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Horizon clan (RP thread)

Posted 6 days ago
(I would but I'm working on adoptables


Somehow I'm already behind on my less than one day old adopts..)

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 6 days ago

"Yeah, sure." he said, with fake sarcasm.
(Gotta go eat dinner, brb)


Posted 6 days ago

"It's true!" I gasped, cuffing the toms ears. "I'll have you know, that I was the best hunter out of all the apprbeitces when I was younger."

(Yeah, and the other apprneitces were your brothers, one who went crazy and the other who was always daydreaming)
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 6 days ago

"Yeah, yeah..." Stormpelt suddenly had an idea, "How about we have a hunting contest? Extra prey is no harm during leaf-bare."
(Planning on him to only make one or two catches...)


Posted 6 days ago

"Prepare to get your tail beat," I smirked, gulping down the rest of my share before standing, licking the scraps from my whiskers. "I'm going to beat you by a landslide."

(And she'll either come back empty pawed and bruised or by some miracle catch two pieces of prey)
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 6 days ago

"Oh, you're on!" Stormpelt said, as he dashed out of camp. "Meet back at sun-high, whoever has the most prey wins!" he yowled.
(Congrats Storm, scared all the prey in a ten mile radius XD
Also, I swear, if Doestar ever calls him Stormy, he'll either absolutely love it or absolutely hate it.)


Posted 6 days ago

"Cheater!" I yowled, scrambling after gim. Once exiting camp, I took off running in another direction.

(These two are perfect for each other lol, doestar doesn't know when to be quiet, just ask Honeyfrost and all them.

Hmm, I'm think something along the lines of, her Storm Cloud would make him melt)
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 6 days ago
(Just stay away from Honeys nickname

Let it be wholesome and playful)

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 6 days ago
(... perfect nickname ✨ Wonder what Doestar's would be, not to good at flirting honestly)

Stormpelt opened his jaw ajar, scenting for prey. He caught the scent of rabbit right over a crest. Making sure he was downwind, Stormpelt crept up to the rabbit, stealthy as the night. Suddenly, the rabbit perked up as the wind changed direction and bolted. Stormpelt ran after it, but it disappeared into its burrow.
"Mousedung!" he said.


Posted 6 days ago
Yall it's so chilly outside XD)

Frost feather had been hunting Almost all day and was slowly bringing in her catches looking quite tired.

Ghost of the lost wolf

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