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Wolves Bane (Werewolf rp)

Wolves Bane (Werewolf rp)
Posted 2024-10-09 11:52:16 (edited)
welcome to the rp!

OOC thread:link
CS thread:link

a bit of info:
this takes place before many of the cities are built and more in the country/forestry areas.Some are lone wolves others remain in packs.The packs typically fight for territory or a higher rank.To gain a higher rank you must challenge werewolves that are a higher rank than you to a fight.If you win you take their rank and they get yours,there are 5 top werewolves! in first a male wolf nicknamed cactus,second is a female nick named shard,third is a male nick named hound,fourth another female nick named fang,and finally in fifth another male named claw.

cactus:muscular cream and black male in wolf form with grey eyes,his human form has never been seen.Hes calm and watchful taking down his competition with easy.
shard:a pure white wolf with sharp blue eyes in wolf form,human form she is tall and radiates power,she has blonde hair and the same blue eyes.known for her speed and cleverness.
hound:A solid black wolf with sharp amber eyes in wolf form,in human form he has a muscular and tall physique and black hair with the same sharp eyes,known for his ruthlessness and strength in a fight and his protectiveness for his pack known for killing any who dare challenge him.
fang:a simple brown wolf with yellow eyes,average height and brown hair with yellow eyes in human form,known for her gentle leadership but quick and sharp corrections.
claw:a dark brown with almost red eyes,tall and muscular with brown hair and the same red ish eyes.Known for being cruel and  brutal killing any who oppose him.


Robin Andrews/19/He/Him/5'11/Brown hair, shoulder length, dark green eyes. Also not super muscular, more on the gangly side. Always wearing some kind of pendant, with only the chain showing.

Adam Evans/20/He/Him/Shortish blond hair, slightly wavy. Dark blue eyes. 5'9. Muscular, but not super muscular, rather average

Onyx/21/she:her/long wavy black hair+sharp silver eyes/black fur with silver accents and sharp silver eyes

SEVEN/physically 19, mentally younger/he/him/fluffy black hair, dark brown eyes, freckles/dark gray fur with white splashes of colour, amber eyes

Remus/20/he,him/curly blond hair,ocean blue eyes,muscular/blue eyes that shift color,colors range from  black, dark brown, cinnamon, and cream./not to fluffy,muscular frame

Tempest/?/She,her/tall,athletic,silver eyes that shift,long slightly curly black hair/black fur,piercing silver eyes that shift to an icy blue

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2024-10-09 12:13:49

tempest padded through the trees in wolf form it hadnt been to long since her father had finally let her have her own territory and she was quite happy about it.


onyx was laying contently in the sun her ears pricked listening to the trees.

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2024-10-09 13:43:10

Seven was busying himself in a small meadow situated inside the forest, picking the prettiest flowers and weaving them into a flower crown. He almost looked like a child, his small frame crouched down as he focused on his task. His pack was nearby - he could hear their pawsteps as they moved, giving him the reassurance that he wasn't alone. He frowned down at his flower crown, noticing a small gap in the weave. He picked another daisy, carefully slotting the stem through the gap and tying it together with the other stems to form a perfect little flower crown.

Feeling unnecessarily accomplished, Seven placed the flower crown on his head before he ran to find his pack, eager to show it off.

Posted 2024-10-09 13:51:18

She yawned and stretched laying down her fur blowing in the wind


Tempest kept walking for a while lifting her muzzle to the air as she patrolled her territory

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2024-10-09 13:57:16 (edited)
Adam Location: Forest He/him Tags: none

Adam's eyes scanned the forest. Somehow, it looked different. As if, the world had changed. What the hell had happened? There had to be a way out of this damned forest.
The scents of it was all too powerful, overwhelming.
Pine, wood, general nature scents, but they all were more intense. There was another scent too, one he couldn't place. Almost like... dog, yet not quite. Something within him begged him to stay away, and he kept his distance. A wolf. Wolves in these parts? He didn't believe his own eyes.
Robin He/Him, 19, Location: Forest Tags: None
Robin was also walking, his boots a bit cold for the weather, but he didn't care. He walked calmly, a bit lost, but he would find a way out, eventually. The sun warmed, but nowhere near enough. Little did he know, his life was about to change, for good. A wolf appeared, and he took a step back, but the wolf attacked anyway. When he came to, there was no one there. Maybe he could have cried out, but no sound came, except what sounded like a whimper.

🕯️ GhostEnjolras 🕯️L-on

Posted 2024-10-09 13:58:12

"Tempest! Tempest!" At the sight of the black wolf, Seven moved his legs faster, waving an arm above his head to try to get her attention. "Look!" He pointed at the flower crown sitting on top of his head, slightly messy from his sprint. "I made a flower crown." He said as if it wasn't obvious enough. "It's pretty, right?" He lifted it off his head, pride in his eyes as he held it out to the wolf.

"Here, you put it on." Seven reached out, placing the crown between Tempest's furry ears. A childish grin grew on Seven's face as he admired his handiwork, rubbing his grass-stained fingertips over his black sweatpants.

Posted 2024-10-09 13:58:38
(Would you like one of my ocs to find them?)

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2024-10-09 13:59:43
(Me? Yeah, It's open for anyone!)

🕯️ GhostEnjolras 🕯️L-on

Posted 2024-10-09 14:00:33 (edited)

"Hey seven" she chuckled tilting her head as he placed the flower grown on her head."pretty,why are you away from the pack?" She asked.She only knew seven because he was in her father pack and apparently didn't understand she was a lone wolf now which she didn't mind to much she enjoyed his company.

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2024-10-09 14:02:38 (edited)

As she walked she paused at the scent of wolf- no human- could it be another loner were wolf? She turned padding in that direction seeing what seemed to be an injured wolf just laying there.

Ghost of the lost wolf

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