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Ridge clan (RP thread)

Posted 2024-11-24 16:27:53
Bengal star gave the new deputy a small nod may it be trueΒ  made the right choice he thought blinking and jumping down from the high ledge and slipping into his den to think.

White out purred her congratulations but one eye watched Bengal star slip off into his den,curious

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2024-11-24 16:30:12
PantherGrowl She/Her - Warrior

She rolled her eyes, catching a glimpse of NightShade before continuing to judge the new deputy. She moved back, closer to the medicine den- just in case.

LemonTree |The Best Zest

Posted 2024-11-24 16:37:17

A new deputy? I glanced at the tom, taking in his ragged appear with a judgemental gaze. Oh boy. This clan is doomed


"Congrats Honeytrickle!" I purred, bounding over to the tom. "How does it feel being the 2nd most powerful cat here?! Amazing I bet."

π’Ÿπ“Žπ“ƒπ’Άπ“‚π’Ύπ“‰π‘’ ¹⁴²⁹

Posted 2024-11-24 16:40:01
HoneyTrickle He/Him - Deputy

He tilted his head, "oh, but I'm not powerful. I'm simply just another cat here, nothing has changed about me other than my title. Sure I have more responsibilities, but that doesn't make me any different. Doesn't mean I can boss people around, doesn't mean I can do whatever I want, just means I got more to do." He smiled, tail flicking.

LemonTree |The Best Zest

Posted 2024-11-24 16:40:12 (edited)
Nightshade sized up the new deputy and giving a single nod before another fit of coughing wracked her body. She cursed and turned back into the den. "Slothst-!" She started and erupted in another bought of coughing.

"Oooh This is so exciting!!" Featherwhisker chirped, prancing around. Her eyes were bright with excitement. "Oh hi Sunleap! Did ya hear, Honeytrickle is the new deputy!" She exclaimed.

Sunleap, who had just walked into the camp, glanced around the camp before her eyes landed on the new deputy. He'll do a much better job than me. She thought and greeted the still prancing she-cat before padding over to Honeytrickle. "Congratulations, you'll do a great job." She meowed dipping her head.

Posted 2024-11-24 16:44:02
HoneyTrickle He/Him - Deputy

"I can only hope to live in your pawsteps, SunLeap." He dipped his head back.

SlothStep He/Him - Medicine Cat

"I'm coming, I'm coming." He rushed over, ushering the warrior into a nest, "what's wrong? What happened? When did it happen?"

LemonTree |The Best Zest

Posted 2024-11-24 16:44:50
(Yo I kinda wanna add my flirty gal- I shouldn't but I wanna-)

White out was now sitting off to the side thinking

Bengal star was in his den zoned out now

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2024-11-24 16:50:12
Reaching the new nest Nightshade flopped herself down and fixed her tired eyes on Slothstep. "I haven't been sleeping well for the past moon. Panthergrowl told me to come here but I didn't listen and I guess the exhaustion caught up to me and now i think im sick." She mumbled.

"Make your own, I know they'll lead the clan into greatness." She replied before turning and heading to the warriors den.

Posted 2024-11-24 16:50:40
(Do it Ghost! Do It!)

Posted 2024-11-24 16:51:08
(Nightshade needs a best friend!!)

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