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Halloween Event!

Posted 2024-10-16 16:22:08
I still think it's total BS we're being told there's nothing wrong with the code when at least ~20% of active players have reported a very noticeable problem with finding corrupted enemies for the quest across various posts - either the bug box, forum posts, here, or in chat. There's probably more who just don't care to comment, too.
Anyway, this event should have been postponed another year, absolutely. The past two years it has been just fine as a fun little bonus thing during october and no actual story attached. I think most of us would rather have another year of that than running into bug after bug after bug after bug. I appreciate the work that has gone into it so far, but it wasn't anywhere close to ready and they should have known that tbh. there really wasn't any reason to rush it - october is already a fulfilling month with the anniversary stuff and a lunar event, and then right around the corner november gets the highly anticipated black friday sales, plus another event, plus a lunar event - so why it was released while still so unfinished is a little baffling.
Hopefully by next year most everything will be finished, polished, and fixed.

Posted 2024-10-16 16:51:46 (edited)
I decided to come looking here in the comments since I hadn't seen anything else yet on what I'm experiencing, but now I'm glad I did. Just adding to those that have the same experience: ever since unlocking the part of the questline where I need to heal 3 corrupted enemies, I haven't come across a single one in explore, so far making it impossible to progress the questline. I came across plenty before, but now I've found zero.
ETA: I'm 3 rollovers and at least 10 energy bars in with that active quest with my lead, and *zero*
Edit/Update: after this posting, since rolling over today, I found all 3 corrupted enemies to heal very quickly, all in one energy bar, resolving this stall in progress for me. So if someone saw this and made some sort of adjustment, thank you.

Posted 2024-10-16 16:54:36
If they postponed it there would've been plenty of people upset, and this isn't the first time they've released something and worked on it as it goes (Ie fayre etc.) and nobody had complained. I think we're also forgetting all of the natural things going on during this month regarding hurricanes, forest fires, and more. Personally, I'm more worried for the safety of everyone than an event. I think everyone is being a bit harsh and we all forget that they can literally just up and stop the event. I mean October is a busy month for Wolvden regardless. Regarding finding corrupted enemies I haven't had any issues really, it's mostly RNG based and coigreach is the same way iirc.


Posted 2024-10-16 16:56:49
I think its the fact that people that sided with the individual had a harder time to find corrupted enemies compared to the other side who chose the group.

I for one was with the individual and the rate of finding corrupted felt like it had dropped since after completing that quest I'm finding multiple in one energy bar, when then i would find 0 in like a 1-2 energy bars

However, I do feel sympathetic for the team cuz I know how hard they are working so I don't really mind too much since I haven't spent any money on this game.

Athena | Teardrop Queen

Posted 2024-10-16 17:08:24
While I don't want to make a full post about my opinion of this event until it's over, I will say that people absolutely had issues with the Fayre event. Notably with the contests and lunar flowers.

I find that the word 'complain' is often used to diminish people's frustrations, rather than address what might be causing them.


Posted 2024-10-16 17:18:06
I think It's good to "complain". I get that they are working hard, but all that work is useless if they don't know what to improve on.


Posted 2024-10-16 17:21:44
"Complaining" is only a problem when you are pushy or mean about it. Cussing, bullying, or showing entitlement over simply describing the problem in a clear and kind fashion.


Posted 2024-10-16 17:33:49
Moreso the issue is people saying it's a 'dissapointment', 'failure', etc. That doesn't exactly get us anywhere.


Posted 2024-10-16 17:41:20
If they are disappointed, is it not a disappointment? It's perfectly fine not to see it that way yourself, but no one is obligated to like everything that comes out. Talking about misgivings is better than simply ignoring them.


Posted 2024-10-16 17:47:06 (edited)
Personally, I think the event has been good so far. I like the storyline, and I especially like the spells and being able to actually do something with critter carcasses. If people have an issue with the corrupteds that might be RNG based and if they increase the chance, they might have to raise prices of the items in the tiers as the currency is supposed to be more difficult to obtain. (iirc)

I sided with individual, and I didn't have too much of a problem finding corrupteds. I mean it might've taken me a few bars, but I eventually got them considering they lowered it from 10 to 3. They also lowered the effigy count, so I don't know exactly what the problem is now.

Edit: To add onto this, the main reason I'm not too upset is because this isn't really new behavior for Wolvden. Personally, I'd like it if they'd slow down and not try to hash out updates because I'm 90% sure the community we've built would be understanding.
