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Wolves Bane (Werewolf rp)

Posted 2024-10-09 14:05:46 (edited)

"Uh-huh." Seven nodded, shoving his hands into the pocket of his hoodie. "Do you like it? I made it just for you." He puffed his chest out, trying to seem larger and proud, but it was hard to be intimidating when you were shorter than a lot of female werewolves. At only 5'6, the pack treated him like a little kid, even though he was sure that he was over eighteen years of age.

Yeah, he did act like a kid sometimes - he could admit that without getting whiny. Maybe. But Tempest was also the only one who didn't coddle him as if he was a toddler. That was why Seven liked her.

Posted 2024-10-09 14:10:39

"It's lovely seven,but why are you in my territory and not the packs? You know I'm a lone wolf now" she chuckled.She honestly found it weird how the others treated seven like he was still only a pup only a few didn't do that many hound though hound didn't treat anyone like a pup once they became teens then they got the same treatment as an adult.

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2024-10-09 14:12:15
Robin He/Him, 19, Location: Forest Tags: Onyx
Robin was on his side, panting, but quickly got up the moment he saw the wolf. He backed away, limping, and shrunk down, trying to look small, not intimidating, eyes cast down. He kept backing away, further and further away, left front leg lifted as he limped backwards.

🕯️ GhostEnjolras 🕯️L-on

Posted 2024-10-09 14:13:21

She tilted her head curiously "what happened to you?" She asked simply stopping and standing still as to not scare him to much.

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2024-10-09 14:14:56

"I found you." Seven huffed. "I found your scent so I followed it and made the flower crown along the way." He seemed to be less giddy now, more indifferent as he casually mentioned how his nose had brought him to Tempest. To be honest, he wasn't even sure how he had managed to sneak out of his territory without anyone noticing. If Hound had saw him, he would've had his head.

Posted 2024-10-09 14:16:58
Robin He/Him, 19, Location: Forest Tags: Onyx
He stood still, panted, looked at the wolf, unaware that he too was a wolf. He didn't answer, pose tense, fur along his spine raised, but he didn't growl. He just stood, frozen, in a way.
Who are you..?

🕯️ GhostEnjolras 🕯️L-on

Posted 2024-10-09 14:17:51

Tempest chuckled at that "oh lord,well at least you tracking skills are good" she said sitting with her tail at her side."you better get back soon though or my father might just bite that nose of yours off" she said with a small smile "I probably should bite you for coming into my territory either way but eh oh well" she shrugged

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2024-10-09 14:18:39

She tilted her head "ok don't answer my question,I'm onyx and you are?" She asked sitting down

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2024-10-09 14:21:02
Robin He/Him, 19, Location: Forest Tags: Onyx
Robin. How... how can I hear you speak? He tilted his head, confused, and trying to make sense of something that did not make sense at all. Wolves didn't talk. That was the way things were.

🕯️ GhostEnjolras 🕯️L-on

Posted 2024-10-09 14:24:27

"Uhm,your a wolf? Duh? Why wouldn't you hear me speak?" She said then it clicked "OH" she said as his reaction and current appearance clicked into her head.

Ghost of the lost wolf

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