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How To Train Your Dragon [RP, Main Roleplay]

Posted 2024-11-26 21:13:42
(Sorry I'm so tired 😴)

Loki looked at the light fury, but made no comment.


Posted 2024-11-26 21:15:08 (edited)
(you should go to sleep XD)


Posted 2024-11-26 21:15:10
remy help loki lay down before walking out of the cave has he feels overwhelmed or unwelcomed he doesn't know, he lays down next to a tree kinda far from the cave

vilo watches remy leave and she lets out a soft chirp before following him and laying down with him as she trys to make him feel better

Posted 2024-11-26 21:17:29
Loki felt the dragon leave. He was comforting him, why did that dragon tell him to move? Loki tried to get up again. "I have to go." He rasped, barely able to move much.


Posted 2024-11-26 21:19:08 (edited)
Lightsong and Stormcloud immediately exchanged surprised glances. "What? You're wounded!" Storm pointed out, immediately rushing to Loki's side.

(you should go to sleep if ur tired xd)


Posted 2024-11-26 21:19:25 (edited)
(go to bed if your sleepy XD)
vilo licks remy frills as she tries to comfort him, remy lays there and lets out a sigh as vilo try to cheer him up

Posted 2024-11-26 21:22:20
(NEVER!!!! Sure it's midnight, but who CARES XD)

Loki snapped at Storm. "I have a pack." He said looking around, confusion covering his face. "Somewhere." He muttered.


Posted 2024-11-26 21:23:32 (edited)
(lol it almost midnight for me, but im a night owl so im not sleepy yet)
remy could hear them talking so he listened as vilo kept trying to cheer remy up

Posted 2024-11-26 21:23:55 (edited)
Lightsong blinked at Loki, while Storm backed away, giving him space. "Do you know where you came from?" Light asked softly, sympathy glittering in her cyan-blue eyes.


Posted 2024-11-26 21:26:37
Loki pondered on the question. "A big island." He said eventually. "One that had huge cliffs on one side." His face suddenly cracked with horror.

Rhino watched curiously, having no clue of what to do.


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