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Warrior Cats a New World : WILDCLAN [RP]

Posted 2 days ago
Duskstep S/H-Deputy

Dusk watched him, eyes brimming with sadness. "Of course. I'm sorry you have to have your story end this way." Her murmur was soft and filled with grief.

Posted 2 days ago
"I'm so sorry, I attacked a fox alone, I was in so much grief that I did a foolish thing." he struggled to sit up. he leans foward and licked her. ear. "i'm so sorry, I'll wait in starclan for you." he crashed to the ground convulsing and laid still, dead.

petal the forsetwing

Posted 2 days ago (edited)
Duskstep S/H-Deputy

Dusk closed her eyes briefly, swallowing a yowl. Why did you do that Rabbitfoot? Our lives are precious. I'm sorry. Dusk glanced up. "May his spirit run free in Starclan. Grant him a safe trip, where he can be reunited with his family." Dusk glanced back at Rabbitfoot's body. She leaned down, touching her nose to his forehead. "I'm sorry," Dusk murmured, before sitting next to his growing-cold body, watching the sky. She would retrieve the body and take it back later.

Posted 2 days ago
Frostear watches from a distance. When rabbitfoot fell she gasped. After when Duskstep touched noses. She cleared her throat softly. "Is he..." she left the question unfinished.

petal the forsetwing

Posted 2 days ago
Duskstep S/H-Deputy

Dusk glanced at Frostear. The black she looked weary as she nodded, flicking her tail as an invitation to come closer. "His spirit lives and runs in Starclan now." Duskstep's voice was ragged at the edges, tired and sad.

Posted 2 days ago
Frostear walked forward and gently touched his side. "He was a great cat to be with." She sobbed and laid down crying. "Why does this happen?" She whispered. "He can't be gone."

petal the forsetwing

Posted 2 days ago
Duskstep S/H-Deputy

"Death is relentless. It takes and takes and takes. It doesn't care about feelings. Not even Starclan can change things sometimes. But it is safe. Rabbitfoot will be loved and cared for by his family." Dusk whispered. Her words were bundled away by the wind.

Posted 2 days ago
Frostear cried like a kit. Her heart was broken because her best friend and cousin was dead. She struggled to stay positive, her eyes narrowed. She crawled under him, and stood. "We have to get him back."

petal the forsetwing

Posted 2 days ago

She walked into the clearing a bundle of herbs in her mouth before her eyes see Volcanicpaw outside her den "what do-oh starclan you hurt follow me" her voice muffled with herbs as she walked into her den

Posted 2 days ago
"Deathfeather?" she called into the den. She had cleaned out the claw marks on her shoulder, but avoided grooming the rest of her pelt. that would take to long


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