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Horizon clan (RP thread)

Posted 1 day ago
(Amazing threat✨)

Frost feather was still just laying in the sun tail flicking idly by her side.

(Hmmm frost doesn't seem like someone to be picked on,maybe he could just genuinely hate almost everyone)

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 1 day ago
(Or they could be in RidgeClan and pick on Fox for not being very- intelligent)

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 1 day ago

I frowned at her words, a shiver of fear running down my spine. "Sucks for you, I'm over 100 moons old."
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 1 day ago
DarkTail She/Her- Warrior

"Makes it even easier for me, senior." She growled. Her claws unsheathing- her goal was to scare him, get a reaction. And what better way to do that than aggression?

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 1 day ago
(Hmmm well I already have 3 cats there XD Bengal,white and sand I have only 1 here -_-)

Sleepy kitty in the sun

Ghost of the lost wolf

Posted 1 day ago

"You don't want to fight me," I growled, narrowing my eyes warningly.

(Due to his age, I'm gonna say that while he was young he was a good tracker, now that he's old he's post that skill. And because of his age, he has lots of fighting experience. Lemon, do your statistic thing. I wanna know who would win if a fight does break out lol)
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 1 day ago
(Weight: DarkTail
Size: DarkTail
Fur length: DarkTail
Age: ScorchFur
Experience: ScorchFur
Territory: Equal
Personality: DarkTail
Brute strength: DarkTail
Speed: ScorchFur
Stamina: DarkTail
Agility: ScorchFur
Body type: ScorchFur

So most likely a tie)

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 1 day ago
DarkTail She/Her- Warrior

"I hope you like mushrooms, that's the only thing that'll grow outa you." She narrowed her eyes as well, pupils dilated and a crooked tooth showing.

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 1 day ago

"I hope you like the smells of herbs," I growled, rising to my paws.

(Omg, I'm so bad at trash talking, it's embarrassing lol.  Should someone come interrupt? And if they do fight, I'd probably end in a stalemate by the looks of it)
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 1 day ago
DarkTail She/Her- Warrior

"Hope you like having white eyes."  She stood up, fur flaring and tail thrashing. The bite wound stung, but she couldn't back down- too late at this point

  (I'd get HoneyFrost… but she's trying to make sure DoeStar doesn't start freaking out)

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

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