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Private rp between Shapeshifter the goldwing and shroudfang. (PM both to join) ((rp))

Posted 2024-11-09 09:53:39
The scent Drez had detected that was once faded seemed to have grown stronger, at first he brushed it off given it there was still the distance between him and however may own the scent. Upon a grassy patch he lowered his head for a quick sniff. However, when he raised his head once his eyes widened; he could barely make out the figure for she ran so swiftly it was like a bolt of white lightning. He not even had time to react as they sped over but instinctively step aside as he watched the being. All the canine could do was blink given the vast speed of the other; he wished he could run so swiftly for it would have saved him various times, instead he was subjected to ramming through life like a bruiser fighting with every once of life he had left.

There was however, the sense of embarrassment. Drez knew he hadn't properly bathed or groaned in so long and with his matted pelt soaked from his attempt of cleaning himself he imagined his scent must have been horrible and the last thing he wanted was for the new figure to catch whiff of his odd scent as they run by. His mind was calculating how overwhelming it may be to run past another only to breath in a cloud of the unpleasant smell; he winced at the thought for he imagined if he were to run so swiftly he wants to breath in the air-not some unbathed mutt.

One of Drez's flaws was his insecurity and lack of confidence; he was a rather large male and being of wolf blood and the appearance of one that would have been enough to puff his chest out with pride yet he felt none. He had every once of self-worth and pride stripped away from him, the very things that made up a male which left him feeling pathetic for breathing. Regardless, he found himself sitting upon the grassy patch with his head slightly tilted in curiosity, 'They…won't mind me watching…would they?', the blond pelted male spoke in his thoughts, he hadn't seen anything other then deer run so fast and swiftly. Perhaps they would rush past him without a mere thought given his silent and timid nature.


Posted 2024-11-09 10:20:43 (edited)
Longfang woke up as something was dropped on him. He looks up and seeing a bird, he hissed. Causing the bird to fly away.

He glanced under the bus, seeing her gone, he howled in anger of himself. He looks around and noticed some pawprints going away. He took off running and he surprised himself as he was much smoother then yesterday. His well defined movements, flowing through his muscles. He took long strides going full speed his breath coming easily. His left eye completely gone. He kept the pase up.

He suddenly noticed that the smell of the wolf that ran away earlier was growing stronger. He smiles sadly. He suddenly stumbled, and fell into the creek with a loud splash. He gasped as the freezing water contacted his fur. He struggled to the surface an as he broke the surface he called out, then he went under water again. His well defined muscles cramped from the coldness. He struggled to the top again. "Help!" He called as loud as He could but it was weak. He blacked out and started to drown.

petal the forsetwing

Posted 2024-11-09 13:06:19
Zeljka truly enjoyed the speed and the sense of freedom the running was giving to her. It was almost like the running was renewing her spirits and restoring her true self. She pressed her ears even flatter and pushed her muscles on their limits as she ran through the nearby field with her ultimate top speed. She loved taking little sprints like that, and it was even more fun when someone would accompany her. Though that hasn't been the case since her brother Juno had died. Juno's unexpected death had caused her whole life to go down the hill so to say and even now Zeljka was still trying to pick up the pieces once more while still mourning for her beloved brother.

Even if she was running at her top speed, the young female had noticed another male wolf on the field. Her instant response had been fear, but as she had ran past him, the familiar scent had entered into her nose with each breath she had taken. The scent was oddly familiar and Zeljka couldn't understand why that strange scent interested her. Without her even realizing it, the female's paws seemed to act on their own as she slowed down to run a large circle, so that she could direct her way back to the strange wolf. She, however, made sure to be very careful with the turns in order not to fall and dirty her fur or injure herself. It wouldn't be the first time that it would happen, the grass could be surprisingly slippery under one's paws.

She slowed down even more when she reached the male and slowly the tip of the long white tail curled up again. Then, as she was in front of the male, Zeljka did something truly uncharacteristic to her and dropped the front of her body down into a play bow. Her tail was slightly wagging as she looked up to the male.

"Would you care to join me?" Zeljka asked softly with a soft smile. She didn't usually talk with strangers, but it seemed that the running had really light up her spirits and had made her more relaxed. She loved to play and have fun with others, but there were very rare chances when she got to do just that. However, while she was waiting for the male's answer, Zeljka could hear a faint sound of someone calling for help.

"What was that?" the young Borzoi whispered rising up her left paw as she straightened up and turned her head towards the sound. Her body was tensed and she was anxious, it was almost like she was already suspecting that something wasn't as it should be. As she started at the direction where the sound had came from, the hawk's gaze that Zeljka had managed to pick up a faint figure of a wolf who seemed to be struggling with a creek.

"Why... why are they doing that?" Zeljka's whisper was so faint that it barely could be heard. However, when she looked at the struggling wolf and linked it with what she had heard earlier, her dark eyes widened in horror.

"Someone is calling for help. Please, we must help them, they seem to be over there!" Zeljka said as she looked at the other wolf whimpering anxiously. She was shaking a little, but not paying any attention to that, Zeljka bolted towards the figure at the creek.


Posted 2024-11-09 14:50:47 (edited)
Drez couldn't hide the rare, soft, smile that formed across his mingled muzzle as he watched the other run past him, his tail slowly wagged from excitement at the sight. 'I wish I could run as fast, would have helped my health….to forget my worries even if temporary….ti run and pretend that I am like the rest…', upon the thoughts his gaze saddened. Drez's gaze always showed how deeply troubled his mind was yet he kept it inside.

The blond hybrid was soon jerked from his thoughts with a widened gaze; before him the very figure he was watching came to a stop and was giving a playful bow. If his eyes were to widened any further one would have thought they would pop from the sockets. His ears twitched. Drez knew better than to even dream of another living being to be friendly towards him, the unsuspecting encounter caused his breathing to pick up and his mind to stutter; it made no sense to him. 'D-doesn't see my gashed eye? My..mingled face or my damp untamed fur?? Why is…a female talking to me? Will she hurt me?!', it felt as if his mind was overloading; he struggled to process this very encounter and was frozen in place. His sole functioning eye noticed the  bruises around her neck and his chest tightened, perhaps she had just as traumatic past as he, perhaps she too craved to escape the sad existence of life they share.

However, before Drez could speak he heard a very feint sound, as if someone was calling for help, it was feint but the tone seemed urgent. He raised his body from the ground and stood straight; he could barely hear the female as he faced the direction where the unfamiliar voice came; his tail raised slightly in the position of alert as his ears were fully raised, trying to pick up any other sound he could possibly hear. He wasn't able to tell what the borzoi saw given the creek was quit the distance away but barely close enough for one to hear the urgency of the voice. Without a mere thought Drez suddenly ran as fast he could with the Borzoi, he wasn't nearly as fast as her but his wolf genetics helped aid in eating up the distance even if not for long. Normally he would have shy away from the situation but he couldn't live with himself if he allowed for one to die; he may be broken but it didn't mean he had must allow others to loose their last breath to the cold clutches of Death. He nearly did and while the embrace was the most tender he had ever felt he still fought to live.

Once the pair had reached the wolf drowning in the creek Drez noticed how much smaller he must have been; the blond canid had recently bathed in that creek and it wasn't nearly deep enough to drown in, but his mind was focused on the present. With a sharp shake of his head he bared his teeth and launched towards the other's throat to bite into the back of his throat where the mother's would have once carried their young at. This caused his to have his hind legs buried into the swallowed depths and front legs digging into the deepest reaches.
"Grab his hind legs..and pull!!"
His once hushed words came as a direct order to the female, he shook the wolf that was drowning so his back legs were towards the shallow end, if dragged from there it would greatly aid in successfully pulling the wolf out. Meanwhile Drez pulled with his might and focused on keeping the head above water so the other may breath.


Posted 2024-11-09 14:57:46 (edited)
Longfang coughed up some water and starts painting. His chest rising and falling quickly. He starts shivering as his muscles loosened from the cold water. His eyes fluttered open. "Thank you." He said painfully. He coughed again. He closed his eyes and simply fell asleep. His body shivering in the cold. He woke up as she stated licking him. He tried to stand but fell over to his side. "I'm sorry, I think I tripped over something." He said

why did go into the creek and also what happened he asked himself. He winced as his whole body started to tingle. "I'm sorry to scare the both of you off." He shivered harder. "That creek is freezing." He saw her unasked question and nods, answering horsley "I'm fine just cold." He well defined muscles starts cramping. "Ouch why are my muscles cramping up?"He sighs and closed his eyes and kept shivering.

He started to a flashbacks his sister at the bottom of the cliff. He starts whimpering and jerking his head. "No, no no!" He kept saying. "Not my sister!"

petal the forsetwing

Posted 2024-11-10 07:56:40
Zeljka watched in silent awe when the other wolf rushed to help the wolf whom she now recognized as Longfang. The female, however, didn't waste any more time before she grabbed Longfang's legs and willed her body to use all the strength it had to pull him out of the water. She wasn't strong dog by any means and definitely wasn't used to pulling weights, even her bite and jaws weren't strong enough for that. Zeljka, however, was determined. She wanted to do everything she could to help the other wolf. She might not have known him, but she also knew that her heart wouldn't just allow herself to walk past someone who desperately needed help.

She was about to ask him, if he was alright, but before she could voice that question, the wolf had already fallen asleep. It must have been very exhausting to battle for one's life. Seeing him shiver like that really worried Zeljka and the young female quickly laid down beside the shivering wolf as she tried to curl her longer body around him as best as she could to keep him warm. She also began to lick and groom his fur in order to help it dry more quickly and hoping that the gentle motions would restore his blood circulation back to normal.

However, Zeljka quickly realized that her actions just weren't enough. Longfang was too big and she was too thin to keep him warm properly. She lifted her head and turned her pleading gaze towards the other wolf whom she had helped to save the wolf.

"Please, could you help me to warm him?" the female asked softly as she looked at the other really hoping that he would agree to help her.


Posted 2024-11-10 15:21:42
Drez pulled with all of his might to pull the other being from the creek, he still found himself confused as to how the wolf managed to drown but hastily ushered the thought away and focused on the task at hand. He hadn't expected for the male to wake so soon,  it seemed they had only recently entered an unconscious state only to have jolted back to consciousness. However, despite Drez's past he wasn't the most knowledgeable with those drowning. He felt the weight shift as the female he had only met moments ago pulled with all her might, his sole functioning eye glanced towards her and gave firm grunts when the wolf was finally out of the water.

His gaze grew with concern as he watched the female tending to the other, 'I know from the voice that led us here this male only recently fell into the creek but I hope he isn't wounded in any manner..', he took the opportunity to scan over the wolf's body for any cuts before his gaze was drawn back to the borzoi, without hesitation he gave a firm nod and made his way over.
"Y-yes of course!"
With the adrenaline starting to fade his timid nature was taking root once more, mentally attacking himself for helping with the sudden rescue mission but knew such thoughts were baseless. With awkward motions he covered his entire being over the wolf; his tail enveloping the unfamiliar male's head entirely with only the snout to poke from the blond coat with an awkward smile that seemed forced; his head inches from the female's next to him.
"A-ah am I…suffocating him? I never had been so close to another before…"
Drez admits with a slight whooped, his ears lowered like a puppy who feared being scolded by his mother; his milky blue eye glistened in the lighting as his other held a rather docile and scared glint in them.
"…a-am I…too groom him too? I..never done that before…"
The canid's voice ushered to a hushed tone once more; he wanted to help but didn't know how, he never knew what kindness is and sought guidance from the one before him but feared of being lashed at. 'I….no….she…doesn't seem the type too..', his thoughts swirled within his mind as his gaze softened as they fell to the marks upon the Borzoi's neck, he felt a ping of pain for her and wished with all his might she is doing better than him mentally.


Posted 2024-11-10 16:12:33
Longfang grunts. "who's sitting on me?"he asks with a choking laugh. "no one sits on Longfang." is said his shivering stopped. "I apologize for making both of you run away." he said with a stronger voice. he stood strongly. "what are you two names?" he asks softly. he rolled his shoulders.  "i'm so, so sorry." he lowered himself to the ground looking up at them after he tucked his tail between his legs. then he looks at the ground, shuffling his paws. "I'm sorry." he kept repeating. he looks back up as one of them begins to speak. he sighs nodding. "I think we had the same past, let me talk about mine, how I was banned from mine."

he began. "I was still pretty young when I found my sister dead at the bottom of a cliff." he sighs and his shoulders start going up and down with his fast breathing, and his sobs. "I'll never forget that day." he looked up at them. "I want to have some new friends that will never turn me into any pack, but help my start one." he said sadly, ;looking at the ground. "I just want new friends. he looks up. "how about you two?" he asks.

petal the forsetwing

Posted 2024-11-10 16:28:18
She looked up when the other male spoke feeling better now that he was there helping too. Even though he was a stranger, it still comforted her a little that she didn't have to make all the decisions alone what come to Longfang.

"No, you aren't," Zeljka said with a gentle reassuring smile. "And you can groom him too, if you want, it would help the fur to dry faster and that will help him to stay more warm," Zeljka instructed softly giving him a nod. She briefly wondered how one could not have ever groomed, but pushed that though out of her mind. It wasn't one that could just be asked casually without sounding rude. Perhaps she could one day help him all the secrets she knew what came to the art of grooming.

Zeljka, however, was taken a back when the male started to speak again. She uncurled herself from him before looking at him straight in the eyes.

"How can you assume that we would share the past with you? You don't know either of us nor our stories..." Zeljka asked from Longfang. Her words were blunt and more straightforward than what she usually was saying. She, however, found it very suffocating and scaring how he was trying to get the information out of her. Though this was due to her being a very cautious dog who rarely gave out any personal information, unless she was comfortable enough. Should she at least give him her name? She had heard him ask that quite a lot now, but she had never complied with his request.

"I'm called Zeljka," the white Borzoi eventually whispered lowering her gaze almost like she had done something wrong by merely stating her name. Her neck still stung a little, but she tried to push that out of her mind while she glanced at the other wolf who had helped her earlier. His fur seemed unkempt and he didn't seem to be in the best shape, but somehow Zeljka couldn't feel any fear towards him. Well... of course there was her fear of strangers, but it wasn't because of his appearance.

Her tail rose up a little as she looked at the other and wagged her tail.

"I have to admit that your warming technique was very effective," Zeljka said with a soft friendly smile as she looked at him. "Thank you for helping me out," she added.


Posted 2024-11-10 17:10:39
The faintest of smiles formed around Drez's mangled muzzle, or tried his best to given half of it was torn off. It helped knowing the female wasn't the sort to lash out upon the information she had received; one of many things Drez finds himself concerned with are those who show fang rather than heart. His parents were rather notorious for snapping at him every chance they had which led to his constant fear of being put down, forced to submit no matter how much pain it brought him. 'Need to relax…not all are the same…moons we still not even sure how this wolf regained consciousness so soon…is that normal…? I've never drowned before…but it feels like…he would have coughed up water..or….', Drez knew he had to snap from his thoughts but it was one of his many flaws. When one is unable to communicate with others, to share their inner thoughts, it was far easier to overthink things than to silence the thoughts all together yet it has served him well. Drez often finds himself observing his surroundings more than most, he remembers the words of others and due to needing to survive he learnt how to read them as well.

With a jerk of the head the blond canid turn his gaze to focus his working eye upon the wolf beneath him; he was smaller than Drez and it was evident given the situation in the creek. While Drez managed to bath in it without problem it seemed the other not so much. He slowly raised a brow upon the other's words, the way he tried to stand up but failed miserably given well, a large male wolf was laying on top of him. The oddest thing was how the wolf who had spoken third person, introducing himself as Longfang, immediately stoped shivering which led to questions. Was he faking it? And if so then why? Drez kept silent for the most part due to the mixture of the anxiety he felt being near this stranger but also to keep a close eye on him. Another thing that strikes him was the fact the male was apologizing for chasing both canines off, '…so he met the female before….but why does he make it seem he met me before..? I…not seen him in my life…his scent is familiar so perhaps he caught my scent earlier but even then….it made no sense….', the longer this wolf spoke the more questions that had risen. His ear twitched as the borzoi spoke and Drez gave her a firm nod; she had a point, how would Longfang be so bold as to think they all shared the same past? The situation made Drez even more weary as a result as he cautiously rose to his feet, finally allowing Longfang to stand whilst the blond pelted canine stood by Zeljka's side, keeping 35 cm from her; the least he wanted was to make the situation even worse for the one who helped him save the wolf before him.

As if the situation couldn't be any odder than it already has been; Longfang poured his soul into a somber tale of his past, how he found his sister dead as the bottom of a cliff. '…perhaps I am more sane than I give myself credit for…', all Drez could do at the moment was stare, it was common sense to not pour one's soul out to strangers. If he were to share even a shred of his past it would have left him vulnerable, it at this moment his fur stood up at the back of his throat as a form of warning to himself. When Zeljka spoke once more he slowly faced her with a small smile returning to his face.
"Thank you…but you helped greatly with saving Longfang"
He did his best to seem less threatening by bowing his head slowly before standing straight once more; towering over the other wolf with a tilted head. He wasn't sure where the courage came from but seeing Zeljka speak up helped him muster the strength he needed at the moment to confront Longfang.
"….my apologies but I…refuse to give you my name"
His voice deep and hushed, yet his eye focused on the male before him.
"Now answer me this… you make it seem as if we had met before? I never seen you in my life, I had picked up your scent however not too long ago but why do you claim you chased both: Zeljka and I away?"
He spoke firmly, awaiting Longfang's words. There was no way in hades this wolf saw Drez in his life.


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