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Manually Choose Cave Order on Den Page

Posted 2020-11-10 19:40:32

Yes, please! I know it's not super important but I'd love to see this added.


Posted 2021-04-23 04:04:31

100% agree with this!!


Posted 2021-04-23 21:04:12

I would love to be able to custom order my caves! I feel like I'd have a lot more freedom in naming if I could do that! 

Pheobe 💕

Posted 2023-03-12 02:31:18
It'd be a nice little feature to be able to order and re-order the caves as desired!

Though you can sort of do it already if you're not shy to add numbers in front of your cave names, which is what I've currently done. So I don't think this is an "urgent" suggestion, but it would definitely be a nice little bit of "polish" so you can drop having numbers on your cave names.

Support! :)


Posted 2023-04-17 02:36:26

I changed my den order during my last roll and now i can't seem to change it back.
Can we please just order them ourselves?

Considering the den order also reflects in FAPA and the normal feeding and playing from Hoard, cave order is not just a cosmetic thing!

Posted 2024-02-08 06:56:15
I am currently painstakingly trying to order my caves without using numbers because that looks just not good but i also don't wanna figure out the order the different symbols have. can we PLEASE get the option to sort our caves manually!!


Posted 2024-02-08 07:18:09
I support this but also fyi historically I've been able to order caves by putting spaces in front of their names. They don't seem to show up but they change the cave order anyway


Posted 2024-02-11 12:52:44
I've had a few issues trying to reorder things using numbers or the spaces where it doesn't order correctly and then I start googling Unicode characters to slap in front of them to order them the way I want.
So it'd be nice to be able to just reorder them instead of going in and changing all the names manually if I ever need to rearrange them.