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Warrior Cats a New World : WILDCLAN [RP]

Posted 3 days ago
Onyx paws eyes opened when she caught the all to familiar scent of death, more? how? attack? she thought to herself, her eyes scanned the clearing nope, no attacks while I've been zoned out she noted as well. hm.. I'll check it out soon, let those who wish mourn him, course I wont, barely knew him, same as the kits, though, he was with the deputy for a bit.. now why did they break apart again? wonder if shes to be sad? her thoughts hummed in her head while she watched.

Storm spire sat with the same cool expression she tended to wear, the scent of death strong no matter where she sat, didn't matter, she was used to it at this point, suppose that why she seemed never to waver, even in the face of battle. Her tail flicked while her mind wandered for a moment, then went silent, shifting into a calm silence in her head, probably would of scared some just how fast she can just, clear her head of clutter, she had feelings yes, but showing them a ton wasn't all that big of a thing for her, so she did when needed, otherwise just rolled with everything.

Ghost of the lost

Posted 3 days ago
twilightpaw gave his fur a quick shake, then decided to give himself a good grooming in his den. too bad volcanicpaw will be staying out late in the medicine den. Oh, its all my fualt, i shouldnt have treated her the way i did! What if she dies?
Twilightpaw made it to the den, still trapped in his own thoughts.


Posted 3 days ago
What if her wounds get infected? what if?!? WHAT IF---
he stopped in his tracks when he found himself nose-to-nose with onyxpaw, almost touching. twilightpaw started to feel his shoulder fur rise. He quickly scrambled away before things escalated and crouched in the corner to give his chest fur an emmbarrased lick


Posted 2 days ago
Frostear yawned and looked around the clearing after her vail. Her heart was still broken. She sighs and laid down.

petal the forsetwing

Posted 2 days ago
Onyx paw blinked in surprise, she had been so focused on basically all the dead, she hadn't noticed Twilight paw almost walk straight into her, what's got him in such a mood? Her head slightly tilted to the side, hm, volcanic paw wasn't with him, something happen? They did seem pretty tense for training.. If only my own mentor would go train me! No matter, I get plenty of training by my self, would be nice not to have to make everything up though, warriors she thought with a look of mild amusement, perhaps they could take example from her, be more punctual.

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2 days ago
Stoneclaw woke standing and he stretched. His soft gray blue eyes blinking against the sun. He walked out, he looked around the clearing and went to his younger sister. "Frostear, I'm sorry that he's gone." He sat down next to her. "No one should have to go through this pain."

Frostear looks at her older brother. "Stoneclaw, it's alright, we have to adapt, death doesn't care about anything." She closed her eyes. "It's time to grieve, soon it will be time to grow with happiness."

petal the forsetwing

Posted 2 days ago
twilightpaw shuffled away uncomfortably as he tried not to make eye contact with Onyxpaw. He tugged at the moss in his nest, his pelt hot. he looked down at his muddy paws. they are forever stained, so he didnt try to clean them. instead he started grooming his pelt, where some small patched were clumped, and tiny bits of moss still clung to it


Posted 2 days ago
After a couple of seconds she made her way over to the young tom, her expression curious "are you alright? look like a fox ate your mouse" she asked, trying to sound worried, keep the curiousness from her tone, well she did care of course, was just more curious then worried.

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2 days ago
He looked up as Onyxpaw reached him. "oh, um," should i tell her?. he could tell that she already knew most of what was happening. "ok, me and volcanicpaw got in a fight and havent spoken since. i kind of want it to end. i miss talking to her"


Posted 2 days ago
Ohhhhh her mind clicked "that makes sense, just tell her" she replied with a small shrug, she didn't fight, so this never was a problem.

Ghost of the lost

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