Warrior Cats a New World : WILDCLAN [RP]
Warrior Cats a New World : WILDCLAN [RP]
Posted 2024-10-07 10:03:30 (edited)
Here you can start Roleplay but make sure you've signed up first! Info is here link OOC (out of Character): link The whole clan will be listed on this page Info you need to knowShares Borders with: Echoclan and MoonclanRead this: (This is also on the Sign Up/CS Forum) Clan Character: In peace these cats are respectful of other clans and enjoy being with their clanmates. They tend to be very stubborn. They are feircely loyal to their clan and very brave. They are undaunted when faced with a challenge and always ready to take things head on. Appearance: These cats are big and muscular though lean, They do resemble big cats (Lions,tigers,. Fur is usually medium length and fur color are usually shades of ginger, red, brown, black, dark grey, tan, and cream. Colors like grey, white or blue are usually pretty rare. It is very common for these cats to have more than one color or a pattern. (Tabby, torbie, tortoiseshell, spotted, and rosettes being the most common) Territory: Undergrowth in the territory resembles the Coniferous Forest/jungle. There's a thick river that runs into a waterfall, that pours into the pool. The trees are huge and thick, because of that, snow doesn't really reach the forest floor, except in open patches. Some of the tree roots are ginormous and serve as shelter. Winter, fall, spring Camp-The camp is not far from the waterfall pool and is deep into the forest. It is made up of tree roots and is protected by fallen trees,brambles and thick plants. Because they build onto the walls frequently, the walls are pretty tall and sturdy. The entrance and exit is under a curved tree branch that connects to the warriors den. Through the warriors den there is a secret exit towards the back that they could use for battles or an emergency. Summer camp- The summer camp is by Roaring Falls (See landmarks) and pretty open except for the nursery and elders den which are tucked against the same fallen tree and enclosed with their usual enforcements. Warriors, leader, deputy and apprentices just lay anywhere they want in the undergrowth, usually pretty spread apart because of the heat. Hunting skills: Stealthy and excellent hunters. Because the trees dont have any low branches they aren't big climbers and don't practice it, only occasionaly. They do use the cover of the bushes and such to sneak up on prey before bursting through the undergrowth to catch the prey unaware. They are even big enough to catch ducks! Clan Skills: Wildclan are strong swimmers and do not mind the water. As an apprentice one of the first things you learn to do is swim. Their sense of smell is excellent as their hunting techniques mostly rely on their sense of smell and hearing. They aren't the fastest cats due to not having to run a whole lot in their territory. They are known for their strength, big size, loyalty and bravery. Landmarks Spring Glade (The Glade)- A clearing with lots of soft soil and added soft plants and moss to make it nice and springy for battle training. Hunting Thicket-(The Thicket)- A spot in the forest not far from the Glade that is covered in undergrowth and fallen trees. Apprentices learn to hunt and learn surprise attacks there. There are spots with crackly leaves, big stumps, fallen trees, thick bushes. Each area serves an important purpose. (Some things were moved by the cats that came before them) Roaring Falls(The Falls)- A pretty small waterfall not too far from camp, that pours into a gentle pool of water. The pool of water enters into a river that flows past their borders. This is were apprentices learn to swim and they gather water here. In the summer you can find most of the clan by the river due to hot temperatures. There is a very shallow dip with water where kits can play. Common Herbs Feverfew Tansy Yarrow Cobweb Temperature& Weather Newleaf: cool, damp. Greenleaf: Hot, dry. Leaffall: Cool, wet. Leafbare: Cool, damp. Prey Abundance: Pretty good Common prey: lizards fish Vole salamander Hare (travel more back into the territory for these) squirrel (An impressive catch for them because they don't climb much) Ocassional prey: squirrel (An impressive catch for them because they don't climb much) Birds (Also impressive) Duck (only in spring and summer) Hare (travel more back into the territory for these) Mice (The occasional mouse could be found near the (TBD) border) Rare prey brought back: Marten (Usually comes with a fight, unless they snuck up on it.) Animals to watch out for: Fox Hawk Owl The rare wolverine Gatherings: - Once a week- Saturday on link below link If the current deputy has died or stepped down, please post your characters name in the Sign up forum and I will enter it in the wheel! Whover wins, will become the next deputy! Deputy status: FILLED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Allegiances:Leader- Wildstar- Big orange tabby female with blue eyes (played by *Chloe123*) Deputy- Duskstep- A black tabby she-cat with dark amber eyes Medicine Cat: Deathfeather-Fluffy calico torties mix with big ears and brown eyes [has crowfeathers behind ears] (played by ♤~(Jinx)~♡) Medicine cat apprentice: Warriors: 9/15 Neptunefrost- A lean, wiry, and small dark blue cat with black stripes (played by Neptune_frost) Rabbitfoot- light gray tom with sharp blue eyes. Scar on his left shoulder from a fox.(Played by Shapeshifter) Brackenleaf- Grey brown tabby tom with green/yellow eyes (*Chloe123*) Dawnflare-An off-white she-cat with orangish-brown patches and clear blue eyes. (Played by Cloudy ☁) Frostear- jet black she-cat with sharp blue eyes that usually twinkle and white ears. (petal the forsetwing) Stormspire- An almost black coated large she with white soft spots a black stripes, heterocromea blue and purple eyes. (Played by Ghost of the Lost) Rainwhisper-A grayish-blue she-cat with white splatters. (played by Cloudy ☁) Springnose- Strong bodies reddish brown tom with yellow eyes (Played by Dynamite) Furled'wing- (played by Whispering Gold) Apprentices: 4/4 Twilightpaw- A mainly darker grey coat with shades of lighter grey and white, black stripes and a faded white tail tip. (Played by Whispering Gold) Volcanicpaw-Black she-cat with orange striped patches and long fur (played by Whispering Gold) Onyxpaw- mostly black she-cat with white markings and deep blue eyes, along (Played by Ghost of the lost) Pumkinpaw-An Auburn tabby tom with hazel eyes and a white muzzle. Has spots lining face (Played by WaffleWolf) Queens: Kits: Sparrowkit- Short, gray speckled tom with amber eyes and black splotches (played by Dynamite) Elders: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Camp layout (Spring, Fall, and Winter camp)Note that the pictures are like ideas of the camp places not exactly it, so make sure to read the description |
*Chloe* #133835 |
Posted 2024-10-07 15:01:44
![]() petal the forsetwing #129135 |
Posted 2024-10-07 17:46:42
She raised a paw, and started padding into WildClan territory. If the fight didn't come to her, she'd go to the fight. WildClan scent- no that's an apprentice, Warrior. An apprentice isn't enough. she continued padding along. |
![]() LemonTree |The Best Zest #138311 |
Posted 2024-10-07 17:48:58
He sneaked up behind her using a bit of mint to hid his scent. He hissed. "What are you doing in the windclan territory?" |
![]() petal the forsetwing #129135 |
Posted 2024-10-07 17:50:13
She twisted around, the fur on her back spiking. "Nothing you need to be worried about, scram." She spat. |
![]() LemonTree |The Best Zest #138311 |
Posted 2024-10-07 17:52:11
![]() petal the forsetwing #129135 |
Posted 2024-10-07 17:53:57
She laughed, "you think I care about your territory? I'm a rogue, I come and go as I please. And anyone that says otherwise- well, they never seem to make it out so say what's happened." She threatened. |
![]() LemonTree |The Best Zest #138311 |
Posted 2024-10-07 17:57:15
![]() petal the forsetwing #129135 |
Posted 2024-10-07 17:58:58
DarkTail - Rogue - Shecat - She/Her "Move or you'll meet the same fate as this so-called them." She hissed, fur puffing up and out- making her even larger than her previous figure. |
![]() LemonTree |The Best Zest #138311 |
Posted 2024-10-07 18:00:57
![]() petal the forsetwing #129135 |