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LF: Warrior Cat clan partners!

Posted 1 day ago
I'm going to finish it later, I have to take a shower
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 1 day ago
Clan Name: HarmonyClan

Clan Character: HarmonyClan is renowned for their wisdom, harmony, and adaptability. They embody the balance of calm and strength, often seen as the keepers of ancient knowledge and traditions. They value resilience, community, and a deep connection to their natural surroundings. Their strategic mindsets and tranquil dispositions make them respected by neighboring clans.

Prey: HarmonyClan primarily hunts small mammals such as bamboo rats, hares, and voles. They occasionally catch birds, insects, and lizards, ensuring a varied diet. Their keen sense of hearing and sight aids them in stalking prey silently through the forest.

Herbs: The lush environment of HarmonyClan's territory offers a rich array of medicinal herbs, including:

Bamboo Leaves: Used to treat fevers and soothe digestive issues.

Ginger Root: Relieves nausea, improves digestion, and reduces inflammation.

Ginseng: Enhances energy, reduces stress, and improves overall health.

Goji Berries: Boosts the immune system, improves vision, and enhances energy levels.

Chrysanthemum: Treats headaches, reduces fever, and improves skin health.

Appearance: HarmonyClan cats have sleek, short fur in shades of brown, gold, and black, which helps them blend seamlessly into the dense bamboo forest. Their eyes, ranging from amber to green, reflect their intelligence and alertness. They are lithe and agile, with a build that emphasizes speed and stealth over brute strength.

Territory: Located in a vibrant bamboo forest, HarmonyClan's territory is a haven of towering bamboo stalks, flowering plants, and moss-covered ground. The shaded and cool environment provides ample cover and resources, making it a perfect habitat for both prey and the clan members.


Whispering Bamboo Grove: A serene cluster of bamboo where the clan gathers for meetings and ceremonies. The gentle rustling of leaves provides a calming background.

Elder's Hollow: A secluded area where the elders share their wisdom and stories with younger clan members, passing down the clan's rich history and traditions.

Sunrise Plateau: A high, open area where the medicine cat receives visions from StarClan during the serene hours of dawn.

Healer's Den: A hidden nook within the bamboo forest where the medicine cat stores herbs and treats the wounded. It's a peaceful sanctuary, often filled with the soothing scent of herbs.

Hunting Skills: HarmonyClan cats are masters of stealth, moving silently through the underbrush and bamboo. They have developed unique techniques for catching small mammals and birds, using their agility and sharp senses to their advantage. Their dark fur allows them to blend into the forest shadows, making them almost invisible to their prey.

Fighting Skills: HarmonyClan warriors excel in forest-based combat, utilizing the bamboo stalks and dense foliage to their advantage. They are quick and agile, able to outmaneuver opponents with ease in the forest terrain. Their combat style emphasizes stealth and ambush tactics, often using the element of surprise to defeat their enemies.

Lore and Traditions: HarmonyClan holds a special ceremony called the Dark Moon Gathering, where they honor the spirits of their ancestors and seek guidance from StarClan. They also have a tradition of teaching young kits the importance of balance and harmony with nature, ensuring that every generation respects and protects their environment.

Raeny /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ Lights: on

Posted 1 day ago
Finished mine! Please tell me I got it, cause that was a lot of brain power lol
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 1 day ago
Rainy your clan has been approved, I will begin making the forums shortly 👍

Also yes, since you'd be a clan creator you'd need to PM me the audition.

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 1 day ago
Let's see here-

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 1 day ago
Approved 👍

Pm me your audition and I'll make the forums.

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 1 day ago
Damn Raeny, I like Harmonyclan
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 1 day ago
HarmonyClan's description cooked.

LemonTree |Best Zest L:F

Posted 1 day ago
Soo, PM you this
Character name:

Filled out?
Dynamite1429 [LIGHTS ON]

Posted 1 day ago
I was gonna make it water based but didnt wanna steal dyna's flow. GET IT GET IT????

Raeny /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\ Lights: on

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