Private rp between Shapeshifter the goldwing and shroudfang. (PM both to join) ((rp))
Posted 2024-11-21 16:23:35
![]() Shapeshifter the Goldwing #129135 |
Posted 2024-11-22 11:06:46
"I'm honestly not that great. My family... mother told me we have always been runners," Zeljka whispered dismissing the praise. She didn't think that she was that fast and agile. All she knew was that she loved running and could run for miles without getting tired. Her attention, however, was quickly focused back on Trent and just in time for him to give the orders. Instantly, her stance got fixed, and with the tip of her tail curled high, she trotted in front of Trent with almost airy and weightless movements. This was a completely new experience for her, and she found it quite fun. She followed Drez like she once had followed the maestro she knew. However, it wasn't because she was forced to, but it was out of her own will. Her ears perked when it was Drez's turn to give orders, ready to follow them whatever they might be. It was almost like the pearly white female recognized the other's authority and didn't seek to challenge it in any way. "I can do that and lead the prey to you," the female smiled as her tail started to wag wildly. She was almost about to bolt to find prey but stopped herself. How did canines hunt in groups? Zeljka had no clue. She hesitantly trotted beside Drez almost like scared being in the leading position. Her ears were folded back again as she glanced at the male giving him a small nervous smile. "How... how do you hunt as a group?" she asked softly feeling very embarrassed that she didn't even know a basic thing like that. |
![]() 𝔖𝔥𝔯𝔬𝔲𝔡𝔉𝔞𝔫𝔤 #7160 |
Posted 2024-11-22 14:06:05
"Aye there we go, walk with a tail up in pride-walk with purpose" The Can Corso grunted with a nod, is gaze fixated on Zelkja as she moved towards Drez, this time he not made another sound and was waiting orders as well. At this point in time the three canines were a great distance from Longfang, unable to hear or see the wounded male even if they wished and their words filtered out with the nature surrounding them. Drez slowly came to a halt and peered to Zelkja as a nervous smile formed upon his mingled muzzle, half of his mouth torn off to create a permanent snarl. "I'm…not sure how others hunt either….I know wolves tend to have a leader of the hunt…..and when it comes to canines I mostly seen those of similar qualities but we however…" His sole eye scanning over the two other canines. "….are made up of other skills….your speed I….definitely can't keep up with…." He spoke whilst remembering how Zelkja zoomed past him earlier and gaze at the gray sky, a storm slowly approaching yet it his mind was working miracles. "But….we can make use of your speed" Drez peered back to Zelkja, his eye gleaming with a calculated edge. "Perhaps, we can use you to scout for the prey, I will follow from a distance, we have Trent stationed in what may be a dead end like cluster of rocks or trees, he will serve as an ambush. While you chased the prey in Trent's direction I will ensure they cannot stray until the final destination in which Trent will end the prey in question" His words came smooth and mindlessly but the time he finished his shy nature returned and head lowered as if fearing being beaten. "…..godamn Pikemore how the hell ya came up with that?" Terns spoke up with a blank stare, he hadn't expected this from the blond wolf hybrid. |
![]() ⱫɎØ, ₮ⱧɆ ฿ⱤØ₭Ɇ₦ ₣ØØⱠ #37038 |
Posted 2024-11-30 10:46:25
![]() Shapeshifter the Goldwing #129135 |
Posted 2024-11-30 14:33:26
Zeljka returned Drez's smile shyly as she listened him to explain more about hunting for her. So there was a lead for hunts? She had never known that, though usually it had just been her who had hunted, well apart from the times she had been very young when her siblings and she had used to hunt together. However, when he mentioned not being able to keep up with her, Zeljka let out a soft chuckle wrapped in the hints of sadness. "I haven't seen many to outrun or even keeping up with me," she said lowering her gaze a little. "But I try not to run too fast when I'm with others," she added lifting her gaze up again. Her dark eyes were almost pleading, as if she was truly scared that someone would scold her or even get physical with her. Her tail dropped a little and it was almost hugging her rump again. Drez's next words, however, seemed to help the young female get out of that pit of eternal blame where her brain had taken her and her ears perked up a little as she prepared herself to listen the plan that he had in mind. "You came up with a great plan, Drez, we can definitely do that!" Zeljka said as her tail started to wag again. The plan meant that she could run and use her full speed again meanwhile she didn't have to worry about not having experience being a part of a hunting group. Noticing that he had lowered his head and that he seemed to be scared, she could almost smell the change in his scent, Zeljka stretched out her neck. She took a step closer to him and very gently stretched out her head until her long and narrow muzzle would touch the underside of the male's chin. She then very gently nudged it upwards as if trying to lift his head. "Keep you head held up high, Drez, I... I promise no harm will come to you," Zeljka whispered her voice very shy. Her whole demeanor was shy and fearful, yet her eyes reflected the truth and honestly as well as gentleness in them and also... understanding. The female knew the pain of being walked over and living like a soulless shadow. She didn't know much about Drez nor did she know what he had gone through in his life, but she could recognize certain signs, they all seemed so familiar to her, almost like she had experienced them by herself. She wanted to reassure him, to provide him with something that she had desperately yearned for in her past, and still did, but never had that kind of kindness came to her way. She just hoped that her words and actions would make Drez feel better and perhaps being kind to the male also could offer some healing for her aching and broken heart. Relica A raven black Borzoi female walked in the forest with rather quick long strides like her kind tended to prefer. She was unfamiliar to the area and all the different scents were mixed together and so weird and strange, almost scary. She could smell the scent of prey as well as the rusty metallic scent of blood and even caught several different canine scents. Two of them seemed to belong to wolves, but the other two were too strange to belong to them. One particular scent was very faint and somewhat it seemed familiar, but Relica really couldn't point out where she had smelled that scent before. As she didn't know the answer to the question that plagued her mind and wasn't in the mood to find the answers her mind yearned for, she decided to focus on the scent closest to her. Following the said scent, however, let her into the woods where there seemed to be rather narrow passageway. The ground was soft under her black paw pads as she kept walking. However, the deeper into the woods she continued, the stronger the scent of wolf was becoming. Her ears pressed back, almost hiding into her neck scruff, but the black female didn't turn the other way. The scent was intriguing, she didn't know why but there seemed to be something odd in that scent and she wanted to find out what it was. However, as Relica got closer and closer, she suddenly stopped when she spotted a wolf with a silver fur laying on the ground. The scent told her that the creature in question was a male. Upon realizing that the wolf was male and possibly dangerous, Relica was about to follow her instincts and run away, but then she noticed that the male seemed almost lifeless. Was he alright? Shouldn't she at least check it over? What if she would still be able to help the other somehow, but still chose to run away? Could she live with that? Relica's ears pinned and her eyes filled with sadness. Her sister had never left her and she remembered how her brother had tried to stop the fox from getting its way. The female trotted over to the silver wolf quickly stopping close to his head. "Hey... are you alright?" she asked her voice soft as she lowered her head to sniff the wolf's muzzle gently almost like trying to figure out, if the other was still breathing or had she arrived too late. |
![]() 𝔖𝔥𝔯𝔬𝔲𝔡𝔉𝔞𝔫𝔤 #7160 |
Posted 2024-12-01 12:46:06
Drez Drez listened intently to Zeljka's words, and the comment Trent had made; he felt touched that the Can Corso seemed to have found his plan enjoyable. However, the mind was a cruel damsel at times, always striving to drag him into the depths of hell within his mind's space. Zelkja's speed in this situation would be grand to help navigate the prey to Trent, a leader utilizes their member's strengths and weaknesses rather then toss them aside if they are not able to perform their task. Despite this, Drez merely thought himself as canid that was barely worth speaking to. There wasn't a shred of resistance when the borzoi has tilted his head upwards, his sole working eye dwelling into her's as a soft sigh left his lips. "Thank you….it's just…difficult to..even wake up at times…I…know I'm not a horrid creature….but…" His voice trailed off as his gaze slowly moved towards the side before shaking his head to focus on Zelkja once more. "….sorry…I just….need to get out of my head…." As he spoke Trent watched the two intently, his head cocked to the side in thought but soon grunted. "Damnit Pikemore-need to get out of yer fucking head, look just like the lass said…you're plan is grand, stop being so hard on yourself" The brute grumbled as his muscles rippled, despite the harsh words Drez knew that was perhaps the only way he knew how to help. "….y-yeah your right…just…need to focus on he task on hand" The blond canine spoke, and as if detecting his words his stomach starting to rumble with the familiar ping of hunger. 'When…had ai last eaten..?', it was the sort of ping one felt when they hadn't eaten in days, it was painful and made him nauseous to the point he not wish to eat in the fear of the food coming out immediately after in protest. Yet he knew he had to eat, 'Can't..even take care of myself…..', a soft groan left what was left of his torn lips and head lowered once more. Trent was quick to pick up on Drez's stance and immediately perked his head then face Zelkja with a stern gaze. "Seems we have to make sure he can even stomach down his food, I'll find somewhere to ambush whatever the two of you find….just go run and find us food" He grunted then limp over to slam into Drez's side, despite being caught off guard the blond stood his ground and peered to the Can Corso who grumbled under his breath and tried to topple the hybrid over with huffs and grunts. "Get moving Pikemore!!!" Trent growled, he wasn't even trying and it showed, but it was enough to force a small smile on Drez's lips as his tail wagged a little but soon returned to his set expression. "R-right, I'll follow you Zelkja…" With that Drez walked past the Borzoi before speeding up to a light run, his tail raised up like a Labrador might had done. As Drez took his leave Trent limped off to find a spot to corner whatever prey the two may find; until he caught whiff of a familiar scent, with widen eyes his heart sped up. "… heart…." He took steady breaths to calm the feeling he tried so hard to deny, but knew it was pointless. Xera Silence is one's enemy as it is one's friend, it was a double edged sword in which the pale Northern beauty knew well. Among her kind she was considered heartless and somthing other than living; her pelt white as snow yet when the sun's rays hit it just right the silver streaks glisten much like a dazzling gem which only fuels the rumors of being a Phantom. No matter where she went silence was her only companion; she roamed the world without a mate nor one to consider friend. She never wished for this but it seemed Fate had other plans for her. The snow pelted she-wolf sat near a sizable doe she had recently killed, the carcass warm and blood seeping into the earth, a common sight she found herself staring upon mindlessly. Normally she would have dragged the kill to a more remote location but at the moment the wolf could only watch the crimson fluid. Her mind was silent without a mere thought ringing through; leaving a sense of melancholy in its wake. Slowly her mind went through the motions of the most commonly asked questions: What lies in Death? Whose to say the things one does to reach human heaven isn't what the Devil seeks to drag one to the depths of Hell? Death isn't what she feared, but the process of it she did. A familiar scent reached her nose, it was musky and practically screamed rage but she kept still as ice; she knew the canine would wonder towards her before long and slowly dipped her head to tear into her meal with sharp precision. |
![]() ⱫɎØ, ₮ⱧɆ ฿ⱤØ₭Ɇ₦ ₣ØØⱠ #37038 |
Posted 2024-12-01 15:45:47
![]() Shapeshifter the Goldwing #129135 |
Posted 2024-12-03 10:58:38 (edited)
"You definitely aren't horrible creature, Drez. I know I have only met you just a while ago and we don't really know each other yet, but I can already feel that you aren't a bad wolf," Zeljka said softly as she looked at him her words sincere and coming from her heart. Hearing Trent's words and noticing his stern gaze, Zeljka tilted her head, but hints of fear flashed quickly in her brown eyes as she lifted up her paw again. "How can we be sure of that?" she asked her voice a little shaky. She didn't know how one could make sure that Drez's stomach would be able to hold down the food, but she definitely didn't mind taking care of him. Zeljka in general was a caring soul and always wanted to take care of those who belonged to her "inner circle". She wasn't one who made a lot of friends, but those fews she had, she truly valued them and was prepared to do everything for them as well as taking care of them as best as she could. However, as soon as Zeljka saw Drez's tail starting to wag, it was almost like a magnet was pulling her own tail and it started to wag too. She was really excited for this small hunting trip, especially since this time there would be someone accompanying her. Someone who seemed trustworthy and who didn't scare her. "Hey, wait for me!" Zeljka called after Drez, but her tone was playful and she wasn't annoyed at all that he had walked past her and sped up to run. Zeljka cast one last glance at the Cane Corso before she turned around and trotted after Drez with airy and light steps. It was almost like she would be dancing. Zeljka carried her tail relatively low, but the tip of her tail was curled upwards and her ears were perked to sign that she was really excited. She made sure to adjust her pace so that she and Drez would be side by side while she used her keen eyes to pick up any signs of prey. However, every now and then, Zelka glanced at Drez offering him a small smile. "Do you often hunt with your eyes or with your nose?" she asked curiously keeping her tone light and soft in order not to alert any possible prey that might be hiding around them. Relica Relica got startled when Longfang woke up and she almost jumped backwards lifting up one of her front paws as she pressed her ears back until they had disappeared into her neck scruff. "Oh, I'm sorry, I just didn't know, if you were alive or dead, so I just wanted to see, if you truly were still breathing," the black Borzoi said nervously. "However, I'm glad that it wasn't the worst case," she added as she observed him. He sure didn't seem to be well at all, but Relica knew that it wasn't her place to judge how others might be feeling. "My name is Relica," the raven black dog said her ears flickering a little as if she was unsure was it truly a good thing that she had stated her name. However, it wasn't likely that the silver wold would need it for anything, or would even remember it later. She was used to just being ignored and only to cross paths with someone for a short period of time. Gathering enough courage, she decided to speak once more. "You really don't seem alright at all," she said her dark eyes observing his every movement as they also memorized every detail of the male in case she would see him again later. She had learnt that it was crucial that she would remember the canines she grossed her path with. |
![]() 𝔖𝔥𝔯𝔬𝔲𝔡𝔉𝔞𝔫𝔤 #7160 |
Posted 2024-12-05 11:19:00
Drez There are many things one doesn't know of the other unless they discovered it through the admission of the holder of secrets or found evidence against them. When Zelkja spoke of him not being a bad wolf Drez gulped thickly; even now as they started the hunt he couldn't stop the flash backs that rushed through his mind. The screams, the cries of terror that echoed throughout the night, he had blacked out in a blind rage and killed them. When one encounters Drez for the first time they often see him as a timid soul, the sort of male to back away from a fight but find courage when it was needed most to protect others and it made him sick to the core. Drez never could forgive himself for the ones he killed and no matter how many words of reasoning he tells himself he views himself only a monster who needs to be put out of his misery. He often asks himself, and even the very Earth itself, why Death hadn't taken him when he craved it most but there never was an answer. He heard sayings that every living being was put on Earth with reason but often pondered if he was here to suffer every night. 'D-don't think about it! Just…focus on the hunt…', he whimpered in his mind, wanting nothing more than to vanish from existence but took steady breaths. "I erm..use all senses, can only see through my right eye…so at times it isn't the best…" Drez lowered his head a little and sniffed the earth as he searched for prey, his stomach aching with the endless reminder of how starved he was. "Ahh….I really need to take better care of myself…" He admits under his breath, seemly kept in his own world. His mind never was in the best state of health, making it easy to loose himself in the depths of self-loathing but was doing his best to focus on the present, he just hoped they can find a morsel to snack on, it was difficult to focus when hungry. |
![]() ⱫɎØ, ₮ⱧɆ ฿ⱤØ₭Ɇ₦ ₣ØØⱠ #37038 |
Posted 2024-12-05 12:02:09
![]() Shapeshifter the Goldwing #129135 |