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Horizon clan (RP thread)

Posted 2024-10-13 13:59:42

"Frostfeather!" I called, plodding through yhe snowy landscape.
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 2024-10-13 14:02:32
"What?" She called back turning around and padding towards the voice.She stopped infront of the she cat "Yall made me loose my mouse with your yowling" she huffed though she wasn't really that upset.

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2024-10-13 14:05:21

"Sorry," I meowed, chuckling padding over to the white shecat. "Catch anything?"
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 2024-10-13 14:05:33
HoneyFrost She/Her - Warrior

She gave a large sigh, her paws now aching from going back and forth in and out of camp hauling bundles of rotten prey. She curled up in the coziest spot she could find inside of camp, tail flicking and eyes just barely open.

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 2024-10-13 14:12:46
"No,I heard something though,then I got called for" she said flicking her tail.

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2024-10-13 14:49:14

"Think we should keep hunting?" I questioned, glancing between the two warriors.
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 2024-10-13 15:30:06
"Sure" she shrugged lifting her muzzle to scent the air again her ears pricked for prey."well I smell the mouse from earlier " she yawned

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2024-10-13 15:35:25

"Great! Let's go catc-


"Doestar, I don't think it takes three to catch a mouse," I chuckled. "And I suggest you be quiet, don't want to scare it away again."
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 2024-10-13 15:46:11
Frost feather gave the tom a slightly grateful look "ill go catch it" she said her voice a bit quiet and she turned and stalked into the undergrowth.

(getting to bed early everyone,may pop in before actually sleeping but for now,night)

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2024-10-13 15:50:08
(Aaawwww, well, gn!)
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

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