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Horizon clan (RP thread)

Posted 1 week ago
HoneyFrost She/Her - Warrior

She quickly slowed herself down, and laughed at her leader. "You alright there fawn?" She giggled, "need a paw? Maybe next time we should watch where we're going."

Her tail continued to wave high, playful and happy.

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 1 week ago

Flushing in embarrassment, I gave my forelegs a few swift legs and another shake before standing. "Right, were supposed to be hunting. Enough shit chat. Let's go!"

(I don't think she's realizes that a concept of hunting, is shut the heck up lol)
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 1 week ago
HoneyFrost She/Her - Warrior

She stifled her giggling, before scanning the stream. Lowering herself down into a crouch, lifting the weight of her legs into her haunches as she prowled. Her pupils dilating, tail lowered, paws lightly stepping as she followed a scent trail.

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 1 week ago

Leaving the Golden shecat to do her own thing, I turned and padded away. Once out of sight, I broke into a trot, pausing at the mouthwatering scent of water vole wafting from the stream bank.
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 1 week ago
HoneyFrost She/Her - Warrior

She pounced into the brush- however the only thing that came out of the bushes was a loud OOMPH sound.

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 1 week ago

Dropping into a crouch I stalked forward, one paw in front of the other. dont trip you clutze Spotting the water vole riffling around in the frozen reeds on the bank, I pounced, slamming my paws onto the vole and nipping its neck. Grinning triumphantly, I lifted my head, the ground giving way under my paw and I tumbled right back into the water. Submerged for only a heartbest, I surged up with a gasp, eyes wide with shock.

(I don't think these two are very good hunters lol. Or just plain clutz)
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 1 week ago
(It's a mix of both)

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 1 week ago
HoneyFrost She/Her - Warrior

She shuffled her way out of the brush, her nose was bleeding- but she was alright. Padding quickly after her leaders scent, she mewed "took another tumble fawn?" She smiled, dabbing her nose in the snow a bit. "Did you catch something this time?"

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 1 week ago

"Looks like I'm not the only one who took a fall," I meowed, trudging out of the stream and shaking out my coat. Thankfully with the weather warming up, I'd be dry in just a few hours. "Yeah, a water vole. I think, we should head back before we accidentally kill ourseleves," I chuckled, picking up my catch, which actually had some meat on it and wasn't bony and stringy.
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 1 week ago
HoneyFrost She/Her - Warrior

"Probably a good idea." She gave an embarrassed smile, dabbing her nose in the cold snow again- the bleeding had slowed down, nearly stopped. "Last one to camp eats crowfood!" She laughed, kicking snow in DoeStars face before running off. A trail of laughter behind her.

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

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