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Horizon clan (RP thread)

Posted 1 week ago

Padding out of camp, I spent the next hour or so scanning the landscape for tracks and scent, growing frustrated at spotting nothing. come on Scorchfur. Youre the best tracker in the clan, if you cant find anything...then we're in trouble
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 1 week ago

"Wait up! I want the mouse!"
Stormpelt bounded towards his leader, managing to get just a few tail-lengths away from the she-cat.
"The mouse is mines, rotten egg!" Stormpelt yowled, while suddenly speeding up.


Posted 1 week ago

Laughing at thr toms words, I waited until the border came into view and broke into a sprint, easily passing the tom as I skidded to a halt just before passing the border. "Rotten egg," I teased, waving a paw in front of my nose like I was smelling something bad.
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 1 week ago
(I'm loving rping doestar)
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 1 week ago

"Aw..." he said, panting.
"Well, I guess I owe you a mouse." he said, laughing at the she-cat's motions.

(Hm... besties or mates? XD)


Posted 1 week ago

I giggled, nudging his shoulder before padding over to the border, sniffing before marking and padding along. "If we hurry up, we can get some herbs for Cloudheart! I saw some, yarrow, I believe, on the way here. I'm sure they'd appreciate it."

(Is that even a question? MATES OF COURSE! I wanted her to have a good guy, and I've found him! But it's gotta be a slow burn, she's doesn't jump head first into things lol)
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 1 week ago

Stormpelt nodded, and walked along.
"I'm sure Cloudheart would love the extra help, leaf-bare is always hard on medicine cats." he said.
Stormpelt paused and marked the border, then continued on.


Posted 1 week ago

Padding along the border, I froze as fresh Ridgeclan scent filled my nose. Scanning the otherside of the border, brows furrowing and eyes narrowing at Bengalstar and Whiteout, towering over a blue-gray tom, who looked like skin and bones. "Why are they attacking that poor cat?" I muttered, anger unfurling and licking my insides. "Hey! Leave him alone!"
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 1 week ago
(Finally a slowburn)

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 1 week ago

"There's nothing," I meowed, distress clear. "No tracks, no scent. Nothing!"
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

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