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Warrior Cats a New World : WILDCLAN [RP]

Posted 6 days ago
"Let's give her some space." He murmured to Rabbitfoot and started to nudge the tom away from her den and to the fresh-kill pile. "Have you eaten?"

Posted 6 days ago
Rabbitfoot shakes his head. "I'm not hungry, I'm worried about Wildstar." He said, his ears twitched thoughtfully. "I wonder what happened."

petal the forsetwing

Posted 6 days ago
He nodded in agreement and glanced back at the den once more before turning to the fresh kill pile. "Well I am!" He chirped and pulled out a mouse before settling down to eat it. "Worrying about what might have happened isn't going to make it better, we must give her space and move on until she's ready to tell us."

Her eyes squeezed tightly shut and she found herself wrapping impossibly tighter until she looked like a big ball of fur. Her body was completely covering the kits as if she was afraid that they would disappear if she let the morning light touch them. Her stomach growled but she ignored it as the grief welled in her chest. I promised their mother I would take care of them! And I failed!

Posted 6 days ago
Rabbitfoot nods and choose a small mouse. "You're right, I keep forgetting." He glanced at the den again.

petal the forsetwing

Posted 6 days ago (edited)

Yawning, I glanced at the gathering crowd, then at Wildstara den. Standing still for a few moments, I sighed and padded over to the den opening. "Wildstar, is everything okay?" I called softly, pads pricking with concern, nose wrinkling as I caught a faint whiff of a sickening sweet smell. It smells like death

π’Ÿπ“Žπ“ƒπ’Άπ“‚π’Ύπ“‰π‘’ ¹⁴²⁹

Posted 6 days ago
"Springnose." Rabbitfoot said. "Come over, I have to tell you something."

petal the forsetwing

Posted 6 days ago
twilightpaw streched in the sunlit den. the moss in his mest was warm where he slept. He gave himself a good shake before heading to the freshkill pile for something to eat. He stopped right outside of the den, though, and looked down at his paws. Crusty with mud and dirt from yesterday.


Posted 6 days ago (edited)
At the sound of Springnoses mew her ear twitched and she hesitated to answer. He truly did sound concerned and she was sure the smell of death was wafting out. She reasied her head and stared at the den entrance for a while before answering. "No it's not. You may come in," She mewed surprising herself as she added the last part. She had turned away Brackenleaf and Rabbitfoot but let Springnose in?

Posted 6 days ago

I paused, glancing at Rabbitfoot momentarily before stepping cautiously into the den, ears flattening at the hoarse, broken sound of her voice. Blinking, I gasped as my vision adjusted to the darkness. Staring at the unmoving kits in horror, I glanced at her grief-stricken face. "Oh Wildstar," I meowed softly, paws moving before I could stop them. "It's okay." I sat next to her, feeling awkward as our pelts brushed, but when she didn't move away, I relaxed slightly. What do i do? All weve ever done is argue, ive never tried comofrting her before

π’Ÿπ“Žπ“ƒπ’Άπ“‚π’Ύπ“‰π‘’ ¹⁴²⁹

Posted 6 days ago
volcanicpaw woke to the sound of distress outside of the den. that sounds like wildstar!
She hurried out of the den, only to be confronted by twilightpaw. He dint look in her direction as he groomed his back an daround his scratch, still clearly mad at her. "twilightpaw..." sh began, but he slapped his tail over her and trodded to the freshkill pile


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