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The Legacy(rp)

Posted 2024-10-10 09:52:55
Saint was frozen in place as he heard rustling near his hiding place. He was inside a large crate, filled with what smelled like medicine, and he was really fighting the urge to sneeze, even though it would definitely give away his location.

However, luck clearly wasn't on his side, as when something new and tangy and much to strong for his sensitive nose, he physically couldn't stop it His sneeze seemed to echo throughout the stupid crate. Maybe it was just his strong hearing, but Saint physically froze. Whoever was in the same room as him definitely heard that.

Posted 2024-10-10 09:59:06
Zarael jumped back, tail flame turning bright red; anger. "WHAT THE HELL!" She exclaimed, both startled and mad. In her mind she'd done nothing wrong, just stood up for herself. Now was when Lila decided to speak up: "Zara you should stop... you're gonna be injured..." the elf muttered, eyeing Deriva worriedly.

Posted 2024-10-10 10:10:32 (edited)

Location: The Legacy's Infirmary - Time: 08:47 - Day: July 10th, 1989

Emm looked up from her book, her magic immediately picking up the presence it hadn't noticed. She lifted her hand, setting her book aside. Her fingertips glowed orange. "Direct," she murmured. The magic darted off from her fingers, hovering near the crate. She sighed. "I'd recommend revealing yourself before I decide to do it myself. I won't hurt you, but if the Captain finds out you're-" she paused, her magic also catching Deriva's anger. "well, she'll probably kill you."

Location: Riverdale Dock - Time: 08:47 - Day: July 10th, 1989

"Your elf friend is right. You really should stop," Deriva hissed, stepping again closer to the cook. Her eyes burned red. The dagger that had been thrown returned to the vampire's hand and she sheathed it at her side.


Posted 2024-10-10 18:49:31
Saint was frozen in the crate. He could faintly see bits of light surrounding the crate, making him feel exposed. He debated whether or not he should reveal himself, but eventually, his people pleaser won over his survival instincts. Or maybe his survival instincts were telling him to comply with his people pleaser?

Slowly, he lifted the top of the crate, peeking his head out just a bit. He probably looked stupid, his wolf ears pricked up straight on top of his head while the barest hint of his eyes could be seen.

"I'm going to be killed?" He blurted out before he could stop himself. That was definitely the fear talking.

Posted 2024-10-11 05:57:10

Location: The Legacy's Infirmary - Time: 08:48 - Day: July 10th, 1989

"Not if you get out of the box and explain how you got onto the ship," she responded, sighing quietly. There was a hint of half-hearted hostility in her voice, placed there by her magic. "Usually stowaways are either killed or forced to join the crew. If you're cooperative you might be allowed to live. That sounds like a threat-" she huffed. "It's not a threat. But take it as one because you are in danger."


Posted 2024-10-11 13:18:05
Saint didn't want to get out of the crate, not really. It was the only thing that was protecting him from being properly seen, but he also really didn't want to die. Slowly, he climbed out of the box, tail between his legs and ears flat on his head. "I snuck on." Saint mumbled, his eyes locked on the wooden floor.

Posted 2024-10-11 13:34:42
"No kidding. There a reason why?" Her eyes flickered over the scared boy and her gaze softened. "I won't hurt you, I mean it." Her words came out, luckily, gentle in an attempt to comfort him. Emm herself didn't like hurting people. Besides, the stowaway was so young, though not much younger than Emm herself. "You're safe as long as you're at least 75% honest."


Posted 2024-10-11 15:43:42
" Yes. Maybe." Saint shrugged. How was he supposed to explain his grand plan to run away from home because he didn't want to be treated like a porcelain doll? "I'm trying to get away from home." He said vaguely. Feeling nervous, Saint picked at the sleeve of his sweater, just waiting for the woman in front of him to sentence him to death or something.

Posted 2024-10-11 16:02:01
She nodded, keeping an eye on him but seeming not to care. "We're all runaways here," she sighed. "I'd take you to the captain but she's in a crap mood. Judging by your behaviour you're able to shut up and take orders." She paused, standing up from her desk and walking to the door. "Come with me." She beckoned for him to follow. "I'm not asking, by the way. We're going to go have a chat with the ship's quartermaster."


Posted 2024-10-11 16:12:09
"..oh." Saint scurried after her, tail still tucked in fear and his mouth firmly clamped shut in case he decided to say something stupid. Maybe he was good at shutting up, like she had said. He was a pushover, wasn't he? Where are we going? Saint wanted to ask, but couldn't get his words out.

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