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Warrior Cats a New World : WILDCLAN [RP]

Posted 5 days ago
Neptunefrost H/H-Warrior

There-A plump thrush. Neptune dropped into a crouch, pulling himself forward quietly and quickly. He paused a tail-length away from the prey, careful to not startle it.

Posted 5 days ago
Deathfeather held her head low she didn't even get to meet the kits but it still hurt i should give Wildstar some poppy seeds for the greif  She thinks starting to put some in a bundle

Posted 5 days ago
Rabbitfoot stood after arguing with himself decided to tell her. He walked out and looked around the clearing. "Duskstep?" He asked.

petal the forsetwing

Posted 5 days ago
Duskstep S/H-Deputy

"Yes?" Dusk flicked her tail, "Over here"

Posted 5 days ago
Rabbitfoot tried to keep his voice level but it came out as a whisper. "You remember when you said I should face my fears?" He asked then waited for her answer before continuing. "I'm doing with that I'm going to tell you." He took a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "I think I'm mooning over you." He said quickly.

petal the forsetwing

Posted 5 days ago
Duskstep S/H-Deputy

Dusk blinked, frozen. What in all of Starclan am I supposed to do-or say-? She hesitated, thoughts racing through her

Posted 5 days ago
Rabbitfoot sighs. "I know it's a surprise, it even surprised me." He stood and started to walk away.

petal the forsetwing

Posted 5 days ago
Duskstep S/H-Deputy

Dusk just watched him, bewildered. Me? What?

Neptunefrost H/H-Warrior

Neptune got closer and closer to the thrush, anticipation running through him. He pounced when he got close enough, but not fast enough. The thrush flapped away, letting a startled screech out. Neptune hissed, jumping to reach the thrush, but the prey was gone. Great. Probably scared away all the prey. Neptune let out a frustrated growl.

Posted 5 days ago
Rabbitfoot walked to the prey pile and chose a rabbit for once.  He walked to the entrance of the camp. He sat facing the entrance and started to eat.

petal the forsetwing

Posted 5 days ago
Duskstep S/H-Deputy

Dusk was already outside of the camp, searching for a stream or creek. She needed somewhere to think and calm down. What Rabbitfoot had said was repeating in her head, shocking her. Why me?

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