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Wolves Bane (Werewolf rp)

Posted 2024-10-09 14:27:17 (edited)
Robin,tag: Onyx
I'm a What? He almost wanted to laugh, out loud. There's no such thing as werewolves. Not at all. That was...
It all clicked then. No way...

🕯️ GhostEnjolras 🕯️L-on

Posted 2024-10-09 14:29:55

"You I'm guessing got bit eh?" She said shifting to human form and sitting with her legs crossed."yea ima take your shock or whatever as a yes" she said

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2024-10-09 14:31:00 (edited)

Seven frowned briefly before he nodded, waving furiously at Tempest as he began to leave. "Bye! I hope you like your flower crown!" He left once he finished speaking, shifting into his small gray wolf as he ran back to his territory. He was thankful that his clothes would sort of merge into his body when he shifted. It'd saved him from a lot of awkward situations in the past.

Posted 2024-10-09 14:32:38
Oh since I don't want this to feel weird for me specifically cus it makes me uncomfortable your clothing kinda shifts with you except like a hat just stays on your head XD)

Tempest chuckled again and turned around padding on towards her den in the middle of her territory

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2024-10-09 14:33:50

How did you...? Robin asked, unaware he could shift as he wanted. I... there was a wolf. It attacked, and... I don't remember more. Amber eyes closed, and he laid down, head against his paws, but the pain in one made him lift his head, with a whimper. It hurt more than he let on.

🕯️ GhostEnjolras 🕯️L-on

Posted 2024-10-09 14:33:58
(alright, edited! sorry)

Posted 2024-10-09 14:36:16 (edited)

She stepped forward "come here let me see your wounds" she said calmly.She was always open to helping others out human,wolf or were wolf she supposed she inherited that from her mother.

Dw about it ^^)

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2024-10-09 14:41:20
Robin-19-He/Him-tag: Onyx
He hesitated, but moved closer, still limping, paw lifted, trying to keep weight off of it. How do you.. become human? He asked, wanting to, more than anything. It could clearly be done, and he was eager to learn how.

🕯️ GhostEnjolras 🕯️L-on

Posted 2024-10-09 15:11:00

She examined his bites quietly before responding "takes practice but I'm sure I could teach you" she said calmly "though it should get easier the more often you do it,I remember when I was little I got stranded as a wolf" she chuckled

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2024-10-09 15:20:19
Go ahead Robin watched her, his head tilted, a bit careful, but not unfriendly. He let out a yelp as she tended to it, but it wasn't so bad. How do I do it? He didn't want to be stuck as a wolf forever.

🕯️ GhostEnjolras 🕯️L-on

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