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Experimented Wolf RP

Posted 2024-10-22 10:04:27
August leaped up to a short tree grabbing off a large leaf. She dragged it back over, laying it down, then curling up on it. Small surges of energy striped her fur as she breathed.


Posted 2024-10-22 10:05:03
(oh I'm ever so confused)

storm just sat there confused for a moment before turning her head and stretching her wings out then just paused thinking.

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2024-10-22 10:05:11
"Preparing for a fight! How can I trust you all?!" She growls and starts to dig her class into the ground in an aggressive manner.


Posted 2024-10-22 10:05:54
"I wouldn't count you as friends. We only just met" She hissed, looking away. As the sun fully set, her mane, paw and tail started to glow. Millions of stars slowed themselves, and a deep crimson painted the mini sky.


Posted 2024-10-22 10:06:49
(Lol @Ghost...just find us.)

Omen, without opening his eyes, launches two tendrils towards the new wolf threatening Silverstripe. "Back down." He said tiredly.


Posted 2024-10-22 10:07:59

"I'm not a normal wolf." He said. "If you kill me, you will have no one to talk to the dead." He said. "I don't care what you think, but we all are genetically modified." He said his fur bristling and standing on end. "You have to trust someone who never sleeps."

Shapeshifter the goldwing

Posted 2024-10-22 10:08:16
With a small groan, the female stood up, and advanced to the new wolf. "Just try and attack, I dare you" The crimson shifted to a blood red. Her star-plated tail started to wag, and her dark ears pinned back to her head.


Posted 2024-10-22 10:10:09

she started walking through the trees pausing at the sound of,curious she thought ruffling her wings debating if she wanted to find out what was making all the racket.

Ghost of the lost

Posted 2024-10-22 10:11:48
Agora snarls and thinks about lunging at the she wolf but instead backs down. She steps back and lowers her wings. "Fine...i wont fight...but i also wont trust you all."

Omen opens his eyes and his tendrils return to him.


Posted 2024-10-22 10:13:20
"Good. You know what's good for you" She hissed, the blood red shifting back to a crimson. The stars were still dull, as if they knew that trust had to be earned.


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