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Horizon clan (RP thread)

Posted 2 days ago
(Grumpy dark)

Frost feather glanced up as dark tail left the warriors den and tilted her head at the blood on her paws."well that's new" she mused to herself debating if she wanted to go over and chat.

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2 days ago
DarkTail She/Her- Warrior 

She sat down in the clearing, lifting up her bloody paw- flaking off whatever dried blood there was, and grooming off the rest. She winced as her rough tongue went over the bite mark. The wound had dried over, but it was still fresh and stinging.

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 2 days ago
(Just wait till FrostFeather finds out DoeStar was the one who bit her)

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 2 days ago
(Oh lord,I'm not sure if frost will get mad or stay calm)

After a moment she padded over glancing at dark tails paw "you good? What happened?" She asked stopping a little less then a foot away.*have I missed something important? This is why I shouldn't be out of camp so much* she thought mildly annoyed at herself.

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2 days ago
DarkTail She/Her- Warrior

"DoeStar and HoneyFrost had been returning to camp after telling RidgeClan their borders were weak. But DoeStar tripped and dislocated her shoulder- HoneyFrost had gotten me since I was awake and stronger than her. All I did was relocate her shoulder when she bit my paw as hard as she could." She growled, grimacing at the moment, "didn't have time, didn't really care anyway, to get the wound checked."

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 2 days ago
She blinked then nodded "well then,guess I missed all the drama" she said.Then she frowned "you should still get it checked out,don't want it to get infected" she said after a moment the tip of her tail twitched.

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2 days ago
DarkTail She/Her- Warrior

"It'll be fine, just a bite mark. It's already scabbed over anyway." She mewed, fur calming down. She gave the ground a cold and menacing glare, it wasn't meant for anybody- it didn't feel good to be angry, but she couldn't help it. "It'll heal with its own time, I can handle it."

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 2 days ago
She frowned again but didn't push it "alright but,if it shows any signs of infection will you get it looked at,please?" She said.While she didn't particularly enjoy bossing everyone around or even getting angry she wasn't very keen on a clan mate possibly loosing a paw from a nasty infection.

(She's my calm and kind gal that only fights when necessary:3)

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2 days ago
DarkTail She/Her- Warrior

She glanced up at FrostFeather, "sure. But don't go worrying your head about a paw, it'll heal." She mewed, tail flicking slowly.  "What did I miss while I was getting attack by our leader." Her voice was sarcastic, glancing back at the warriors den in anticipation of HoneyFrost. But she was still resting- her muscles stiff and sore from running and climbing all day.

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 2 days ago
"Good,nothing really I just went on a random hunt since I got nothing better to do and most of the clan was asleep" she shrugged.Now that she thought about it,she did nothing but hunt,patrol and sleep which was both boring and in her opinion kinda pathetic.

Ghost of the lost wolf

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