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Ridge clan (RP thread)

Posted 2 days ago
SlothStep He/Him - Medicine Cat

The medicine cat slowly began coming down the mountain, FoxSpring ahead of him by a foxlength
"FoxSpring, how many times must I tell you to be careful? What have you done this time- oh!" He mewed, shocked to see the two HorizonClan warriors

"My apologies, I am SlothStep. Medicine cat of RidgeClan. I suppose FoxSpring was right when he said it was urgent. What needs to be taken care of?"

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 2 days ago

"I've just come to inform you that your border's are weak," I meowed, swallowing a chuckle at the orange tom's enthusism. "If I didn't know where the border is, I'd have accidentally walked right over it. Is there anything concerning going on in RIdgeclan?"
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 2 days ago
SlothStep He/Him - Medicine Cat

He thought for a second, shooting a glare at his warrior clanmate before turning back. "I assume FoxSpring was acting like a kit, and I apologize on his behalf. He had no right to do so. I will inform BengalStar of this news. RidgeClan sadly is not thriving at the moment, leafbare took a toll on us cats in the mountains. However we shall remain vigilant."

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 2 days ago

"He does act like a kit," I chuckled, glancing at the tom. "But doesn't everyone? I myself got caught playing just a few hours ago." I frowned, listening to the medicine cat's words. "Oh, well, I hope with new-leaf here, everything will be better. Unfortunately, we too lost many cats this leaf-bare, and can't offer any help as we are struggling to take care of our own territory. But I wish you the best of luck."
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 2 days ago
SlothStep He/Him - Medicine Cat

While his expression did not show it, he quickly lost most of the respect he had for the leader. No leader should be prancing about like a kit, it was unruly.

"Mmm. I suggest you get going, FoxSpring- be a dear, escort them to the borders. And while you're at it, remark them." He mewed, and started his way back up the mountain.

FoxSpring He/Him - Warrior

"See! Such a grump. Better listen to him though, or he'll be even more grouchy." He mewed, and started down the mountain in the complete opposite direction of the medicine cat.

(The genderbend of Dark and Honey

Except Sloth doesn't have a crush on Fox)

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 2 days ago

Studying the tom's face, I spotted the slight shift in his eyes, the slight way they narrowed at the corner, the way his muzzle wrinkled just the slightest. "Have a good day," I meowed, confused by whatever was happening. Turning, I padded after Foxspring, eager to return to my territory. "Come on Honeyfrost!"
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 2 days ago (edited)
HoneyFrost She/Her - HorizonClan Warrior

"Hm- oh! Yes im coming!" She mewed, and quickly padded after them. Leaning over to DoeStar to whisper, "I might go deaf from this guys talking, he's like a songbird! Never stops." 

She could decipher only a few strings of words from the tomcats quick talking.

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 2 days ago

"He does seem to chat a lot," I purred, struggling to keep up with energetic tom. "Wait up Foxspring! Some cats aren't as fast as you!"

(Ugh, I don't know why, but whenever she leaves the territory, Doestar's personality becomes more mature. Yuck)
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 2 days ago
FoxSpring He/Him - Warrior

He quickly slowed down, he was taught to listen and do, not fight back commands.

"Sorry! I'm too used to the mountains, I didn't realize- or we'll, remember that you guys didn't really know how to climb."

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 2 days ago

"It's alright," I panted, final catching up. "If it was us running on the moors, you'd never be able to catch up or keep up."
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

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