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Horizon clan (RP thread)

Posted 2 days ago
(You posted three times…)

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 2 days ago
(Ik my WiFi just bugged out completely XDDD)

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2 days ago (edited)
DarkTail She/Her- Warrior

"An oxbow lake is a lake formed in the shape of a "U" or a hoof of an ox. It forms when a rivers bed bends so much that the river collides with itself. However the river will take the more direct path, the straighter path, leaving the remains of the river to eventually separate from it. The remains forming an oxbow lake." She explained, tail flicking as she continued, following the streams until they hit the main river. "There is one not very far from here. It's rare to find one- they normally dry out."

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 2 days ago
"Huh,I suppose you learn something new from interesting cats" she commented trying to picture what an oxbow lake looked like.Her ear flicked at the sound of something darting through the grass which she guessed was a mouse."maybe you could show me it some day? Not today since I have doomed myself for another patrol" she chuckled.

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2 days ago (edited)
DarkTail She/Her- Warrior

"Who says DoeStar can't send one out? All she does is act like a kit in broad daylight." She mewed, finally looking back at the deputy, to see her reaction to what she had just said. "You were out all day yesterday anyway."

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 2 days ago
She actually laughed at laugh not very loudly but a laugh "yea maybe she should take a patrol out" she chuckled.She gave her an apologetic look "yea sorry about that,kinda just lost track of time" she said.

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2 days ago
DarkTail She/Her- Warrior

"It's fine, I don't tire easily, was born to be what I am." She mewed, and continued on. "Only a few more foxlengths, the most beautiful flowers bloom around oxbow lakes. As if the earth makes up for them being forgotten, abandoned by their creator."

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 2 days ago
She smiled slightly "didnt see you as a poetic cat" she mused.Realistically she quite liked this not so- aggressive side of the she cat though she wasn't about to say that. "Your more of a,back off or I'll bite your ear off cat most of the time" she said hoping that didn't offend her.

(Me trying to clean off my phone-0-0)

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 2 days ago
DarkTail She/Her- Warrior

She raised a brow, "I'm always like this. However some cats simply don't know what a metaphor is." She mewed, "or what boundaries and personal space is."

The smell of wildflowers wafted through the air, the aroma was sweet and welcoming. Powerful and bold.
"Nobody is perfect, but many try, and that's what leads to their imperfections."

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 2 days ago
"I mean,fair" she replied listening to her and lifted her muzzle slightly at the sweet smell."I honestly gave up on being even close to perfect,both to much effort and useless" she meowed.

Ghost of the lost wolf

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