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Private rp between Shapeshifter the goldwing and shroudfang. (PM both to join) ((rp))

Private rp between Shapeshifter the goldwing and shroudfang. (PM both to join) ((rp))
Posted 2024-11-04 11:13:59
Longfang walks into a clearing his sad blue eyes looking scanning from a cave upon seeing none He sighs and lays down right in the middle of the clearing. He kept his eyes moving so no one can sneak up on him.

Shapeshifter the Goldwing

Posted 2024-11-04 13:14:02
Zeljka looked around her ears moving nervously before she quickly trotted over a small creek. She was quick to gross it as she didn't want to dirty her paws nor get them wet. After the crossing, the tip of her long tail curled slightly upwards again as she continued on her way. Where the young female dog was going, that even she didn't know. She could hear the birds singing their songs and that eased her mind a little. She remembered her mother teaching her that if the birds stopped singing then the danger was close.

As Zeljka kept following the path that had lead her to a small forest, she could catch a scent of a strange wolf. The white female stopped on her tracks lifting one of her front paws up as if unsure should she continue forward. She could feel a fear rush through her, but very cautiously put her slender paw back on the ground as she decided to continue forward to the strange scent. She, however, wasn't trotting, but instead was walking now. Her tail was hugging her rump as she held it slightly between her legs while she cautiously made her way to the clearing scared about what she might see there.


Posted 2024-11-04 13:53:31
There are many things in this world one may fear, one being the unknown or the cruelty of others. Yet so few would admit to fearing themselves. Drez wasn't certain what to make of his current situation; he felt like an outsider no matter where he went. The vivid memories of his previous life kept flashing before his eyes, rendering them heavy with sorrow and exhaustion, for the first time in his life he felt some form of comfort within the mountains for he was utterly alone with his thoughts but like a double edged sword such comfort is exactly what he feared most. Last he felt even a shred of ease was when his vulnerability had been taken advantage of and what he became from it is what he viewed as a repulsive, stomach turning monster.

His face contorted to that of unease as the soft bubbling of a nearby creek filled his ears; he knew he had to clean his pelt before his scent may attract unwanted attention but it meant having to see his heavily scarred body. The mere sight of himself was enough to loose his appetite and cause crimson tears to roll down his cheeks. 'I really am a lost matter how many years go by I simply cannot look at myself….', even within his thoughts Drez's voice was hushed, as if fearing of making a sound. Such fear had been forced upon him, if he were to ever make a sound no matter how painful it was, the punishment would have been severe. 'I…what if I close my eyes? And….no because then I wouldn't know what I'm doing….', he winced at the thought, his mind trying to think of the best ways to make the situation more tolerable but knew it was in vein. The twigs hanging off his untamed pelt poked at poorly healed wounds he had since a pup but learnt to live with the pain for it reminded him of the life he fought so desperately to live. A life he also regretted having.


Posted 2024-11-04 14:02:36 (edited)
Longfang's head snapped up. He looks slowly around knowing, he was being watched. He rolled onto his back and moved only his sad and soft blue eyes. Seeing a glimpse of movement in the bushes he swiftly and quietly flipped himself onto his large paws. The red one up and long claws, barely showing themselves. "Who goes there?" He asks softly and stuttering. He stood straight and lowered his paw, sheathing his claws. "I-I'm sorry." He stammered. "I thought you were sneaking up on me to fight me." He sighs. His gaze softens, when he noticed her sadness. "What's the matter, why are you so forlorn?" He asks softly, and he kept a respectable distance between them. "What ever it is, I'm terribly sorry it happened." He pats the spot next to him. "Come, let's be friends, I had enough loneliness for a lifetime."

Shapeshifter the Goldwing

Posted 2024-11-06 13:58:40
Zeljka's ears quickly moved back when she heard the strange canine speaking. Her tail pressed even tighter against her rump as she tried to make herself as small as possible, but sadly that wasn't easy thing to do for a dog of her size and color. She looked at the male from distance, but didn't move even the tiniest inch towards him. Instead she just observed him silently feeling her every muscle to be ready to aid their owner to bolt from the place. He had thought her as threat? Zeljka lowered her gaze softly remembering the times when others had seen her nothing more than just a threat and someone who only knew how to ruin things. She had tried to push those painful memories out of her mind, but somehow they always made their presences known somehow.

She heard his question about her sadness, but chose not to speak. She didn't know the stranger and didn't know, if she could trust him. Zeljka wasn't one of those dogs who willingly stayed with others and even yearned for company. She was a lone wolf, but still part of her heart yearned someone to love and comfort her, perhaps even groom her. One pearly white slender paw rose up again, but the female didn't move. Her eyes held both sadness and deep rooted fear in them. She wanted to accept the strangers invitation and approach them, but at the same time the female was terrified to do so. Gathering her last ounce of courage, Zeljka took a tiny step forward stepping into a spot where the light hit her pearly white slightly wavy fur. However, her neck would surely draw the attention to itself as the young female had a red "collar" around her neck. However, it wasn't just any kind of collar, it was a collar of bite marks that had come from someone having hold her in a deathly grip. Her wounds were fresh, even the blood hadn't dried properly yet.


Posted 2024-11-07 10:23:08
From a distance the blond wolf could have sworn he heard the feint murmur of voices; his entire body tensed but was also uncertain. His mind was a warzone in which he is uncertain if even half he hears is either: a fragment of his past or truly is undergoing in the world around him. If certain sounds were to arise he will would find himself frozen in place or enter a fight or flight state of mind. Without thinking his instincts had taken over and silently padded away from whatever noise he thought he had heard. The hybrid felt pathetic, weak and worthless for he knew he couldn't hide from his past or fears forever but he craved to feel at peace for once in his life; such wish felt selfish for he knew there are others who suffered a worse fate than he. Not all families were kind to one another after all.

As Drez neared the creek the scent of others who had passed through it recently filled his nostrils but knew they had been gone by now; with a shaky breath he slowly wadded towards the deepest reaches he could find and tilted his head upwards to prevent seeing his own reflection as he slowly bent his knees to lower his large frame into the cold water. A sharp shiver ran through his being followed by a feint sting of wounds that may have been opened. 'Just…a moment longer…then can try to groom myself…', the blond canid's muscles tensed as if sensing a threat nearby but forced himself to stay in the waters a moment longer before hastily making his way back to dry land. There was a brief sense of relief as he sat on his hunches then peered over his body; his brow furrowed at the sight before him. The pelt was damp and cleaner than it was before but there was much work to be done.


Posted 2024-11-07 11:00:54
Longfang sighs. "Where are my manners, I'm longfang." He noticed her hesitation. "I won't hurt a fly, I will if I have to." He smiled warmly. "And who an I addressing?" He asks then gasped as he noticed the red collar. "Are you alright? You're bleeding." His large ears twitched. "Quick  get behind me, I smell another wolf or something." He said rolling his well defined muscles. "I want you to know, I'll give my life for you." He said looking at her. He took a couple of steps closer to the creek. "Who are you?" He said when he noticed another wolf. "I'm longfang, and who may I be addressing?"

Shapeshifter the Goldwing

Posted 2024-11-08 11:50:55
Zeljka looked at the male when she heard him trying to reassure her that he was harmless. She, however, wasn't going to buy it. All the male canines were dangerous in her experience, even the ones that at first seemed nice and friendly. She wasn't a female who would trust easily, the life had taught her to be very cautious and always on guard despite her young age. The white Borzoi tilted her head when the other canine asked her to get behind him, but she didn't move even an inch towards him.

"Why would you say something like that?" Zeljka whispered confused when he had mentioned he'd give his life for her. He didn't know her, they were strangers, ones who had never met before. Why did he feel sudden urge to protect her? For Zeljka it all felt scary almost like... was it a trap to lure her in and make her to lower her guard? She glanced towards the creek quickly and could smell a faint scent of a strange canine, but couldn't see anything. Maybe there indeed was something or someone there? Nervously Zeljka glanced at the male who had spoken to her and took a step back. She had dodged his question about her identity unsure if she really should share something like that.


Posted 2024-11-08 12:18:24
The blond pelted canid grunted softly as he tried his best to groom his untamed pelt; various twigs and other forms of natural debris tangled into his pelt. Some in which appeared glued to the sensitive skin underneath the fur via dried blood. However, he soon came to a pause upon the very feint sound of what he could have sworn to be the voice he heard from before, he was unable to hear the words but rather the tone in which the murmurs emerged as. It was enough for his body to tense as his mind wondered. It wasn't until Drez sniffed the air did a sigh of relief left his lips, 'Ok….I'm not hearing things…there are others here…', regardless of the confirmation, it was enough for the hybrid to stand once more and swiftly crossed the creek.

He wished to stay away from the voices' source for he not know if they were friend or foe; the majority of the time his fellow animals would flee or attack in fear of his mingled face and he not blame them. Life had never been easy for anyone but it was even more difficult when others view one as a monster or freak due to their appearance in which they cannot control, Drez never knew what he looked like before the gashes that adorn his face, panting his body in gruesome detail, but knew he was once envied for his beauty. It was rare for wolves to have a blond hide and while he wasn't certain of what domestic dog he was part of knew it helped with the luster of his hide. But so little are willing to see the scars, to learn of the wolf underneath flesh and blood.

The scent he once detected was fading with each step he took, the anxiety he once felt following suit.


Posted 2024-11-08 14:12:04
Longfang looks after the fleeing wolf, then shakes his head after a long time. "Why would I say that, I don't know, it was the first thing that came to mind." He sighs and sat down. "Let me tell you what happened, that made me to be alone."

He began. "I was still a pup, there was a killing of my only sister, I was in a litter of two." It was a year ago today. I found my sister at the bottom of a cliff. I found a stail that went down to her. I took the trail. At the bottom I was close enough to my sister that I knew she was dead." He took a deep breath. "As I was going to touch maple, that's was her name, I felt like being watched. I looked up and saw one of my pack who I missed placed my trust in. His name was scar. He turned and walked a way. I knew in that instance that He was my sister's killer." He lowered his gaze. "He told my father and my father fought me and left me to die." He laid down and closed his eyes as they threatened to wet up. He took another deep breath. "I'm telling you this because I have no one to trust."

Shapeshifter the Goldwing

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