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Warrior Cats A New World: Tribe Of Russet Dusk <Sign Up & OOC>

Posted 2024-10-08 21:11:19
RL, lol. we go to same school
Russet_Lights On

Posted 2024-10-08 21:12:07
hi, I'm here lol

Blaze|Lights Off

Posted 2024-10-08 21:12:47
Damn, shit. Really? This means everyonell be hoping on as I go to bed lol
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 2024-10-08 21:14:37 (edited)
Name: Fire Blazing Over Forest (Fire)
Gender: She-cat
Description: Fire is a sweet, kind cat with authority and a blazing heart. She will not tolerate violence.
Role/Rank applying: CaveKeeper

Blaze|Lights Off

Posted 2024-10-08 21:16:27
What does she look like?
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 2024-10-08 21:18:22
Nah, guess it'll be ok, it's no fun without you.
Name: Crystal Cave Of Rivers (Crystal)
Gender: Female
Role/Rank applying: Cavekeeper Fledgeling
Descriptions WIP
Appearance WIP
⭐️^*Violet*^⭐️ (L-On)

Posted 2024-10-08 21:18:50
Wait a minute-

Blaze|Lights Off

Posted 2024-10-08 21:20:20

Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 2024-10-08 21:20:55
Dang, looks like trash

Blaze|Lights Off

Posted 2024-10-08 21:23:45
Better than I'd ever drawn lol
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

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