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Experimented Wolf RP

Posted 2024-11-14 21:04:55 (edited)
Darksight halted, waiting for Rebel to catch up. "Do you think it's close?" She asked, confused at Rebel's description.


Posted 2024-11-14 21:06:07
Rebel caught up. "It's definitely closer." Suddenly he shot a look at her, but kept his mouth shut.


Posted 2024-11-14 21:06:22 (edited)
Northspirit jumps forming an ice platform in the air that she stands on looking shocked, causing the ice to crack and crumble and North to fall to the ground with a yelp/yowl that seemed to echo through the forest. She lands in a heap, still sluggish from waking up. Not able to land on her paws properly.

(It's a mix between the two)
Zorallo [Fleas = Torment]

Posted 2024-11-14 21:07:21 (edited)
Darksight nodded. "The earth has spoken to you. You take the lead, Rebel. I trust you." Her senses timgled as she said those last words.


Posted 2024-11-14 21:07:28 (edited)
At the sudden sight Rebel leaped in front of Dark, teeth bared, ready to fight.

(At least I think it's in front of us)


Posted 2024-11-14 21:08:59 (edited)
Darksight jumped, confused as she saw Rebel growling. "What's happening?" She asked, looking around.


Posted 2024-11-14 21:10:27
"Theres something in front of us. Did you not hear the yelp and crash?" He stood low, fur bristled.


Posted 2024-11-14 21:10:59 (edited)
Northspirit sighs raising her head and getting to her paws she turns when she hears a growl coming from behind her. She leaps backwards at the shock of seeing two wolves Infront of her. She warily watches them, lowering her head to show she wasnt a threat.

(Bah! I gtg to bed. I will respond to this again tomorrow)
Zorallo [Fleas = Torment]

Posted 2024-11-14 21:12:18 (edited)
Darksight twitched her ear. She stepped forward, around Rebel, to see what was going on. No longer confused, she jumped into action. "Come on!" She called, running towards the creature.

(Alr! Gn)


Posted 2024-11-14 21:12:19
At the sign of a friendly gestured, Rebel halted, staring at the strange wolf, cat?…


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