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Coigreach Herb Gather Bug

Coigreach Herb Gather Bug
Posted 2024-11-21 14:18:13 (edited)
Is anyone else getting a bug error when you have all the herbs needed like the below?


Posted 2024-11-21 14:52:36
Yup, there's several bug reports on the same issue here's one.
I sent my screenshot and it's exactly like yours.


Posted 2024-11-21 17:05:06
Don't worry, the devs are on it. The last couple of events have been buggy like this. We just have to be patient with the devs. If it takes multiple days to fix it, they may extend the event into next month. I seem to remember they've done that before.


Posted 2024-11-21 18:17:35
Oh, I'm not in any rush or anything, I know it takes a lot to run things and get it all done. So no pressure. I searched the boards but must not have put in the right keywords to find others already reported it. Thanks for letting me know!

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