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LF: Warrior Cat clan partners!

LF: Warrior Cat clan partners!
Posted 1 day ago (edited)
I am looking for 1 more person  to act as leader for one of the 3 warrior cat clans. I am debating on what to call these rps to make them related, however if you have suggestions- let me know!


  1. I will be creating the forums for CS, roleplay, etc etc. Since I know I'll be on frequently to do updates, and can ensure each clan has the same rules.
  2. While I create the forums, it is your job to create the clan itself. Such as name, territory, prey, herbs, and landmarks. If you can't do this, I can if asked.
  3. To add consistency, these clans will be based in East Asia. That way there isn't a desert and tundra clan sharing a border.
  4. These clans will be in no way related to canon warrior cat clans, meaning your cat cannot know of or be related to any canon clans.
  5. You will need to do an audition! Just a 1-2 paragraph (or more if you'd like) freestyle of how you rp.
  6. When posting your clan to sign up, it should look something like this:
    Clan Name: ___Clan
    Clan Character:
    Appearance (how do the warriors most commonly look?):
    Territory: (Remember, these clans are located in East Asia!)
    Hunting skills:
    Fighting skills:

    And the characters sheet should be:
    Character name:

  7. I will ONLY have 3 clans. No more. No tribes, no loner groups.

Clan Rules

1. No graphics, this includes realistic birth, mating, or murder.
2. 3 Outsider limit. This includes all the clans, not just one. It might be raised if there are enough people.
3. Forbidden ships are currently prohibited. This will change once we get more people- I and the leaders determine when that happens.
4. No evil cats unless I and other leaders have approved. Sass is allowed, but you can't have an intent to kill everyone.
5. No prophecies unless I and other leaders have approved.
6. Follow site rules.
7. Don't make fun of people, while it can be a joke it can still hurt.
8. If you have someone blocked, let us know.
9. Wait to be accepted into the rp.
10. 1-2 paragraph (or more) freestyle audition.

Even if all the leaders approve, I can still veto. Although that will probably be uncommon.


1: HarmonyClan (Lead by Raeny /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ Lights: on #141359)
Roleplay Thread: link
CS Thread: link
OOC Thread: link

2: AshClah (Lead by Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON] #138908)
Roleplay Theead link
CS Thread link
OOC Thread link


LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 1 day ago
Can I claim a leader spot?
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 1 day ago
Would you be making a clan, or just being a leader?

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 1 day ago
Depends lol, what type of biomes does east Asia have?
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 1 day ago
Mountains, desert, forest, grassland, and lakes.

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 1 day ago (edited)
I'll make a clan then!  What's the deadline for having it done?
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 1 day ago
No deadline unless the other spots fill up before you can submit it.

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 1 day ago (edited)
Sign me up boo!

Edit: Should I PM you the audition? ^^

Raeny /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ Lights: on

Posted 1 day ago (edited)
Lemme write it rq

Raeny /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ Lights: on

Posted 1 day ago (edited)
Clan Name: Ashclan
Clan Character: Hard-working, rule-followers, and honest workers. They prefer to stay neutral when it comes to clan conflicts, but when it comes to the survival of all clans, they readily jump right in, no questions asked. They pride themselves on being truthful, even though it can make them come off as rude and blunt, and take great pride in their looks, many having braided fish scales and other pretty things into their fur. When it comes to raising kits, the entire clan pitches in to help raise them, which builds strong bonds among the clan and prevents all the stress from being on just the parents.
Prey: They're main diet is fish, including crawfish, trout, bream, carp, chub, loaches, minnows, perch, and the occasional salmon. Water-birds and frogs are a rare treat, as they don't often hunt in the shallows
Herbs: Due to their territory, they have an abundant supply of water-type herbs, and tend to trade for the herbs they need
Appearance (how do the warriors most commonly look?): Most cats carry a thick, waterproof pelt, tending to be dark in colors (blue-gray, black, gray, silver, ect.) Due to their territory, many cats in the past few generations have been born with webbed paws, short, thick tails, and small ears. They carry a more stream-like build, with needle-sharp teeth, and long, curved claws.
Territory: Residing on a small island in the center of a lake, Ashclan's borders end where the lake edge does.
Divers-Rock: A tall, slim rock shoots out of the water and curves in the shape of a wave at the top. A popular spot to teach apprentices the art of the Dive, a unique Ashclan move that allows them to reach depths their ancestors never dreamed of

Salmon River: One of the three rivers that feed into the lake Ashclan calls home. Every new-leaf, there is a surge of salmon in the lake as they swim up this river. During this time, Ashclan feasts and celebrates the return of new-leaf, spending their mornings hunting salmon in the Salmon River, and their afternoon's partying and feasting, an important bonding time between clan members

Crimson River: Also known as Bone River. One of the three river's that feed the lake Ashclan reside's in. A sacred place for all of Ashclan, they come here to bury their beloved friends, siblings, parents, clanmates along the riverbank and riverbed. Hunting here is forbidden, and another clan drinking of trespassing on this area will most likely lead to a fight between Ashclan and the offending clan

(Name)Clan River: This river leads deep into another clan's territory
Hunting skills: Ashclan warriors train to dive deep underwater, working in groups to herd schools of fish into balls and snatching a few from the sphere, much like how dolphins hunt. Another way they hunt, is by swimming among the more shallow areas of the lake, weaving through the reeds and debris, snagging crawfish from the lakefloor and fish from hidden corners.
Fighting skills: Ashclan's strength is the water, they have many unique battles moves that revolve around water. Get them onto dry land, and they're as helpless as fish on land.

Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

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