Rate My OC's (Dragon Age / Warhammer40k / D&D)
Rate My OC's (Dragon Age / Warhammer40k / D&D)
Posted 2024-11-05 14:41:36
Just a little dump of my OC's from various settings! I don't get to share them often, so feel free to discuss or rate! |
🌌HexTechTyke🌌 (manta🌱) #50601 |
Posted 2024-11-19 06:03:36
Anyways. Got a bit distracted, lol, I'm actively working on improving my humanoid art (and art in general) so those pieces tend to catch my eye. I love all of these characters from what I see here. I love how they all have rather unique quirks, and distinct weaknesses as well as strengths. They all come off as...as rather realistic, or maybe as a better description, as people. If I had to rate them, all the ratings would probably be in the 9-10 range to be honest (yes, even the asshole), I also love the humor sprinkled throughout. I'm not entirely sure you meant for some of it, but some lines just read as very funny (or the idea of something) to me. Especially that line in Luca Lavellan's description, that the Fight update never downloaded correctly. Got a bit...carried away on a more detailed thing about each character. So it's all down in the spoiler. Also, I apologize if some things may not make sense, it's rather late for me and it's always a bit of a chance whether some perceptions are correct when you're a bit tired. The deep interest in things that would be considered more morbid is very interesting, she prefers to be in nature and it's rather fitting that she find the more macabre (or by our modern standards) something to pursue, curiosity-wise. It just feels very fitting in a way that I cannot explain further. Life is death, and death is life, in nature, and one that prefers to be in the wildness should also have at least, a respect for thinness of the line between life and death is there. Arguably, with her personality and tendencies regarding morality, you could use nature or a forest as an analogy for her. When not venturing into it, most forests are rather nice-looking, often doesn't seem like there's any danger, and that they are places of adventure. But there's more layers, darker shades and dangers lurking deeper within, that come together to make something complex; there's goodness to be found there, as well as the potential of the opposite, give and takes and life and death all blending together into something that can only be described as natural. Also. Being...uh...interested in, as it was put originally, eldritch creatures, is a great addition. A concerning one, but a great one nonetheless. My, this got longer than I expected. [Luca Lavellan] That first art of Luca has so much personality in that, not too sure what the expression and emotions are (almost looks sad or melancholy to me, but not entirely sure), but dang is it attention-grabbing. The more gray-brown tones used really do something for the vibe there. I will refrain from gushing over the others, because then this will just spiral into a big thing about art and that's not what I'm trying to do here. The contrast between Luca and Kyu is an interesting thing, it strikes me as a "Two sides of the same coin" type thing. Kyu strikes me as a bold and fighter type, isn't too afraid of getting into it with someone is she needs to; and Luca is meeker, he is the one who blends into the background and into crowds if given a chance, he is the flight to his twin's fight, the one that prefers the concealment, the anonymity, that the bustle of cities and populated areas bring, rather than the freedom and wildness that nature brings. Yet, he has strengths and will find a way to get through rough times, and the non-standard element of that resilience and problem-solving makes it unpredictable in a way, you never know what's going to happen when he's placed in a tough situation. Also, him being adept at fine arts is entirely fitting. It just feels right for him. And, I love how his character came to be, too bad that he was incompatible with the gay OC, but...well, got a new character out of it! That's always a plus! :D [Mattias Eror] To start off, for some reason my brain did not compute the first close-up of Mattias as him kissing someone, like, it took a solid few seconds of staring to see the lips in the corner of the picture, might be more tired than I thought. I'm mentally pronouncing his last name as 'error' and whether or not that's how it's supposed to be said, the similarity of the spelling is very fitting considering the Mechanicus vibe. Anyways, what really catches my eye is the chronic diseases and who-knows-what else is going on health-wise. I feel like it's uncommon to have a character have something like that on a smaller scale, and that it seems his major motivation of joining them is because of the very unlucky body he has. Which is entirely fair, I'd do the same in his shoes, it must be living hell to go through life like that; there's little positive quality of life when you have many ailments that you cannot control (or ones you can control, I mean honestly). Can also see how that resentment for his mother evolves to all women, at least he's aware of it from what I can tell, and have to say, I find it rather ironically funny that in modern (I assume that means normal?) settings it just runs near full-circle. Just kinda loops back into itself, something about that is neat; don't see that too often in character views of...well, anything, honestly. I am also running out of time because it's quite late now and I need to get to bed real soon, so I'm hurrying everything up (if I had the time, I'd probably be here for hours analyzing and picking things apart) Sounds like you did a good job at the "irredeemable asshole" aspect, it's hard to like people who are very prejudiced against certain things in general. And I love the line that he typically does one strong hit, and it also happens to KO him. [Eshtaol Nivadi] Is it bad my mind immediately went to Nvidia at the last name? Artwork yummy, is all I can really say without getting derailed onto it. Also like the colored close-up of her with the gun (forgot what it's called in 40k universe) and just, the eye change makes her look so concerned and gives the vibe of quietly freaking out (to me at least). The thing about raising someone into a group that worships machines and is pretty well known for having unconventional morals and ethics views, is that is always creates an interesting person. The view on AIs is a really interesting one, I can easily see the logic behind that, and it's such a neat "What-if" concept to think about, once part of the greater whole but now separated from the rest. Which, ironically, is the pattern of thinking that led to her leaving. I love that she would 100% introduce an old (in 40k standards) virus and go essentially "ah yes, the wonders of the Machine god", it's such a mental image and it keeps cracking me up whenever I think about it. At least she doesn't prefer to test those biological researches on others, considering what normally goes on in that universe. [Baggs] I love that's the only name given. Not the worst, considering the special brand of names D&D tends to scrounge up. Also, I'm betting that that reptilian snout in that first picture is one of the alligators they've made friends of, can't think of any species off the top of my head that has that look and besides, the alligator bit really made an impression, lol (it'll be embarassing if that's actually the dragonborn lover, XD). That's actually pretty scary to think about, the alligators that is. I love the sum up of 'Southern kindness without niceness' that really gives one a good impression of someone right off the bat. Kindness and niceness are not necessarily the same, and it's just interesting. The thing about Baggs trying to avoid trouble and trying to live their life yet ending up in trouble (whether by their own means or otherwise) is great, it's always something that is so fun to involve a character with. Nothing better than dragging them into things they don't want to be involved in, or making them step into it willingly :) The fact that Baggs is very much on the respect women train, and then there's Eror being a misogynist one character above is oddly funny to me. And, those murders in (dubious?) self-defense thing sounds intriguing, they have a bit of a story from what I see; and the incident that led to developing stress seizures also sounds like it was something interesting. [Baszill] Nearly added an 'a' to the end of his name, like he's Godzilla but not, eugh. Least I caught it before moving on. As always, beautiful artwork to go with the interesting character, always a plus in my book. The irony of being more sheltered from hardship, and seemingly all that big stuff coming back to bite later on is really good. Makes it feel like one of those things that can happen in life, as if whatever higher power decides to give you what you've missed out on, often in a negative way. Interesting thing with the colorblindness, that's another unique quality you don't see often in characters. To be honest, the thing about being unsure on his views on the status of his god existing or not, and wanting to kill it in the case that it does exist, gives me strong Sarkic vibes. Which, for context, is basically a religion-philosophy in a fictional universe (which is a real-life collaborative writing wiki) that, among other things, is focused on bringing down (and eating) the gods in their world, because they are viewed as the source of all bad things in life and in humanity. Just the general sentiment reminds me of that. Love that Baszill's design is inspired from a real life snake, I can see the resemblance. They're both pretty! |
Empyrean Expanse #145605 |
Posted 2024-11-24 05:34:33
Empyrean Expanse #145605 |
Posted 2024-11-24 22:14:18
I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you-- I've wanted to tie my words together in a way that properly expressed my gratitude and the depth of appreciation I have for every single word you have written. And even now I'm not sure I can properly pour my feelings and my thanks for everything I've just read. I've read it over and over and shared it with my husband and I just-- oh my God thank you. From the deepest parts of me, thank you so much. Most of the artworks in this upload are from my husband. He has the more 'polished' watercolor style while I play more with linearts (so I'm just a lucky son of a gun that is partnered with someone who can feed my OC's to me in that lovely style). <3 Everything you said though is like. 100% on the nose correct. Like, broken myself and my OC's down to their essentials lmao ![]() Kyu is my oldest OC and, as such, has gone through the most overhauls. The art of Luca is from a Bloodborne setting that we threw him into (the poor thing). So the colors match the game's style in those pieces~ ^^ And I'm laughing because you pinged the puns in both Mattias' and Eshtaol's names. ![]() And Eshtaol's last name is literally Nvidia with the letters played with/switched around because I just thought it was funny as hell. (Our 40k DM didn't catch this til after I told him and it made him so angry lmao.) And yeye! The alligator Baggs is with is an alligator -- but its scales have a sheen to them to kind of 'mimic' the scales of his dragonborne lover. It's an alligator, but for illustrative artistic flavor, it represents his lover kinda. Baszill is definitely my newest boy to the bunch so I'm going to 100% look into that Sarkic thing bc he could always use the next developmental step, tysm ![]() Ahhhhh, again, I throw myself at your feet in all of my thanks and tears and joy that you've given me with everything you've said. You're wonderful. Thank you, thank you <3 <3 <3 And yes! I do roleplay. I used to RP Bleach characters mostly back when Tumblr was still a big spot to RP publicly on, but have since mostly RP'd with friends/my husband privately. But I still do actively write -- usually main-ing with Kyu and/or Luca. I've met most of my current long-standing friends through writing, so it and OC creation is a very near and dear thing to me! (thankyouthankyouthankyou) |
🌌HexTechTyke🌌 (manta🌱) #50601 |
Posted 2024-11-25 05:02:31
You are very welcome, I am so glad that my comment made you so...so happy, that it means that much to you. Truly, I cannot describe just how delighted I am that you enjoyed it; making others happy with words and actions, bringing a bright spot to another's day (even unintentionally in some cases) by stopping to say something...I imagine it makes me as happy as it does the other person. Again, you are very welcome. It makes my day to know that you enjoyed it, and I hope that it made your day just that much better ![]() Oh, I see! So the guess that you two had different styles was correct, wasn't really sure but figured it couldn't hurt to ask. Aw, don't sell yourself short, the lineart pieces are beautiful as well, they're so well done! It really takes a special skill to do detailed linearts with little coloring and/or detailed shading, because any imperfections can be disguised within the more polished style, it makes things look more like a painting, more natural. Whilst those same "flaws" in lineart type styles, while they can certainly make a piece, they tend to more break the piece, as it is all presented with little shading or variation in color, any odd line parts are much more exposed and they tend to look more odd. I believe the more watercolor, painted style is more artistic in a...I don't know exactly how to describe it, but a more "looser" manner; and the lineart-y style shows a stronger attention to detail and precision. Not always of course, nothing, especially things anchored in creativity, can be swept into one descriptor; a lot of times in artwork, things criss-cross and blend together. That being said, again, both of your artworks in the writing are just so beautiful, it must be interesting for you both to be artists! :D I'm glad that I managed to get the essence of the characters down! Considering it was rather late at night, I was probably borderline sleep-deprived, and on a time limit, I was seriously starting to reconsider some of the things I managed to churn out. So that's great, that everything managed to make sense so far. Ahh yes, the beloved OC that manages to survive through the time they've been around for so long, being altered here and there and updated. Those are always interesting, they've almost always been through a lot. Makes me wonder what she's gone through, and what's changed in her character. And Bloodborne, unfamiliar with that but from my limited knowledge, that sure is a rough one; that puts the piece in a different perspective indeed. Those are great names for the two, they're both somewhat subtle, because the names in 40k can be rather interesting and sometimes (most of the time) more unconventional, but also. Eror. Nivadi. Trust me, those last names got a good laugh out of me, I was just like "Oh no way, that has to be intentional, it's too good not to be." XD. If I'm getting Eror's pronunciation right, it still sounds rather like regular "error", that's neat! And lol, that's as good as basis as any for making a fun last name! It's sometimes just too good to not do it, you know? (how long did it take until you told the DM? Because that seems like a pretty obvious reference to miss; arguably more so because of Eshtaol's background) (you are also inspiring me to do the same to one of my technologically adept OCs, such a bad influence, lol). Oh that is cool! I can definitely see that on a second (okay, maybe more like fiftieth—) glance, think it was the thing that kept making me second guess whether it was his lover or just an alligator. It's a fun thing to add to it, put a little bit of kinda-symbolism in there, add some depth to the piece. Oh really? Would never had guessed he's the newest OC there, looks just as developed as the others. And again, love the inspiration of a real-life snake, that's really fun to do. As for the Sarkic thing, I would definitely be happy to talk about it more in depth if you would like ! Although I am fairly new to the scene, SCP, the larger wiki/universe to which Sarkicism resides in, has become one of my passions (along with Sarkicism itself, and their long-standing rivals/enemies). And I do like to think that, despite the rather tenuous "canon" that is pretty much the trademark (minus the legal protection bit) of the whole wiki, I have a pretty good grasp of things. It can be a bit hard to parse older, "outdated" info from newer things, and even harder to find reliable sources that are not the direct wiki page (even that is biased to a certain group's views). Ah, thank you so much, I am so, so incredibly happy that you are happy about my comment (even though I truly feel like I don't deserve it, all I did was just stop by and compliment characters and artwork). And I'm rather inclined to think you are the wonderful person here, those OCs are just, personality-wise and all that, so beautifully human in a way that can be difficult to strike upon. It was such a delightful thing to stumble upon this thread. Oh that's nice, didn't know Tumblr was once a big place to RP on (not a very big social media app fan, probably shows with that statement, XD), and yeah, you typically find a group and just kind of...stick to them for roleplays. It's always very fun to have people you know also be interested in roleplaying! It is so interesting how close friends can be made through something as comparatively simple as writing characters in what basically is an interactive story, though it makes a lot of sense, there's a lot of parts to roleplaying, both digitally and in-person, that can bring people close together, you tend to see a lot of a person in discussions and in the OC(s) themselves. I can definitely see how it has a close place to your heart, creation of stories and characters do tend to be very...private, in a sense, there are pieces of you in every OC, no matter how small, along with writing being such a...important thing, for people who do it. Writing, roleplaying, and music, seem like they have the knack of bringing people together, while also being something that a person considers very dear to them. ...huh. That all came from...somewhere. I also did not plan for this response to be this dang long, I'm so sorry about that! |
Empyrean Expanse #145605 |
Posted 2024-11-28 19:01:01
![]() (Unfortunately, there's no turkey or feather emoji so potato has to do) |
Empyrean Expanse #145605 |
Posted 2024-12-13 05:42:24
Empyrean Expanse #145605 |
Posted 2024-12-21 23:13:57
It's meant so much to me ;o; <3 And my username is silly, lol I love manta rays so I just. mashed that into the Pokémon 'mantyke' and merged it into 'manta tyke' bc I'm just a lil manta guy lmao |
🌌HexTechTyke🌌 (manta🌱) #50601 |
Posted 2024-12-22 04:27:10
:D ..You know, the first curiosity-search of your username turned up that exact Pokemon. And I just went "nah, that can't be it", lol. That's still a neat reason behind the name, manta rays are very intriguing creatures, they look very graceful when swimming or in general motion. They're cool. Also, would you mind if we moved our discussion into PMs (if you want to continue talking, that is)? Mostly to not clog up this...posting...line? What do you really call these? (it's also late, that's probably why I'm coming up blank, lo). Because it's always interesting to talk to people, and because you strike me as interesting. And, a little teeny bit is because your OCs kicked my SCP passion into overdrive again and, well, I want to talk about SCP, XD. Only if you're interested though, I'd hate to make someone talk more if they don't want to. |
Empyrean Expanse #145605 |
Posted 2024-12-28 19:38:19
I'd love to hear you out and chat |
🌌HexTechTyke🌌 (manta🌱) #50601 |