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The Legacy(cs)

The Legacy(cs)
Posted 2024-10-09 11:57:23 (edited)


Photo of oc if you have one:
Short rp example:


In order from highest to lowest
Captain(1/1): Closed; 432302
Quartermaster(1/1): Closed; Song of the Wild
Healer(1/2): Open; 432302
Boatswain(0/1): Open
Scout(0/2): Open
Cook(1/1): Closed; TheCCTwins
Crewmate(1/unlimited): Open; TheCCTwins
Cabin Boy(1/1): Closed; oak - lights on!
Others: Talk to a host


Posted 2024-10-09 12:13:37 (edited)
Name: Deriva Graystone
Nickname(s): n/a
Age: 20
Species: Vampire
Gender: Female(she/her)
Rank: Captain
Personality: Deriva is generally a rude woman, but she cares for her crew- even if she's insanely mean about it.
Photo of oc if you have one:

Short rp example: (from a previous rp with Deriva in it) Deriva ignored Basileus, glaring at Emm until the girl seemed to wither a bit. "But is that how the jury will see it, Blackburn?" She stepped around Basileus and closer to Emm. Emm looked at her, confused. "What?" "I cannot keep you on my ship. This is not your first incident." "Captain-" "Get off, Emm." Deriva didn't really want to do this, knowing Emm was valuable, but at this point the medic was becoming a slight liability and Deriva didn't want to risk the safety of her crew.

Name: Emm Blackburn
Nickname(s): n/a
Age: 20
Species: Empath/Healer(mage)
Gender: female(she/her)
Rank: Medic
Personality: Emm's pretty chill. Her magic picks up whatever emotions are happening closest to her.
Photo of oc if you have one: Art by the amazing TheCCTwins <3

Short rp example: (from a previous rp with Emm) She ran the blade carefully over the herb's leaves, moving her fingers so she didn't get cut. "I am not healing him." She wasn't upset exactly, but she knew what Vic had done years ago and still didn't like him for it. That and he was what she spent most of her patience on at this point and that wasn't ending too well. She was already worn thin from Deri and all the arguments that broke out. Of course, she wouldn't actually let Vic die, but she wouldn't heal him. Maybe she would like half bandage him but nothing more.  To her, Vic was an idiot who should have been walked off the plank, but that wasn't up to her.


Posted 2024-10-09 15:51:44
Name: Zarael Tindersoul
Nickname(s): Zara
Age: Human years- 18. Mage years-180
Species: Mage(heat magic)/demon(no magic, physical traits)
Gender: female(she/her)
Rank: Cook
Personality: Zarael is a charming being, her smiles as warm as the heat currents she can summon. She possesses a sharp wit and a silver tongue that can charm the toughest of souls. Beneath her charismatic exterior lies a deep curiosity and a yearning for understanding the complexities of the mortal world. Her fiery temper is legendary, but it's balanced by her compassionate heart. She values loyalty and friendship, often going to great lengths to protect those she cares for. Her love for art and beauty is matched only by her thirst for knowledge in regards to the edible. Despite being a pirate, she's deathly terrified of open waters, spending most of her time below deck.
Description: Zara stands at a modest 5'8" with a lean, athletic build. Her skin is a rich shade of copper, with fiery red hair cascading down her back in thick waves. Her eyes, a piercing amber, reflect the flames of her heritage. Two small, curled horns emerge from her forehead, and her pointed ears are adorned with delicate gold studs. Her tail, a trait of her demon ancestry, is tipped with a flame that flickers different colors with her emotions. Her attire is a mix of leather and light fabrics, allowing for ease of movement, with intricate stitching and patterns that hint at her love for the finer things in life.
Photo of oc if you have one: n/a
Short rp example: "Or you could die and then what happens!" the hunter snarled, rising to her paws. "We cannot let the pack live in this hell! Collateral damage is bound to happen no matter what!" Her tail lashed, ears pinned back with anger. "If you don't want to come, I'll go! It would do us a damn good favor if you came though!" she was in no position to order anybody around right now, her own rank lower than the healer's.

Posted 2024-10-09 16:25:53
Name: Saint Flintbane
Nickname(s): N/A
Age: 19 years old
Species: Werewolf
Gender: Cisgender Male (he/him)
Rank: Cabin Boy
Personality: Saint is generally calm and very sweet. He was raised to be gentle to those around him, and he is fiercely loyal. Saint is extremely eager to please. He carries out any orders given to him to the best of his ability and he loves receiving validation from outside. He loves words of affirmation, even though he's terrified of love and would rather tickle the captain while she slept than to be in a relationship. He has a fragile spirit, although it has been hardened up over time from Deriva's harsh words. He is willing to die for the crew, since he is aware that he is replaceable.
Description: Saint stands at 5'9, relatively short for a werewolf, even a human. He is rather skinny, with a slight tone to his muscles from constantly running around. His skin is extremely pale, with curly black hair that covers his eyes ever so slightly. His eyes are a soft ice blue, the roundness of them making him look like a doe. He has black wolf ears that stick out of his hair and a fluffy black tail that he often tries to hide. In his full wolf form, his fur is mostly black and white, his eyes changing to a bright yellow.
Photo of oc if you have one: n/a
Short rp example:

"Tempest! Tempest!" At the sight of the black wolf, Seven moved his legs faster, waving an arm above his head to try to get her attention. "Look!" He pointed at the flower crown sitting on top of his head, slightly messy from his sprint. "I made a flower crown." He said as if it wasn't obvious enough. "It's pretty, right?" He lifted it off his head, pride in his eyes as he held it out to the wolf.

"Here, you put it on." Seven reached out, placing the crown between Tempest's furry ears. A childish grin grew on Seven's face as he admired his handiwork, rubbing his grass-stained fingertips over his black sweatpants.

Posted 2024-10-09 18:28:33 (edited)
Name: Crystal Rose
Nickname(s): Cryssie, Rose
Age: 19
Species: Mermaid
Gender: Female
Rank: Quartermaster

Personality: Crystal is average height with long white hair that goes a little below her waist, and purple eyes that seemed to shine in the sunlight. Her skin is very pale, with a couple of freckles on her face but they are not seen much unless the person looking is in front of her face. She is usually seen in her normal attire, black leggings with a black skirt over it that flowed and was loose, and a grey undershirt with a black jacket that fastened by a button near her chest.

Description: Crystal is known to be kind and shy, but she is not as shy as everyone thinks. She is good in a leadership role as well as just a regular team member. She likes working in groups of people and pays attention well, she also has a very hard mentor-like part about her when she teaches, she can be stern and she can show discipline.

Photo of oc if you have one: Art by TheCCTwins

Short rp example: (Different Rp with name Crystal since I am lazy and don't want to make another right now*) Crystal seemingly appeared above him, falling on top of him, her hair was long and white, and her eyes were a striking purple colour, her skin was pale, with very very light freckles lining her cheeks and nose. As soon as she noticed she was on top of him, she scurried off, panicking, her eyes lit up slightly. "I-I'm sorry! I don't know where I am!" Crystal looked around, breathing picking up as she didn't recognize the place at all, then her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she began to seize.

Song of the Wild

Posted 2024-10-10 05:00:06
Name: Lila Flux
Nickname(s): Lils
Age: 25
Species: Nature Elf
Gender: female(she/her)
Rank: Normal crew
Personality: Lila is a silent sentinel, her moods as changeable as the seasons. She is fiercely protective of those she considers kin, displaying a warm, nurturing side to those in her trust. However, cross her, and you'll face the wrath of the wild. Her wisdom is vast, drawn from her deep connection to the forest, but she is also curious and eager to learn from the diverse beings that share her world. Despite her tragic past, she maintains a wry sense of humor and an unshakable belief in the inherent goodness of nature.
Description: Lila is a mesmerizing creature with piercing amber eyes and long, flowing hair that shifts from raven black to a deep emerald green, reflecting the essence of the forest she calls home. Her lithe form stands at an unassuming 5'7", with a grace that belies her deadly agility. Her skin is a canvas of intricate, shifting tattoos that mimic the bark of ancient trees, leaves, and vines, hinting at the power of nature that lies within.
Photo of oc if you have one: n/a
Short rp example: "Or you could die and then what happens!" the hunter snarled, rising to her paws. "We cannot let the pack live in this hell! Collateral damage is bound to happen no matter what!" Her tail lashed, ears pinned back with anger. "If you don't want to come, I'll go! It would do us a damn good favor if you came though!" she was in no position to order anybody around right now, her own rank lower than the healer's.

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