sense of security which he finds rather odd.

Friends would describe Ryu as distant and silent, but a loyal friend to have around. He isn't one to talk much or even joke much, but he most certainly joins in and is attentive when being with his friends. Ryu, however, values personal time a lot and he needs time to recharge between the different group gatherings. Whenever he has free time, he spends that with his black Borzoi male, Ogura. The pair don't really have any specific hobbies together, but they most certainly enjoy spending the weekends on the mountains hiking and hiding from the rest of the society.

Due to being so private person, some people even wonder why Ryu has chose to become a reporter, but he finds the detective work rather interesting. However, while he isn't very interested in the real police work or capturing the criminals, he enjoys writing very much and wishes to share the most interesting stories he encounters with the rest of the world. While hiding behind an alias, of course. Ryu absolutely detests it when he is in the spotlight or when the attention is drawn to him and he usually tries to do his everything to blend into the shadows. He is the one who would be a wall rose at the parties, but also the one who sees and hears everything that's happening around him.

Background: Otonari Ryunosuke was born in Matsuyama on the Shikoku island of Japan. His early life was rather normal and uneventful and he had the blessing to grow up with loving parents. He also has a identical twin brother, Taji. The twins are still very close to each other, even though they live on different countries temporarily as Taji chose to stay in Japan while Ryu wanted to do an exchange year abroad. Once he has finished with his exchange year, Ryu plans on returning back to Japan to finish the rest of his schooling and perhaps open a private detective agency with his brother that they have been talking about since their teenage years.


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