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Horizon clan (RP thread)

Posted 2024-10-14 18:53:20
She smiled at that before looking up at the sky seeming a bit distant and quiet.

(Yall- I'm not mentally good rn and may go on a short hiatus from Wolvden but then again this game kinda keeps me sane- idk)

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2024-10-14 18:55:12
(Do whatever you need! I want through a rough patch a few months ago, took a week break from this game, and came back feeling a lot better. Though, Ridgeclan will probably die lol)
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 2024-10-14 18:56:30
Yea,worried of that,may pop in JUST for ridge clan tbh)

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 1 week ago

Stepping out of my den, I glanced around with bleary eyes before padding over to the fresh-kill pile, picking through it before grabbing a mouse that reeked of DarkTail and settling down nearby to eat.


Grumbling, shivering from my damp bedding. Forcing open my eyes with an irritated hiss, I stood, clawing my nest with a growl before climbing out. Yelping as I stepped in wet, puddley snow. "Foxheart," I spat, tail lashing in annoyance as I lifted my paw, shaking it with a disgusted snort.
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 1 week ago
Frost feather yawned and realized she was soaked.She huffed and padded out of the den shaking off the water.

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 1 week ago

"Watch what your doing," I snapped, flinching as drops of snow hit my muzzle. Growling in annoyance, lip curling in distance, I padded out of the den.

(Someone's grumpy!)
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 1 week ago
"Sorry" she said apologetically "or am I?" She grinned flicking water at him with her tail

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 1 week ago

"Knock it off," I snapped, shooting the deputy an irritated glare. "It's miserable enough without you around."
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 1 week ago
she gave him a cheeky smile but didn't do it again "you got it senior snappy" she grinned

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 1 week ago

"I'm not grumpy," I grumbled, yawning. "Havs you chosen patrols yet?"
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

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